Yeah, I'm Thinking Cheese on That

the beach was where it all happened

I violently pressed the end button on my phone, swearing under my breath. Dammit Riannon where are you. Desperately searching around for my last employee, I finally found Trixie at the bar sitting and sipping a drink.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING", I said a little louder than I should have, but my temper was getting the best of me in my stress.

"Open bar!" was all she said before ordering another drink.

"Deep sigh", I said out loud. Because Stef was still supposedly going to get the tripod, Riannon was god knows were, and Trixie had decided in the past hour to become an alcoholic, I went on my own to take a few candid's of the reception.

"Here I got the tripod I'm sorry it took me so long but I forgot the keys and then-" Stef was talking very quickly before she all the sudden stopped and stared straight directly behind my shoulder.

"What is it?" I asked, turning around and seeing a very familiar face. "Oh my god".

"Is that.." She stared. "The Summer Set" I finished, still in shock.

"What are they doing here?!" she whisper yelled, even though they were nearly all the way across the hotel lobby and wouldn't have heard her anyways. My phone started to buzz again. It was Riannon. Snapping back to reality, I hit accept and put the phone to my ear.

"What is it" I answered.

"Just wondering if you've noticed anything different about this wedding", she was being a smartass.

"You mean that it's crawling with our favourite bands?" I asked as I saw Kennedy Brock walk through the door... With... RIANNON?!

"No shit Sherlock".

"What are they all doing here though?!" Stef whisper-yelled again, loudly enough for Riannon to hear.

"Well apparently TSS are doing a show tomorrow just down the street and Kennedy's mum happens to know the couple and since they're staying in the same hotel Kennedy told them to just crash it".

"Holy shit tits I'll go tell Trixie". By the time she was at the bar Riannon was back in front of me again, telling me about their 5 minute elevator break down conversations.

I tried not to stare at them, but it was a bit difficult. Kennedy made his way over to The Summer Set and started a conversation with them. A few minutes later he made eye contact with Riannon and gave her a head nod, motioning her over.

"Did he just give you the nod holy fuck Riannon you're so in" Trixie gasped, quickly making her way with Stef back over to us.

"Should I go over there?" Riannon asked.

"No we have to get back to work. These people are going to be pissed if they end up with only 10 wedding photos come on" I said, always having to be the bad guy.

I tried my hardest not to focus all the photos on table 5, the table with the band and Kennedy, but it was an excuse to look at them and I couldnt resist.

As the night started to die down, I agreed to go over to the table with Riannon since she didnt want to go alone and Trixie and Stef didnt want to go alone. I figured there were plenty of photos at this point and I could take a little break.

"Oh hey!" Kennedy said as soon as we were close enough. "Guys, this is Riannon and her friend... Sorry I dont know your name", he said trying to introduce us to TSS.

"Er.. uh.. It's.. uh.. Grace" I had almost forgotten it as they were all staring at me.

"Grace", He said, smiling.

"So you guys the photographers?" John asked, looking at me.

"Yeah, well, Grace is. I'm just an assistant." She spoke for me after a few moments realising my voice wasn't quite working. Riannon was always more outgoing than me, and better able to talk to people-- especially ones in bands.

"So are you guys playing Warped this year?" She asked them. I knew in a second what the answer was when they all lit up with a smile.

"Yeah we are, super excited for it too", Brian said.

"Awesome! We're going on the tour to photograph", she told them.

"Sick, it will be cool to see some familiar faces down there", John said, winking at me. And that's how Grace O'Connor died.
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this update was inspired by an interview i watched today where brian talks about when they crashed a wedding. that is all .