Reaching Agnes


My headache instantly fades away and my body tensed as he said her name.

“With Agnes?” I felt my heart skip a bit inside my chest as I said her name.

“Yes.” He answered.

“What’s wrong with her?” I asked and swallowed the rest of the water from the glass.

“Agnes didn’t tell me everything yesterday, but she came to my apartment crying none stop and talking about how she didn’t want to kill the baby because she didn’t have the heart to. She told me she had to do it because she didn’t have any support and she needed her job.” He took a deep breath and keep on talking. “I found your card in her purse and decided to call you. Agnes is alone here, I have been her friend for a few years and I don’t even know her problems. She doesn't talk about her life, but I know she’s hurt and if Agnes kills the baby inside her, she’s going to be damage forever. I know she can seem cruel, indifferent, a bitch, but she’s a good person deep inside and because she doesn’t know anybody else, I guessed you were the father of the baby…”

“I am… but-”

“She’s 9 weeks pregnant, almost 10, and Agnes is risking her life, by doing the abortion.” No. Agnes can’t abort the baby.

“Are you sure she’s having an abortion?” I feel my hands shaking as I asked.

“Sadly yes. She left a few minutes ago without me noticing and I immediately called you.” He answered and I put my shirt on faster than I always do.

“Where is that clinic?” I asked taking the keys of my car and leaving the place in a hurry and entered my car as Marcus gave me the direction. “It’s not far from where I am right now.”

“Just bring her back safely, please.” Marcus was really worried about Agnes

“I will.” I ended the call and concentrated in the road hopping I could make it in time…


Agnes P.O.V

This place was so cold and creepy… Not even my coat could keep me warm. I had my right leg crossed up in the left and my hands were on my tummy. I still can’t believe I’m about to do something so horrible and inhuman, but I had no other choice… I though Dante was going to help me, but after what he said and what I have done. I’m just a stubborn and selfish human being. I keep driving people away from me, but I have to do it…

“It hurts…” I look up and saw a girl about 16 leaving the abortion room. She looked hurt and in pain…

“The pain will fade away soon, baby.” The woman besides her said, I guess she was her mother. I saw the girl crying and I felt my heart shrink in my chest.

“I didn’t want to kill my baby, mom.” She was crying hugging herself while walking.

“But you had to baby. What’s important now is that you will have a future.” Both of them left the clinic and I looked around.

There were like 5 girls in the ages of 15 to 18 waiting to get an abortion. Most of them had a little bump while I didn’t have any, even though I’m almost in my 3th month. They looked so young and I don’t get why they get pregnant at that age, sure I’m not one to talk, but at least I can take care of my baby alone. The only problem I have is Nathan… I hate the fact that I work for him, I depend on him. If it wasn’t for that idiotic job that I even hate, I could have my baby and be happy with him or her, but no. I’m sitting here in this murder clinic so they can kill and take away my baby. Last night I was so sure of what I wanted, but now… I hate having second thoughts.

“Miss Jones.” The nursed called. “Miss Jones.” She called again after a few minutes. “Miss Agnes Jones.” I looked up. “It’s time for your preparations.” Jones is not my last name…

“Coming.” I got up from my chair and followed the nurse to a white room.

“Get all your clothes off and put this on.” She handed me a blue hospital robe and left.
After I took my coat, pants and shirt off and dressed in the blue robe, I didn’t take off my underwear. I looked at the room and I was instantly scared. In a desk there were a lot of jars with babies inside of them, dead. Each one of them was labeled with a different days and weeks. Besides them were all the utensils to make an abortion, the thongs, scissors and other utensils I couldn't even mention, but at last I noticed the salt water and my mind became blank.

“Are you ready?” I saw a few female and male nurses enter the room. One of them took to the hospital bed I didn’t notice in the middle of the room and sat me there. All of them were moving around me, but I started to see things blurry… “This will only take a second.” The female nurse besides me said holding a needle in her hand. My heart was beating fast and I couldn’t move or react. That was until I felt something moving inside me. My hands moved on their own will to my tummy and I could feel my baby move…

“I can’t do this.” I said in a low voice to the nurse besides me.

“What?” She asks holding the needle.

“I won’t do this.” I put my feet in the ground but the male nurse sat me back on the hospital bed.

“You already pay for this so you have to do it.” My eyes widen at his words, they are going to kill my baby.

“Let me go!” I screamed as hard as I could and the other male nurse holds my arm strongly.

“SOMEBODY HELP ME!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

“Put the morphine in her already!” Scream the nurse holding my arm.

“Stop this! Let me go!” I was begging and fighting, but they didn’t let me go.

“NOW!” And I felt the needle in my arm, the liquid running inside my veins.

“NO! Don’t do this…” My eyelids were heavy and my they closed on their own turning my world to black...
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