Status: 5

The Big Question

A Million Times Yes!

"Come on, it'll be fun," Lindsey smiled, pulling on Laura's hand.

"I dunno," Laura mumbled, squeezing her phone in her free hand. "I wanna get home to Joe."

"Oh, it's only one night. He's..." Lindsey quickly struggled to make up an excuse. "Probably too engrossed in a game or a film."

Laura looked at the floor and then her phone. "I dunno... I'll call him first."

Lindsey sighed. "Okay, you call him first then."

Laura unlocked her phone and quickly scrolled through her contacts, finding Joe's name. She sucked in a breath and hit 'call'.

At home, Joe's phone buzzed. He picked it up, seeing the caller ID. He smiled at the photo of Laura, holding onto their puppy and smiling; the sun blared behind her, making her chestnut hair shine bronze and Mitchel's fur look silver. He then sighed, and rejected the call. He hated it, but he needed to, to keep the secret.

In town, Laura's heart sank when the automated voicemail message cropped up after a few rings. Lindsey noticed her dejected face.

"He probably has his phone switched off," she laughed weakly.

"It rang," Laura muttered simply.

She put her phone in her over the shoulder handbag and sighed, before hugging herself slightly and looking at the floor.

They had known each other for years; she'd met him when she was only nineteen. He was twenty three, tall, big build, dark haired and gorgeous. Within two years of becoming friends and her secretly wishing it was more, she'd gone off to university.

She never forgot him those four years.

When she came back, she'd looked him up. He was still in the same place, with the same number - she'd found him. He hadn't forgotten her, and they picked up where they'd left off. Uni had given her a new confidence, and she'd put her foot down and told him exactly where she stood. He'd been thrilled, having wanted her from the day he'd met her. They'd been together for a year and a half.

For the last two months, though, he'd been incredibly distant; dipping out of the room, being engrossed in his computer, disappearing at all hours. She felt like he was getting bored of her.

"Come on, cheer yourself up," Lindsey pressed, taking Laura's hand and pulling again.

"Okay," Laura sighed, following her friend.

Lindsey grinned, glad that she was finally able to hold up her side of the bargain she had with Joe. It was eating at her, the secret she was having to keep, because it was a rare occasion where she had to lie to her friend - even by omission - but if it were to be a surprise, she had to keep schtum.

"So, I know you've been wanting to try that new restaurant, so I was thinking I'd take you, my treat," Lindsey smiled at her friend.

"Cool," Laura smiled back, putting on a brave face.

Lindsey saw through it like glass, but brushed off the niggling feeling she had to fix her best friend. She took Laura's hand and pulled her towards the restaurant. They went in and were sat at a three person table.

It had a single white lily in a tall, elegant vase in the middle of the table, with a candle in front of each place setting around the vase. The table was set with a white cloth and a deep red runner, with a wine glass, a water glass, and stainless steel cutlery set neatly per person.

The room was large, with a good thirty tables spaced tidily inside, and a stage area tucked neatly into the corner, with long red curtains that had a Vaudeville feel. The walls were all cream apart from the one to the right of the stage, which was the same colour as the table runners. There were electric chandelier on the ceilings, and modern stand out lights on the walls. The floor was a deep brown wood.

"Wow," Laura whispered under her breath.

"I know, right?" Lindsey grinned. "What do you want?"

Laura looked at the menu.

"Just a starter," Lindsey warned, not wanting her friend to fill herself up for later.

"Oh, okay," Laura replied, taken aback. She smiled meekly and looked at the menu again. "The tomato and mozerella pesto ciabatta looks good."

"Cool," Lindsey grinned, glad she'd not chosen the garlic mushrooms. "I'll have the 'shrooms."

The waitress came over, order-pad in hand. She was a short, plump woman with a permanent friendly smile etched into her face. She looked dwarfed in her black uniform due to the fact that her white apron was tied around her hips. Her hair was slightly askew and her face was delicately flushed, but she smiled so wide that the girls couldn't help but smile back.

"What can I getcha, girls?"

"One garlic mushrooms and a mozerella tomato pesto ciabatta, please," Lindsey smiled, taking Laura's menu and handing it with her to the waitress. "And a side order of focaccia for the table."

"Okay, that'll be about ten minutes," the lady smiled, nodding her head slightly and swanning off to the kitchen.

Lindsey watched her go, and then turned to her attention to Laura, who was checking her phone under the table - and coming up short.

"So," Lindsey smiled. "How's my Petal?"

"I'm okay," Laura replied quietly. "I haven't done much this last month or so."

"How come?"

"Joe's been busy with something. He won't tell me what though. Feels like he's sorta... phasing me out."

She looked at the floor. Lindsey mentally cursed him for doing it this way, but she knew that surprises always come with a price.

"I'm sure he's not," Lindsey whispered, putting her hand on her friends'. "I'm sure he's got something big up his sleeve."

"I guess," Laura mumbled, dejected.

She fell silent, looking at her phone hopefully. Lindsey sighed quietly and took out her own phone, opening a blank text.

'hurry up, i cant keep her out forever. shes gettin really upset. text me when youre done. she definitely needs this. be quick x'

Looking at Laura quickly, she sent the text to Joe and slipped her phone back into her back slyly. Lindsey stared at the stage, wondering absently what the show of the night would be like. Maybe she'd come back later, when she'd dropped Laura at home.

"Here you go, girls," the smiley waitress announced, making both of them jump out of their respective trances.

