Reaching Agnes


Today is Wednesday, the day the doctor was going to read the results of the blood test to Agnes. I couldn’t concentrate in my work and not even think straight. It was killing me to think what decision Agnes was going to make about our baby. I shouldn’t have said those horrible things to her in the first place…

“Mr. Aldrich.” That was my boss voice.

“Hello Mr. Reynolds.” I said turning my chair his way.

“This is not a friendly visit, Aldrich.” He handed me one of the sketches I had worked this past days. I rechecked it and I noticed one big mistake in the structure that I didn’t notice.

“I- I’m so sorry Mr. Reynolds, I didn’t notice…” I apologize, but he just simply smiled?

“Don’t worry, Aldrich. This past five months, you have been the overachiever in your department; I’m just worried you missed a small mistake, but a very important one. Don’t take this the bad way but, I want you to take the rest of the week off, just so you can solve the issues that are bothering you.” He said in a calm tone, but I can’t risk my work.

“But I-” I get up from my chair but my boss moved his hand signaling me to sit again.

“Don’t worry Dante; take this as an early vacation. Just relax and get your stuff together.”


“You are dismissed from today too, so pack your stuff and go home.” He smiled at me and left my office. I have to say that I’m lucky to have him as my boss.

After he left, I fixed the mistake in the sketch, packed my stuff, left the sketch on his office and then left. When I was in my apartment, I took my clothes off and headed to the shower. The cold water relaxed my tensed muscles in my back. I can’t believe this is affecting my work. I can’t let this happen, my work is the only thing that’s stable in my life and I can’t lose it…


It was 7:00pm when I woke up from my nap. I got up from bed and dressed myself to go out. I called Charles on my way to his apartment.

“Dude!” He answers with enthusiasm, but I didn’t do the same…


“Are you okay? You sound strange.” He asked concerned.

“Well technically no. My boss gave me the rest of the week off…” I told him sighting at the end.

“Why? Don’t tell me… It has to do something with that girl, isn’t it?” Charles asked in his all knowing tone.

“I screw everything up… I told her thing I shouldn’t have and now she’s going to make a decision about the baby and I don’t have a word in it…” Now I was gripping too tight the steering wheel and my knuckles were turning white.

“Are you on your way here?”

“Yes.” I said relaxing a little.

“Okay, we would talk here and get drunk afterwards!” He never changes.

“You never miss an opportunity to drink, huh? I asked already knowing the answer.

“You know how I drill. Get your ass here.”

“I’m almost there.”

“Okay, see you soon.”

“Bye.” I said parking my car in front of his apartment.

Charles greeted me with beer in his hands and we sat in the couch. I told him everything about what happened with Agnes this last two months. He was in disbelieving after I told him what I said to her on Sunday. I have never said something like that to a woman, not even to Olivia…

“Sorry to say this Dante, but you are an asshole. You don’t even know if she has troubles at her home, or if someone is abusing her… I don’t know, but I think she’s pretending to be a bitch just to survive in this society, am I right?” He concluded and drinks his beer, in some way he was right…

“Yes, but to use a fake identity and not telling anyone about her life, is just too annoying!” It was indeed annoying.

“I get it. You want to know everything about her life because you like her, but you have to give her time. She may be using a fake identity to protect her real one.” Like her? How can I even like her when I don’t know anything about her? I hated when Charles jumped into conclusions.

“That makes sense, but Charles, I don’t like her.” I say to him.

“Ha! Told that to someone else, I know you and you definitely like her.” Wait. I can’t like her, I don’t like her…

“I can admit that I’m attracted to her physically, but I don’t love her.” Did I say love?

“I never said love.” Fuck! How could I be so stupid! I can’t be possibly falling for her!

“Give me another drink.” I demanded.

“I’m absolutely right.” He said triumphant handing me the other can of beer.

“Shut up.” And then I drank all the content of the bottle.



The sound of my cell phone, was driving me crazy and mixed with the headache I have, it was horrible. I tried to reach my cell phone with my eyes closed but I couldn’t. I got up from the couch and took the phone from the table answering it.

“Hello…” I greeted trying to sound normal.

“Are you Dante Aldrich?” Asked the voice of a man.

“Yes, who are you?” I asked sitting on the couch.

“My name is Marcus Soyer and I call you because I need your help.” I don’t even remember knowing him, maybe it’s from work?

“My help? With what exactly?” I asked getting up from the couch and making my way to the kitchen to drink some aspirin.

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Sorry for the late upload. I hope you like it and next chapter is going to have something interesting going on! =D

PS: Marcus Soyer is on the character list ^.^