‹ Prequel: Somewhere With You

Love You Through It

It's time

"Ow." I grabbed my stomach as Braelyn kicked towards my ribs. My coworkers looked at me oddly. "She keeps kicking." I was getting more and more uncomfortable with every passing day. Braelyn wasn't moving around nearly as much as she usually did, but the doctor said that was normal. However when she moved around she was relentless. She was growing like a weed and running out of space.

I finished my shift up and walked out of the store. I wanted a smoothie before I left, I had been craving the coconut banana for hours. I got my smoothie and took a long sip, the sweet liquid ran down my throat easily. I nearly screamed when I felt arms go around my waist. I spun around to see Jace smiling.

"You scared me!" He was laughing as he bent down and hugged me. I gave him a kiss. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to surprise my two girls." He rubbed my stomach. "How are you feeling? Is she still hurting you?"

I nodded, "She's been attacking the ribs all day." I let out a sigh, "You know, I love being pregnant, but I am so ready for this to be done with. It's so uncomfortable and she's running out of room to move around. The next four weeks will be the longest of my entire life."

"Well the doctor said that you might not even go that long. I mean for all we know tomorrow you could be in labor." He laughed as I punched his arm.

"Don't jinx me! Anyways, I'm starving. Feed me." I took another sip of my smoothie.

"Well that's actually why I'm here. I figured that we could grab something to eat before we went home. We finally get to sleep in tomorrow." He slung his arm around my shoulders as we began walking to the exit.

"I know. I'm so tired. I'm sorry for keeping you up the past few months. I can't get comfortable at all." I laced my arm around his waist as we walked. "Thank you for everything, Jace." I nuzzled into his arm.

"I love you, Baby Girl. You know I don't mind losing sleep because of you. It's not a big deal. I sleep more when I'm with you than I normally do when I'm out with the guys." He let out a laugh. "I'm better off with a raging pregnant lady."

"Wow, thanks!" I poked him with my fingertip just as we reached his car. He had dropped me off and I thought my mom was picking me up.

He opened my door for me and helped me into it. My boot was heavy and I was thankful I was getting it off tomorrow. "So I have good news. I have a job lines up after graduation. And I don't have to move anywhere." He was smiling big.

"Jace, that's amazing! Congratulations! I'm so proud of you!" I squeezed his hand as he pulled away from the mall.

"Thanks, Ash. That means a lot to me coming from you." He raised my hand to his lips and placed a small kiss on the back of my hand.

"You're amazing, Jace. You really are." I smiled lightly at him. I couldn't help but let out a small happy sigh as I stared at this amazing guy.

"It feels so good to lay down." I snuggled up to Jace's bare chest. "My feet are so swollen it's not even funny." I cringed down at my cankles.

"But they are beautiful swollen cankles." He kissed my nose as I furrowed my brow at him. "It all comes with being pregnant, love." He rubbed my stomach lightly.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm just happy to get my boot off tomorrow. Can you still bring me? They said after I get it off I can't drive for a week." I played with his hand that was on my belly.

"Absolutely. I told you it wasn't a problem. Tomorrow we can just hang out. How about after wards we get a few movies, some takeout, and then just relax for the night?"

I nodded, "That sounds fantastic." I kissed him before settling down and shutting my eyes. "I love you Jace."


"Ready to have the boot off, Miss Rivers?" The doctor was looking at me as I sat on the familiar crinkle paper.

"Yes, please. It's driving me insane!" He un did the boot and took it off. Instantly my leg felt lighter and so much better.

"Now you need to be very careful the next few weeks. No running, skipping, or any other movements along those lines."

I couldn't help but laugh, "Dr. Jeffers, I don't think I'm going to be running anywhere any time soon." I pointed to my over sized stomach.

"Fair enough, Miss. Rivers. Well you may be on your way. Any troubles and just give us a call." I shook his hand and Jace helped me out of the office.

We stopped on our way home and rented some movies along with Chinese takeout. When we got home we put a movie in and ate our dinner. The rest of the night we lounged around and relaxed. Mom got home and watched the last movie with us before we all decided it was bed time.

Jace and I fell asleep shortly after, and about 1:30 I woke up with really bad cramps in my stomach. I rolled over and tried to get comfortable, but the pain kept getting worse. Finally I sat up and shook Jace.

"Jace. Jace." He didn't move. "Jace!" He sat up quickly and looked around.

"What? Ashlan? What's wrong?" He rubbed his eyes, still drunk with sleep.

"I think it's happening." He suddenly looked at me, wide eyed. "Jace, get mom." He was out of the bed before I finished the sentence. Moments later my mother barged into my room in a panic. "Mom, calm down. Just help me get dressed."

"Okay, okay." She was rushing around grabbing sweatpants and a hoodie. She got me dressed and threw things into a duffel bag. "Jace, go get the car and bring it around." Jace nodded and left. My mom looked at me and smiled, worry filling her eyes, "It's time, baby."