Reaching Agnes

How Everything Started.

“Maybe we should stop?” I ask when I saw her painful look.

“No. Just give me a minute…” She placed her arm in her forehead covering her eyes.


I was on top of her, looking at her body completely. I meet her today at my new job congratulating party. One of my female coworkers introduced her to me. She said her name was Agnes, but at this point I don’t know what to believe. Agnes didn’t tell me she was a virgin, she even said she wasn’t one, but I bet she said that to sleep with me. I know for fact she was a virgin until I penetrate her because she is so tight and Agnes face and her body reaction, confirmed my thoughts, but she’s so beautiful… Her hair is long, with soft curls and her hair color was the most amazing thing I ever saw. It was a chocolate color, but when the light lights up her hair, it was a mix of brown and red. I loved that she wasn’t skinny neither fat, she is perfect. When I cupped her breast, it fits perfectly in my hand and her skin was so soft and smelled of flowers. She also has some freckles in her face and all over her body and I could notice them all because her skin color was a very light cream color.

“Dante” And her voice complemented her being caressing and slow enough to be heard. “, keep going.”

“Sure?” I ask again even though I have never been gentle with a woman in bed, but due to her condition…

“Yes.” I took a deep breath and started trusting deeper into her. Every time she moaned I thrusts deeper making Agnes scream my name in pleasure, which made me go faster.

I lost track of time while having sex with Agnes. I may even say, that was the best sex I ever had in my life. Even thought she was inexperienced, she showed differently. We changed positions a lot of times and that made her so exhausted. Now she’s laying on my bed facedown in one of my pillows. It’s already 7 in the morning and she’s sound asleep. Agnes looked so beautiful with the sun rays lighting up her hair and skin lightly. I couldn’t stop looking at her bare back covered by a few curly strand of her hair while my sheets were placed in her lower back covering everything down below.

“Maybe I should make breakfast…” I said to myself and got off bed without waking her up wearing only my boxers.

I went to the first floor of my apartment and took the food out of the fridge. I was making some eggs, bacon, toasts and pancakes for us, even though I have never done this for another woman, is like one part of me wants to treat her differently and maybe it’s because she was a virgin, but I can’t let that get to me. We just had meaningless sex and when she gets up, she’s out of my life and I won’t see her again.

“Dante” I turned around and face her. Agnes cheeks were so red and her hair was all over her face. I served the food in the plates and placed them in the counter and noticed she was staring at me clueless.

“What?” I ask as I crossed my arms in front of her. She had the same cloths she wore last night, a black dress and in her left hand were her high black heels.

“Nothing… I just thought guys never do this kind of thing to a girl in a one night stand.” She answers brushing her hair with her fingers. I placed my hand in her forehead brushing her bangs to the left side.

“I just felt like doing it.” I said ruffling her hair passing by her making my way upstairs and dressing myself. After that, I go downstairs as fast as I could to find the kitchen empty and a note besides her untouched plate.

I’m sorry for leaving like this, but I had no other choice. I’m sorry and thanks for making food for me. Goodbye…

And at the bottom she put her name in cursive. Even her handwriting was beautiful, but by her words I guess I have been rejected for being a nice guy… Who can understand woman these days? I ate both of the plates and after washing the dishes I went to my room. The sheets were all a mess. The cover was on the floor with the decorative pillows I had on my bed, so I took the cover to the laundry room in my apartment and when I was back in my room to take the bed sheet, I found small blood stain and just besides was another stain that I deduce was…mine? Is that my semen? I looked closer and confirmed my thoughts, but that was impossible! I used a condom and there’s no way I… Realization suddenly hit me. It broke, the fucking condom broke when I was inside her!

This is not happening. Agnes might get pregnant with my child and I can’t let that happen. I can’t ruin her life and I can’t let this happen again, not now that my life is back in track and I have my dream job, but how can I find her when I don’t even have her phone number…?
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