"Thank you," they replied simultaneously, smiling at the tiny waitress.

She grinned at their enthusiasm, and placed their dishes in front of them, before nodding slightly and dancing back to her station - for her stature, she was incredibly lithe and graceful.

"This looks amazing," Lindsey muttered, smiling at her plate.

Laura nodding, smiling herself and picking up her cutlery. She plunged her fork into the bread and cheese with her right hand, and held her knife into it with her left, not so much cutting the food as tearing it. Lindsey smirked at her friends' bizarre eating method, and started cutting her own food the conventional way.

"Mmm, that's fantastic," Laura groaned, her mouth full.

They ate for a good twenty minutes, occasionally striking up a conversation in between mouthfuls. Lindsey was glad to have finally taken Laura's mind away from her boyfriend for a little while, knowing what was coming in a small while.

When the plates were clear, Lindsey cleared her throat and wiped her mouth with her napkin. She saw Laura wiggling slightly in her chair, and smirked slightly.

"Toilet?" she asked.

"Definitely," Laura grinned, her eyes scanning the room.

She spotted the toilets, and hopped out of her seat, walking quickly towards the ladies bathroom.

With Laura gone, Lindsey pulled out her phone and checked her messages. There was one from Joe - she held her breath.

'its ready. im so nervous! bring her home, and thanx so much x'

Lindsey smiled.

'i cant wait for this. text me as soon as possible afterwards x'

'i will! x'

Lindsey put her phone away just as Laura slipped back into her seat. She smiled at her friend, who was looking down again.

"Come on, I'll take you home."

They paid their bill and left the restaurant. The wind outside was bitter - they pulled their jackets around themselves and huddled in together. The walk was only ten minutes, but by the time they got to Laura's house, their fingers were starting to purple and their faces were windblasted.

Lindsey lingered at the gate.

"You not coming in?" Laura asked.

"Naw, I'm gonna head home. I'm kinda knackered," Lindsey lied, smiling slightly.

Laura waltzed over to her friend and hugged her tightly. Lindsey smiled and hugged her back, squeezing her.

"Go on, get inside before you freeze. I love ya."

"Love ya too," Laura smiled, waving at her friend and walking to her front door.

She looked back to where her friend had been, but she'd disappeared. Laura smiled to herself slightly, and pulled out her keys. She slammed her hand onto the handle, a force of habit in which she pulled it up roughly. The handle gave out under her hand, and Laura looked at it confused. The door was open.

As the door fell open, a waft of delicate flower scents hit her. The house was illuminated with the flames of tens of tiny candles, with flowers arranged neatly in vases and on sills and surfaces. Laura's eyes fell to her feet and saw a trail of rose petals. There was a piece of paper on the floor, and she bent to pick it up.

'follow the petals,' it read.

For no reason at all, she placed the paper back at her feet, and followed the petals. They led down the hall, and then curved right into the kitchen, where the smell of her favourite dish - mushroom risotto - washed over her.

As she rounded the corner, she saw the beautiful image in front of her.

Sat at her tiny, two person okay table was Joe, dressed in a button up shirt, black jeans and smart shoes. He stood up as she entered the kitchen.

Laura looked around. The only light came from the three tall candles in the middle of the table, which were surrounded by stemless lillies. There was a white table cloth on her table, with gold cloth placemats, that had a plate of risotto each on, which was steaming quaintly in the candle light.

She was speechless.

"Do... do you like it?" Joe asked, Laura's favourite cheeky side-smile on his face.

"I love it," Laura whispered, wiping her eyes that had started to tear from happiness.

Joe exhaled and grinned, walking around the table over to her. He kissed her gently - her skin rose in goosebumps at his touch and her stomach flipped at his proximity. He pulled away, and pulled her chair out for her to sit in. As she lowered herself, he slowly pushed the chair under her to she was close to the table.

They ate their meal, stealing glances and smiles at each other.

"That was amazing," Laura smiled, placing her knife and fork on her empty plate quietly.

Joe smiled, and quickly patted his pocket. Laura looked at him oddly as he rose from his seat and walked over to her.

"Laura..." he sighed as he stood in front of her. "The last year of my life has been the best of my life so far. Everything has been easier and better since you became part of it all. I never thought I could love someone as much as I love you..."

He sucked in a deep breath, closed his eyes, and exhaled, opening his eyes again. The expression on his face was a curious mixture of determination, seriousness, nerves and pure love.

"I want every year from now on to be as brilliant as this one has been, and I want it with you, so..."

Joe pulled a small velvet-covered box from his jeans pocket, and slowly lowered to one knee. Laura's hands flashed to her mouth as she gasped, the last two months clicking into place.

"W-w-will you... marry... me?" he asked, opening the box.

The ring was delicate and not too flashy. It was a simple, thin silver band that didn't meet in a circle, with a cluster of small crystals wrapped around the top-most third, and a larger crystal holding the two silver ends of the band together. It was simple - it was perfect.

Laura smiled, opening her mouth. She was speechless.

"Yes!" she breathed. "Yes, yes, yes, a million times, yes!"

Joe looked shocked for a split second, before coughing out a suprised laugh. He grinned and stood up; Laura stood up with him, and they kissed, holding each other tight. As they pulled away, Laura burst into tears as Joe slid the ring onto her wedding finger.

"I love you," Laura choked out through her tears in between sobs.

"I love you too," Joe smiled, holding his fiancée tight.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you love reading it as much as I loved writing it!