Sincerly, Delilah.

Dear Mr. Brendon Urie,

Dear Mr. Brendon Urie,
I'm writing this to you because you were the first to come to my mind, in my mom's book, that's a very high honor. I already know about you, so I'm gonna tell you about me. I'm not popular at all, if anything; I'm probably the hugest geek ever. I like Edgar Allen Poe, The Foo Fighters, Doctor Who, and coffee. I hate dubstep and Ke$ha, don’t even get me started on Gaga. I’m a bit crazy; all my friends think I’m bipolar (I’m not). I hate the popular kids, and by popular, I mean, the kids who over use the words “swag” and “legit” and by all their clothing at Hollister way over priced. They wear too much axe, or in a girls case, makeup. Just something about them makes me want to punch them in the face.

I play the guitar and sing. I think I play the guitar ok. I really need to work on theory though. My voice is okay, sometimes it sounds really good, but the other 85% of the times it’s eh. Everyone tells me that I sound like Hayley Williams of Paramore, which is a huge compliment because I absolutely love her voice and her range. I’m a huge music fan. I listen to a lot of things. I like Norah Jones and Jack Johnson. Then there’s Fall Out Boy, Nirvana, and The Sex Pistols. (And of course P!ATD, Brendon, why do you think I addressed this letter to you?!?) The list goes on and on so I think I’ll stop there.

I suck at sports. I hate them with a dying passion. That’s all I have to say about that.

I like to read. We just finished The Giver in school, and it was okay, I think I might have enjoyed it a bit more if we hadn’t over-analyzed it. Right now, I’m reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower, which is super good. If you liked The Catcher in the Rye, you will love the shit out of this book. Very relatable, (in some ways, the masturbation, not so much.) As for poetry, I’m stuck on Poe beautiful poetry. Annabel Lee has to be my favorite.

I like the color red. I don’t know why I just do.

My mom is in the military, and my Dad is an HVAC guy. My mom is the head O.R. nurse for the navy or some shit like that. I was born in Japan on a naval base there. I’ve lived in San Diego, Redlands, and Lemoore in California. Jacksonville, Florida and now Texas. Hopefully this will be my last stop.
So let’s recap, a total geek, hates most pop music, hates a-hoelish popular kids, total music nerd, likes to read, moves around a lot. Good let’s keep rolling.

I have boring brown hair, boring brown eyes, and big feet. When I turn 18, I’m going to get my lip pierced, and get a tattoo, because, A) I want to piss off my parents, B) I just want too. I wear a lot of band tees and flannels. Yep, I’m from the 90s, shoot me. Right now you think I’m either a total bitch or a major pessimist. Nope, I’m just really sarcastic. Oh, since my name isn’t really important, let’s just call me Delilah.

Delilah. The Sarcastic Bitch.