Wild Things.

Reading of the Will.

“Miss De Luca, here.” Enza looked down at Renee Gibbs one of her students as she held a piece of paper out to her. Smiling slightly she took it from the little girl thanking her. Enza watched as Renee walked back to her seat. Looking down at the piece of paper it was a homemade card. On the front it said ‘Weare sorries’ Enza smiled as her eyes started to well with tears.

Opening the card she felt herself getting choked up. Her class had made her a card wishing her to be happy and not sad about the death of her zia. Looking at all the signatures of her students she looked up at them as some watched her and others were eating the snacks that they had brought for the end of summer school party.

Enza taught summer school on Tuesdays and Thursdays for four hours over the course of four weeks. They were so precious and Enza was going to miss them as they all moved on to first grade.

It had been ten days since the death of her great aunt Sophie or Zia, it was Italian for aunt and what they called her instead of aunt Sophie. Nine days since she had found Damian kissing another woman in his office and left him. Five days since the funeral that had been held in Italy. Today her zia’s Will would be read at five o’ clock, Enza didn’t want to go but her zia’s lawyer had said that she needed to be there.

It was all too surreal for Enza, it seemed only yesterday her and Jack were preteens saying the summer with their zia. Running around on the reservation in La Push with their friends while Sophie and Billy were just playing cards and talking about anything and everything.

Enza was taken from her thoughts as a parent knocked on the door. Looking over Enza smiled at the mother before placing the card on her desk and standing up as her students looked up at her wide eyed hoping their color would be called first to get their coats and backpacks.

“First I want to thank you all for the card, it really means a lot to me.” Enza stated as they all smiled before chorusing a ‘you’re welcome Miss De Luca’ to her. Enza smiled as she looked around at the students. “Table reh-orange, you may get your things and go.” Enza laughed as the five at the red table had jumped up only to sit down and stick their tongues out at her.

“Miss De Luca! That was mean!” Tomas stated as Enza chuckled and called the red table, then the purple and blue tables. After all her students had left Enza gathered her things after cleaning up the room. Walking out to her car Enza picked up her phone as it vibrated.

“Enza can you come get me?”

“Well hello to you too, Jack.” Enza chuckled as she opened her car door only to be bombarded by the heat that rushed out. It was a cooler summer day in Vegas but that didn’t really mean anything, a dry heat was still a dry heat, but it was better than humidity Enza reasoned.

“Hello Cadenza, now can you come and get me?” Enza started her car and immediately rolled down her windows.

“Yeah, sure, where you at girly?” Enza stated as she turned her air on full blast only to be nearly suffocated by the heat that hit her in the face.

“I’m at the Luxor hotel and Casino.” Jack nearly whispered as she braced herself for the flip out she knew Enza would have.

“Jacqueline! Che diavolo stai facendo lì?” Enza flipped out in Italian nearly dropping her cell phone at hearing where she was. “Jack, this is the fifth time this month that you have asked me to pick you up at some fancy ass hotel! I want an explanation this time!” Enza nearly yelled into the phone as she heard Jack sigh.

“Okay, later, maybe tomorrow, can you just come get me so we can go to the reading of the Will?”

“Fine, but I am not letting this go! You will tell me tomorrow or I am going to…to…do something and it will hurt!” Enza stated as Jack laughed on the other end. Enza had never really been good at making harmless threats, but Jack knew she needed to tell Enza her secret, especially now.

Enza sat there wanting nothing more than to leave. She looked around the table at everyone who was here. Starting on her left Jack was sitting there looking like she was about to cry, but Enza couldn’t blame her, she wanted to too. Next to Jack was her mamma, Maribel then Gregory her fiancé. On her right was her papa, Marcelo and his wife of two years, Gabriela. Enza was surprised not to see the twins Lukas and Neil, but then again they had only met zia Sophie about five times in the past. Also the boys were probably back at the hotel living it up at the pool.

“…house and everything in it to my darling nipote Cadenza, you always talked about how much you just loved being there and...” Enza blinked looking around as she stopped listening, surely she hadn’t heard that correctly, there was no way her zia would have left her that house. Clearing her throat then swallowing the large lump that had suddenly formed Enza tried to speak.

“Può ripetere, per favore?” Enza barely squeaked out as she felt a hand on her shoulder.

“Sweetheart, he doesn’t speak Italian.” Enza looked at her papa chewing on her bottom lip. She hadn’t even realized that she had spoken in Italian, she knew that she did that occasionally but usually it was around her family so they usually understood.

“Oh, um,” Enza cleared her throat once more. “Could you repeat that please?” The man gave her a small smile with a nod.

“As for my house that I have called my home since leaving Italy, I leave the house and everything in it to my darling nipote Cadenza. You always talked about how much you just loved being there and I wouldn’t feel right leaving it to anyone but you. I love you so much and I’ll always be watching over you.” Enza felt the tears running down her face. Pushing her chair away from the table she stood up and left the room briefly excusing herself before walking out the door.

Enza walked into the restroom and leaned against the nearest wall. She slid down the wall slowly as she soon began to sob uncontrollably as she pulled her knees to her chest and rested her forehead on them. She had held it in when she got the news, she hadn’t cried at the funeral but hearing that her zia had left her the home she had spent her summers and a few holidays at got to her. What was she supposed to do with a house that was nearly three or four states away?

Enza felt someone slide next to her and put their arms around her pulling her to them. Looking up she stared at Jack who was also teary eyed.

“She left me my papa’s motorcycle and a mysterious box that she was supposed to give me on the eighteenth birthday, it’s from my parents.” Jack stated as Enza pulled her into a hug as she got a hold of herself and stopped crying.

“It’s only been ten days since she died and I feel like a part of me is just gone.” Enza stated as Jack nodded.

“I feel like that every time I think about my mamma and papa. I will tell you this much Enza, it doesn’t go away but you learn to deal with it after awhile. No matter where I go, I always have them with me, whether it’s the picture of them in my wallet or their rings around my neck.” Jack stated with a small smile as Enza pulled her into a hug and kissed her temple.

“I knew I kept you around for a reason.” Enza stated as they both looked at each other then laughed.

“Yeah, love you too Enza.” Jack state as they stood up and went back to the reading of the rest of will.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading the first chapter to Dirty.Deed's and I's co-written story! Please comment and I am writing about Carlisle who should be showing up soon!
