Yeah, I'm Thinking Cheese on That

garron exists

I stretched my arms and hit something in the face and heard a groan. I turned my head and saw Stephen Gomez next to me with no shirt on and no pants and his arm around me. Well hello there.

"How much did i drink last night" i heard him groan

"Alot if you're in bed with me" i joked. I got out of bed and grabbed the shirt closet to me which was Stephen's ramones shirt. I walked into the kitchen yawning and saw Garrett making coffee.

"Hey want some coffee?" he said.

"Sure" Garrett grabbed another cup and made me a cup with the coffee machine.

"So Stefanie ay?" i winked, he choked on his coffee and blushed.

"Maybe she's c-cute you know?" he smiled. "You're cool ya know, you're not like one of those freaky obsessed girls who are in love with us" haha

"Yeah we're pree alright"

Kennedy made his way into the little hotel kitchen area with Grace who seemed shocked.

"Hey guys" said Kennedy grabbing another two cups.

"Hey bro, what's happening today?" said Garrett taking another sip of his coffee.

"I think we leave around 5 to head home then get ready for warped" he said while handing Grace, who sat next to me her coffee. I looked at her giving my "wassup" look and she just mouthed something to me which i didn't catch because Garrett threw a coffee packet at me.


"So you and Gomez ay?" he winked. I blushed and shook my head.


"Is that his shirt Riannon?" said Kennedy winking

"Kennedy Brock, is that a hickey i see?" i gasped and pointed out the bruise on Kennedys' collar bone, he turned red and ran to the bathroom while Garrett, Grace and I just laughed.

A few hours later everything was cleaned up and we were in the lobby exchanging numbers. I was sitting on the couch next to Trixie.

"John is so beautiful, but so is Jared.. And Alex is fun, Hey Riannon you know we're near a beach..... this is where is all happened " she asked


"Look at Grace and Kennedy aw" she cooed changing the subject we looked at Grace who was trying to fix Kennedys' hair.

"Hey Riannon can i talk to you?" said Stephen coming up to us. I stood up and he took my hand and led me outside.

"U-uhm so do y-you think i could have your number?" he asked nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"I put my number in your phone before you woke up this morning." i smiled at him and he beamed back.

"Okay guys we gotta roll!" said Josh coming out the front with the rest of The Summer Set.

"i'll see you in two weeks?" said Stephen opening his arms for a hug.

"See you in twoweeks" i agreed stepping forward into his arms and kissing his cheek.
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okay i changed it sorry gyz