Mystic Academy

She might as well get paid for it.

Clarity looked around trying to see her neighbor's progress with the beaker of water. So far no one had been able to freeze it, some were pushing so hard that they looked constipated. Mrs. Rockerbelly, nicknamed by Clarity as Mrs. Gerbal face, was lazily sitting on her chair completely oblivious to their failed attempts. Clarity turned back to her own beaker, leaning eye to eye level with it and threatening to throw it across the room unless it froze. She stared intently, softly reaching up to tap it twice, and in a mater of seconds — BOOM! Clarity closed her eye's as she felt the icy explosion on her face, when she opened them, everyone in the room had turned to face her. As the smoke cleared, dead silence turned to humiliating laughter, seconds later a teacher came into the room asking Clarity to follow her. Lead down a hallway, she managed to catch a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her navy blue hair was sticking out in every direction covered in patches of snow. Her forhead had a crown of silver streaks, her rosy cheecks covered in what looked like glitter. Her pink lips turned to dark blue from the cold, all in all she thought she looked more mystical than she had the rest of the year. At the end of the hallway she found herself in the principle's office, face to face with her parents.

Clarity looked from her parents back to her principle, both were nodding at her in approval as if this was the greatest thing that could happen to her. "A different school?! In the middle of the year? Why?" She exclaimed. Both principle and parents stood up in sync heading towards the door, Clarity stood awkwardly trying to keep up with their glides.

Her father turned back for just a second to say "It's for your own good."


Creatures pushed through the hallways in a nearly futile attempt to make it to class on time. Valerie just rolled her eyes at the imps and dwarves who tried to get past all the trolls and werewolves trying to get to their own classes. She pulled her hood over her face and transformed into a bat, only returning to her natural self once she got into her class; History of Mythoes. She took a seat next to Georgie, an elf with long white hair and purple eyes.

He smiled at her. "Good afternoon, Valerie. How was your day?"

"Fantastic, Georgia. Yours?"

"Quite lovely. I have a date with Amorosa tonight."

"I thought you were dumping her."

"I am."

"You should bring back up. She's a frickin' siren."

"Very ladylike language."

"I didn't swear."

The rest of class went on as usual; Mr. Spire would start going on about something noone cared about and someone would interrupt him, and repeat. Afterwards, Valerie made her way back to the dorm and took out her guitar.

She had almost composed a song when her door opened.
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Look, I'm not the type to beg for comments, but if you don't comment, there is a good chance I'll forget to update. Just s heads up. - Jess.

And Susie loves you.