Let Me Love You

It All Begins

Alisha runs through the streets as fast as she can, her feet splashing on muddy puddles as she does. It is storming and she is soaked head to toe as if she has just jumped into a lake fully clothed.

“Damn it!” She screams in grimace. She forgot to fill her car up with gas so her car had stopped working properly. She managed to park it in a good spot but now she has to run all the way to the nearest gas station which just so happens to be seven miles away.

She thought she could get there in time since it wasn't pouring cats and dogs then, but the further she went the storm got worse and is intensifying with every passing second.

It’s too late to turn back now she already passed the half way mark so she decides to carry on. The only problem was that it was too hard to see thanks to the rain. Lucky she didn't put any make up on today. Though she should have reached the gas station by now, where did it go?

“Ugh! Where the heck are you?!” She screams in frustration. Wiping her hair out of her face, she stops her sprint and starts to power walk instead, her shoes squishing with every step of the way. This way it would be more easier to register her surroundings. She looks around and finds herself begin to shake, more from fright than cold.

She wipes her eyelids in case her eyes decide to play a trick on her but the surroundings stay the same. She gasps and takes a step back out of instinct, looking around frantically to see if she recognises anything as familiar which could help her find her way out of the outback. She’s lost and somehow she ended up on those outback places where people usually get robbed or raped. She turns around hoping to find her way back but with the rain heavily covering her vision she cannot make out anything clearly.

She decides to keep on walking back anyway; praying that where ever she is going is the right way. Just then she hears a loud skidding noise coming from her left side. She quickly turns to the sound to see a black vehicle speeding her way.

Adrenaline pours into her veins as she desperately decides whether to run on or run back. Too shocked to decide, she just stands there staring wide eyed at the vehicle coming at her, the head lights blazing into her eyes while the driver madly honks at her to move out of the way before it is too late.

Everything goes black as she hears glass breaking and feels herself fall to the ground.


She feels herself float in darkness as if drowning in a dark ocean, pitch black from top to the deep bottom. Just floating as if there was no such thing as gravity. As if she was lying down on an invisible cloud going where ever the wind led her.

“Holy shit!” A boy’s voice echoes from the darkness above her. “Liam call the ambulance!” It was slow and husky.

“I… I didn't see her!” The British accented boy exclaims as if about to blow up any moment. This voice was lighter; he sounded like he was crying. “The car wouldn't stop-”

“Calm down Louis!” A deeper voice interrupts. “No one’s blaming you.”

“I honked but she wouldn't-” The earlier voice starts again but gets interrupted.

“Nialls hurt!” Someone with a unique accent exclaims. “His head's bleeding!”

“We are all bleeding!” A husky voiced boy points out, speaking slowly.

“I think he’s unconscious!” The accented boy replies, worry intense in his voice.

“Oh God!” The lighter voiced boy starts sobbing harder. “I'm so sorry!”

“I told you no one’s blaming you Louis!” The deeper voiced boy yells in irritation.

“Zayn, help me get Niall out of the car before it explodes!” The husky voiced boy shouts in panic.

“Shut up Harry!” The deeper voiced person yells in exasperation, “It was just a crash; it won’t explode!”

“But-” the husky voiced boy, Harry, tries to argue but gets cut off.

“Shut up! All of you!” The unique accented boy yells, “And help me lift the girl to the car!” He demands.

“Are you insane?!” The rough voiced boy, Harry, yells.

“Zayn’s right, we need to get her out of the storm.” The deeper voiced boy states, authority in his tone.

“But Liam, the car will explode!” Harry injects in concern.

“No it won’t, Harry, now help!” The unique accented boy commands.

“Crap,” The light voiced boy screams while sobbing, “I killed Niall!”

“Oh shut up Louis! I’m not dead.” A boy calls out from a farther distance, in an Irish accent.

“Niall!” Three boys yell out in unison making Alishas head spin around pain.

Their voices were making Alisha feel worse than it already was.

The unique accented boy, Zayn, was too busy lifting Alisha to join them.

“Well are you guys just going to watch or help out already?!” He exclaims in irritation, his breath hot on her bruising neck.

“Right.” The deeper voiced boy, Liam, states and begins to assist.

The voices begin to blend in together forming a weird kind of melody. Then it transforms into a violin for some reason, playing the most beautiful tune, which then fades further and further away from her ears, leading her toward beautiful subconsciousness.

And then everything goes silent.
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Reuploading the stories I had up on here before :)

I am back Mibba!!!!
