Yeah, I'm Thinking Cheese on That

can you feel the love tonight?

When I woke up the next morning I immediately looked at the clock to check the time. 11:24. Reasonable enough hour to be awake, so I stood up to make my way to the bathroom to take a shower. Sleepily I flung my legs over the side of the bed, hitting something that wasn’t the ground.

“Ow, fuck”, someone grunted.

It was Kennedy Brock.

Kennedy Brock.

Kennedy fucking Brock.

What the fuck was he doing on my bedroom floor? That’s when I noticed I wasn’t in my room, I was in a hotel room.

“Shit, sorry… uh…” I stuttered, trying to recall last night’s events.

Kennedy slowly sat up, rubbing his head. I apologised again for kicking him. He looked around, the same confused look on his face that I’m sure I had planted on mine.

“What am I doing on the floor?” he asked.

“What am I doing in this room?” I retaliated.

“You don’t remember?”

“Not really, it’s all kind of a blur… I consumed many drinks”.

“After the bar we all went back up here for a while, you fell asleep in my arms on my bed, I’m assuming the rest of your friends are in John and Garrett’s room, it’s just across the hall.”
I tried my hardest not to let out a loud squeal at the sound of ‘you fell asleep in my arms’.

No Grace, contain your inner fangirl.

“You’re a very violent sleeper though, you kept kicking me and stealing all the blankets. That must be how I ended up here”, he said looking at the floor and the single pillow he was sleeping on a few minutes before.

“Sorry about that, no one ever wants to share a bed with me for that reason”, I awkwardly laughed.

“You say that a lot, don’t you?”



“Oh, sorry.”

He just laughed.

I made Kennedy Brock laugh.

“So, we should probably go and find the others?” he suggested, repositioning himself so he was no sitting beside me on the bed.

I was suddenly very aware of how I must have looked to him as he stared at my face. No doubt my eyeliner was smudged all over my face, my hair curly and knotted from sleeping, bad breath, and I wasn’t even wearing any pants.

“Where did my pants go?”

“Oh, well, last night we were watching Anchorman and you kept inviting everyone to the ‘pants party’ and took them off.”

Oh fuck.

“It was pretty cute”, he giggled. GIGGLED.

“That is quite embarrassing”, I sighed, putting my hands in my face.

“Everyone does stupid shit, at least yours isn’t too bad”, he smiled, pulling my hand away from my face with his own. With his free hand he pushed a few strands of my hair from my face behind my ear.

“Come on, put your pants back on and we’ll go get some breakfast”, he smiled, standing up and pulling me with him.

I felt my face go red, but did as he said.

When we exited the room and walked across the hall, Kennedy didn’t need to knock, as he had a spare key card to open the door. He motioned me to go before him as he opened the door so I stepped inside ahead of him.

Upon entering the room I automatically noticed Stephen and Riannon on the bed, Riannon was sprawled out on the entire bed while Stephen lied curled in a ball beside her.

“This isn’t even Stephen’s room” Kennedy laughed at the site of them.

In the corner of the room sat Trixie and John O’Callaghan, his legs spread as she sat between them, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist. His head in the crook of her neck as hers laid on his shoulder. Garrett and Stefanie on the couch, their legs tangled as
Garretts arm rested on her back.

Everyone fell asleep as a couple…

What the fuck happened last night?
♠ ♠ ♠
it had to be done.