I'm the Son of Rage and Love

Born and Raised By Hypocrites

Jesus felt lonely being out on his own, without anyone with him for company. He wondered where Jimmy was. He was in need of a joint. The feeling of withdraw filled his intoxicated veins. The thought of the thick smoke filling his lungs excited him. Besides, Jimmy did say whatever Jesus wanted, Jimmy could get for him.

"Are you talking to me that way?" Jesus heard an angry voice say.

"No..no..no J-jimmy. I was..was.."

"You was gonna rip me off. Weren't'cha? Then try to act all tough weren't'cha?"

Jesus followed the sound of the voices, wanting to see what was going on. He came to an side street, where he saw two darkened figures. He stole a look, seeing Jimmy holding a man by the collar of his shirt. The man was in the air, having the look on his face as though he was going to piss his pants at any moment.

"No..no Jimmy. It's not like that. Not like that at all." The man looked like he was trying to touch the ground. Jesus could tell by the way his toes were stretched, inching towards the cracked sidewalk, like it was his last resort to freedom.

"Then what was it? Huh? Answer me you dumb fuck!" Jimmy had rage in his eyes. Jesus didn't know what could make him this made, but something did. Jimmy looked up, noticing Jesus was in his presence. He let the terrified man down, letting him fall to the ground.

"Well if it isn't God's son himself. Jesus! How'ya been?"

Jesus shrugged, uncertain what to say as to not anger the man more. He settled on "Good."

An awkward silence was held in the slightly warm air, no one knowing what excatly what to say. Jimmy noticed Jesus staring at something and noticed he still had the man on the ground, Jimmy's foot lodged into the crook of his neck. Jimmy was unaware of his stance. "Shit Chris! Why didn't you fucking say anything?"

"I..I..don't know J-jimmy. I just...didn't." The man looked pertrified.

Jimmy gave the man a hard kick in the side of his stomach. He moaned in pain, picking his head off the ground to look at Jimmy. Jimmy pointed towards the street, "Get the fuck outta here ya no good little shit." He quickly pulled himself up, and ran like he was running from his own shadow.

Jimmy looked at Jesus, "Had some unfinished business to deal with." Jesus didn't ask anymore questions, afraid of what would happen if he did. He didn't want to be in the air like Chris was.

"So, God boy, what'cha want anyways?"

Jesus completely forgot about his lingering addiction wishing to be pleasured. "Well, I was wondering if you had a joint on you?"

Jimmy laughed quietly to himself, "Ahh, of course I got me a joint for ya. But I gots better if ya want."

"Like what?"

"Well, I do got me some glass for ya. Would'cha want that? Or ya still want that weak joint shit you be asking for?"

Jimmy thought for a moment. The sound of speed would be good right now. Without giving it a second thought, Jesus replied, "Sure."

"Okay. But we gotta to go to my place. Gotta party going on there, too. Come on I'll show ya where it be." Jesus noticed Jimmy's horrible grammar, but he ignored it. He wanted speed right about now.

Jesus and Jimmy came to a fairly large tan house, but it terrible condition. The screen door had cuts through it as though someone had tried breaking into it several times. A red shudder on the window was tilted, about to fall off. All the lights were turned on, by the look of the windows. The sound of music rang though Jesus's ears. The melodic beat of the bass ran through his body, sending chills up his spine.

Jimmy began opening the door. He turned around and looked at Jesus, "Ya coming or what? The speed ain't delievering" Jesus nodded and head inside, right behind in Jimmy's tracks.

When he walked in, he saw people everywhere. He didn't know that so many people knew Jimmy. He inhaled the numerous smokes from various drugs, causing him to cough involuntary. Jesus felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around.

It was Jimmy, "Dude, come on. Speed's waiting for ya." Jesus smirked and followed Jimmy into a room. Two other people were in there besides Jesus and Jimmy. The drummer from Suicide Commando was in there. Jesus reconized him from the green hair placed on his head. A woman was in there as well. She had beautiful, piercing green eyes. Her skin was pale, but made her eyes stand out even more. Her flaming red hair hung down to her shoulders. The woman looked at Jesus and smirked. "Take a picture, pretty boy. It'll last longer."

Jesus smiled at the woman's remark and sat down. Jimmy grabbed some things from a drawer and sat down with the other three, forming a small circle. He dumped down four needles, and the perfect drug Jesus needed, speed.

Jimmy sat down, "Sorry guys. This ain't speed. Don't got none. All I gots is some novacaine from Larry."

"Novacaine?" Jesus was taken back. He never had novacaine before.

"Don't worry Jesus. It'll be fine. Just take this here needle and you be fine." Jimmy handed Jesus a needle. Jesus accepted it.

Injecting the drug into Jesus's system made him wonder what was going to happen. He began to get a funny feeling in the pit of his stomach. "Jimmy, is this gonna hurt?"

Jimmy shook his head, taking the plastic cover off of the needle's point with his front teeth. "No way man! Just put in it the vein you best see and feel the sensation. Would I really steer my bud down the wrong path?"

"Ya sure?" Jesus began to feel better once Jimmy considered him his friend.

"Jesus, ya won't feel a thing. Promise"

Jesus looked at the liquid in the needle, wondering what it felt like to be on it. He found the closest vein near his wrist. When he felt the pressure to stick the needle in, it began to hurt. Once he got it in and injected the fluid, he didn't feel a thing. He felt no pain. It felt great to Jesus. If he felt no pain, he thought he could do anything and not get hurt. He was invincible.

Just as fast as the pain went away, it came back. It came with the snap of a person's fingers. He looked at his arm. It felt like it was swelling up. The sensation was overwhelming. It was too much for him to handle. Minutes after minutes of pain, it began to feel better.

Jimmy put a hand on Jesus's shoulder, "Jesus, man, you okay?"

Jesus nodded his head. He felt the urge for more novacaine. He needed it; wanted it. He looked into Jimmy's icy blue eyes. All he could say to Jimmy was, "Give me more novacaine." Jesus didn't care if it had a surge of pain through his body. He liked it.

Jimmy smirked, getting another dose ready for his new friend.
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