Yeah, I'm Thinking Cheese on That

I've got the worst hang over from you.

I looked over at Grace and Riannon talking to some of the member of The Summer Set, laughing to myself as I attempted to make some sort of an award to give to her after for not lying on the ground and rolling around weeping. I grabbed the tripod I was carrying and hoisted the camera around my shoulder, heading to get some shots of the crowd. I was definitely nowhere near as good as photographer as Grace, Riannon and Trixie where but it was the though the counted right? Or at least that is what I liked to tell myself. As I turned around a corner, I practically collided with a body.
‘Shit fuck tits and ass, gotta catch the fucking camera!’ I practically screeched as I juggled to catch it before it fell to the ground.
‘Got it!’ Replied the person who I had ran into.
‘Thank Jesus you are a-‘ I stopped as I looked up at the person who had caught the camera. ‘-life saver’ I finished very slowly as I was met with the lovely face of Garrett Nickelsen.
‘You’re welcome! See ya round!’ and with that he left and headed in the direction of The Summer Set , Grace and Riannon.
I grabbed my phone and called Trixie asking her to meet me asap.
‘you RAPED HIM??’ Trixie practically yelled in my face.
‘Okay so when I say raped I mean I walked into and he caught the camera bu-‘
‘Yes, but it is safe now. So come with me to talk to Grace and Riannon!’
‘Could this have something to do with the fact that I just saw Garrett walking over there?’
‘NO! I don’t know what you’re talking about? Now let’s go!!’ I said as I shoved the tripod into her hands and dragged her to Grace.
‘yeah, I used to want to be a nanny, but it took two days for me to figure out that it wasn’t working out. I guess I lost my way’ I heard Grace say to John as I walked up to them.
‘Um, sorry to interrupt but we have the camera and tripod and we just HAD to bring them over to you Grace, because you are the boss and all, we will go and take some pictures now!’ Trixie said.
‘No, stay as long as you like!’ replied Grace.

Somehow, we had ended up going out for drinks with The Summer Set and The Maine.
‘I don’t wanna dance, so don’t you ask me, babe’ Grace giggled drunkenly as John attempted to drag her to the dance floor where Riannon and Stephen were dancing like they were in the bedroom. ‘Okay fine! Let’s get reckless, dance without hands to the beat!’

Trixie and I were at the table, talking to the rest of the guys and Jess, discussing our plans for Warped tour this year.
‘This is going to be the greatest job I’ve ever had!’ I exclaimed excitedly.
‘Stef, you worked at KFC, any job is better.’ Trixie replied laughing.
‘Shut up, Dan liked KFC.’
‘WHO WANTS SOME SHOTS!’ said Trixie, waving down the waiter.
And that’s how the night went.
♠ ♠ ♠
I went to a YMAS concert and I cought mono.
YMAS gave me mono.
True story.