Iron Shadows And Frail Flowers

-Chapter 5-

Ericka had her head underneath a pillow as the day went on. The rain became agressive and thunder started to boom across the sky. Ericka hated thunder, especially since she had a skylight for a window. She was so preoccupied, that she didn't hear the locks unclicking from her door. In came Tom. He saw Ericka burrowed inder her bed and shivering at the cracking sounds of thunder. Tom made his presence known, by taking off his cape and sholder plate, and then his rocket shoes. Ericka's ear twitched to the familiar sounds and tensed up.

'Oh no....' she thought.

The last thing she needed right now was Tom invading her personal space while she fought her inner phobia. Tom walked over to her bed and drew back the blanket with ease. Ericka pressed her face harder into the mattress and held the pillow around her head tighter. Tom layed on top of her gently, making Ericka shiver. He tugged on the pillow that she held onto.

"Let go of it." Tom quietly commanded.

Ericka whimpered and released her hold on the feathered cushion. Tom placed it under her head as she continued to face away from him. He started nipping at her neck, causing Ericka to scrunch her sholders. Tom wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him. Ericka simultaniously tired to curl up, but Tom stopped her by wrapping his legs around hers. Ericka groaned in complaint, but Tom was'nt having any of it. The thunder roared through the sky, making Ericka shreik. Tom held her closer and cuddled her. The young fairy shivered under his embrace. Then she suddenly felt two hands unclip her belt.

"No...." Ericka whispered almost inaudibly.

Tom discarded her belt to the side. Then gently rolled her over to work on her collar. Ericka squirmed around, but Tom used one arm to hold her tightly and used the other to undo her collar. Ericka continued to tremble at the harsh sounds of nature, and Tom's hands intruding in places where she did not want to feel his touch. Then she felt his fangs on her neck making her give out a tiny shriek. Tom wrapped his arms around her torso as he nuzzled and nipped at her neck, breathing in her scent. Ericka's lip quivered a few times and her body tensed harshly from fear and anxiety. Tom felt her chest quickly rise and fall.

"Relax." he whispered in her before gently nipping it.

Ericka let out a whimper. Even more so when the zipper of her dress came gliding down. Ericka shut her eyes away and turned her head towards the oppisate direction. Then she felt him enter her. She tried to shut off her mind so she couldn't think or feel. All the same, she wanted to escape and flee from here. She would give anything for a taste of freedom. Ericka didn't want to be trapped here with the devil's spawn.

'Oh mercy help me....'