Reaching Agnes

Inside The Trouble

After Charles and I had lunch, which he had to pay, we went to the mall to buy new cloths for our works. At 4:30pm we left and Charles drop me at the coffee shop. I waited for her more than an hour. I took my wallet out to pay what I ate, when someone sat in the chair in front of me. She had her hair up in a messy bun, dark sun glasses covered her eyes and she was dressed all in black; skinny jeans and a coat, which I believed she was using to disguise herself. Then she took her sun glasses off and spoke to me.

“Sorry for the wait.”

“Why did you tell me to meet you here when clearly your boyfriend didn’t want you to?” I know I was being rude to her, but I needed answers, now.

“First of all, Nathan is not my boyfriend, he wish he were, but he’s not and second, I agree to meet you here because a little birdie told me you were looking for me.” She answered with attitude crossing her legs and her arms when she finished talking.

“And I can’t know who told you?” I ask placing my hands in the round table.

“No. That’s a secret. What do you want to tell me?” She asked placing her hands in the table looking at me directly to my blue eyes defiantly.

“I will tell you, but first I want to know something.” I stated looking at her the same way she was looking at me.

“Go ahead.”

“What should I call you, Agnes or Fae?” My question was more of a statement, but I got it out of the system. She tensed a little and rested her back in the chair backrest.

“Agnes.” She answers looking at me and I knew she said the truth.

“Agnes what?” I insisted.

“Just Agnes. Tell me what you want so I can leave.” Agnes seemed nervous.

“Why did you tell me you weren’t a virgin when you really were one?” She blushed and when she was about to answer I added something. “And I want the truth.”

“I… I slept with you because I wanted to lose my virginity. It was a bother.” She said in a crude tone.


“I’m almost 21 and every guy that I know, wanted to sleep with me, including Nathan, so I decided to lose it with a men I wanted to, and you were the winner.” I hate how she talks about this, like she was deciding between a red shirt or a blue one.

“How can you talk so freely about that?! What if I have an STD?” I said getting irritated and she just looked into my eyes.

“I know you don’t have anything, you are healthy.” She said as a matter of fact. “Enough with the questioning and just tell me what you want.” Agnes was very anxious now and I’m not sure if I should tell her, but she needs to know.

“The condom broke.” There, I said it.

“What?!” She asks astonished.

“The condom I wore when I had sex with you broke.” I could swear she was acting all this time like someone stubborn who didn’t give a fuck about anything, when she really isn’t like that.

“It broke inside of me or after?” She asked in a low worried tone.

“Inside.” I told her frankly. Agnes was frozen, maybe thinking of something.

“Shit!” She said and got up from the chair leaving the place. I left the money in the table and hurried behind her, I couldn’t lose her this time.

“Agnes!” I scream her name outside the shop to get her attention, but she kept walking in a hurry. I had to run to catch up with her. I took her arm and stopped her from walking. “You are not alone in this Agnes, I’m here.” I hold her face with my hands trying to make her look at me, but she didn’t.

“I’m fine Dante. My period comes back in May 2 and we are in April 28, so I don’t have to worry about anything, neither should you. Besides, I’m very regular and I had sex with you right after my period ended, so I wasn’t ovulating.” She took a deep breath and forced a smile. “You don’t need to worry.” I believe she said that more to herself than to me. I could feel her trembling in my arms so I embrace her tightly, trying to comfort her. We stayed like that for a few seconds until she pulled me away. “I need to go, now.” She said while putting her sunglasses on, event thought it was dawn.

“Just in case,” I took from my wallet one of my cards from work and handed it to her. “You can call me whenever you want. Don’t hesitate to call if you found out you are pregnant or not, okay?” She took the card and placed it inside her purse.

“If I don’t call you in the next 2 weeks, I’m not pregnant.” Agnes said walking away.

“Fine.” I answered before she was out of my sigh again…
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I said this early but well, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! =D