I Had a Dream Last Night

one of one.

"Hey Avery.” I turned to smile at Alex as he climbed onto the bus. He was dressed in his normal outfit, skinny jeans and a t-shirt that he more than likely had designed.

“Hey Lex.” I said, turning back to my computer. I continued to edit the pictures from last night’s show, hoping to upload them before it was time for them to get ready for the show tonight.

Alex climbed into the booth beside me and planted his chin on his hand as he watched me.
I glance over to see him smiling at the picture of himself. I had caught him midair with one arm in the air and the other holding tight to the microphone as he sang his heart.

“That’s really good. I like it.” He said, nodding towards my computer screen. I nodded and agreed with him. It really caught his feelings, how he felt towards the crowd.

“I like it to. It shows who you are.” I said, quietly.

We sat there a little longer, Alex pointing out pictures he liked. Soon we were laughing when he saw the picture I had taken of Jack. He had been leaving the venue and had thought he was alone. I had caught him picking his nose, and snapped the picture before he saw me.

“That’s hilarious. I now have blackmail.” He said, laughing at the picture. I laughed along with him and continued editing, and finally I was finished.

“You’re really good at what you do.” Alex said, looking at me.

I smiled and felt the blush crawl up my neck and land on my cheeks.

“Thanks.” I said, looking down. He laughed and grabbed my hand, leading me out of the bus.

“Let’s go get some food. You’ve been hard at work long enough and now you need a break.”
He announced, leading me into the hot summer sun.

“Where are we going to eat at?” I asked, glancing around the small town we were in. I watched him shrug and continue walking on in the same direction. I simply followed and giggled when he started talking to himself about “being hungrier than a bear.” He glance at me out of the corner of his eye and smirked.

I liked this Alex.

I had never seen him act this way. Usually he was a cocky asshole that never spoke a word to me, other than when he was drunk and wanted to hook up. This Alex was sweet, and made me rethink everything I had ever thought about him.

Alex suddenly stopped and I glanced up to see where we were. He had stopped in front of a
50s style diner. It was something from the past and it looked like it was from a movie. It had the jukebox and the black and white tile. Even the waitresses wore poodle skirts. I smiled as he led me inside and sat at a booth, looking around with a small smile on his face.

“I like this.” I said, grabbing the menu from off the table. He laughed and did the same.

I peeked over the top of my menu to see Alex looking at the menu with his brow furrowed. I giggled and snapped my eyes back to the words on the menu. I glanced back up to see his eyes looking into my over the top of his menu. I blushed and sat the menu down. He chuckled and smiled at me, making the blush deepen.

“What can I get ya’ll?” A waitress had made her way over to use and was looking down at us with a smile. She pulled her order pad out of the pocket that was stitched onto her skirt. I smiled and looked at Alex to see him looking at me.

“I’d like a double cheeseburger with the waffle fries, and a coke to drink.” I said, smiling up at her. She nodded, smile on her face, and wrote it down. Then she looked at Alex.

“And what for you, Sugar?” She asked, her southern accent more prominent.

“I’d like a double cheese burger with fries and sprite to drink.” He said, smiling at the woman. She nodded and told us she’s have our food out soon.

“So, how’s life?” He asked, looking at me smiling. I chuckled and put my hands in my lap.

“Oh, you know. The same as yesterday. And the day before.” I said, laughing when he smiled.

“You have a pretty smile.” He said, smiling when I blushed.

“Thanks.” I said, covering my cheeks.

“You’re cute when you blush.” He said, smirking when the blush deepened.

“You’re only saying that so I’ll blush” I said, throwing a napkin at him.

Before he could say anything, the waitress appeared with our food and drink. We said thank
you and she walked away smiling.

I grab my straw and tear the wrapper off and look up to see him staring at me. He smiled.

“I really think you’re beautiful.” He said, grabbing my hand. I looked him in the eye and saw only admiration in his eyes.

I smiled and nodded.

“Well, I happen to think you’re pretty handsome too.” I said, speaking the truth.

As if in slow motion, I watched him lean across the table. He ran his hand across my cheek. I closed my eyes as he leaned forward.

When our lips met, I felt sparks dancing across my lips. I had waited forever for this moment. I had wanted this to happen, and finally it was. He let me go, and my eyes snapped open to see him smiling at me.

“I’ve wanted to do that forever.” He said, softly.

“Me too.” I said, smiling as he rubbed my hand.

We finished our meals, laughing and joking the whole time. We found out that we had a lot in common and shared some of the same interest. When it came time to pay, he pulled out a twenty and laid it on the table.

“I can pay for mine,” I said, pointing to the money I had gotten out of my pocket.

“Well, I consider this the first date, so it would be rude to make you pay.” He said, smiling and kissing my nose.

“I’m impressed. I didn’t even know it was a date.” I said, laughing with him.

“That was the point. I didn’t want there to be that first-date-awkwardness.” He said, grabbing my hand and leading us back to the bus.

He stopped us in front of the bus, not wanting to let go.

“I had fun” I said, smiling up at him.

“I did too, I’m glad we got to do this. We should do this again sometime?” He asked, hopefully clinging to my hands.

I smiled and nodded.

“We will definitely do this again.” I said, wanting to kiss him.

He read my mind and leaned down to kiss my lips.

“Good.” He said, kissing me again.

I smiled and walked onto the bus.

I climbed into the small booth again, feeling tired, but happy and knowing that I need to upload the pictures. I felt my eyes close slowly, feeling sleep coming.
Hours later, I woke up and found myself at the table with my computer screen on. I looked at the screen to see it was the picture of Jack picking his nose and I panicked.
No, that couldn’t have been a dream. I felt my eyes start to water as I looked around. No, not the best day of my life, it had to be real. Please, let it be real.
I prayed to some higher power that I had not been dreaming.

The bus door opened and Jack and Alex walked onto the bus, laughing at something. Jack caught sight of me and ran to me.

“Hey Avery.” He said smiling. “How was lunch?” He asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

“And please don't tell me that I'm dreaming, when all I ever wanted was to dream another sunset with you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
loved writing this.:)