Wild Things.


Jack woke up with her cousin shaking her lightly. She opens her eyes hesitantly and looks to Enza that was smiling and observing her struggle. After a brief silence Enza begins speaking with Jack.

“I just wanted to ask you if you know where the car keys are,” Enza explains with a small smile.

“Crazy woman.” Jack looks to the small alarm clock and gasps when she sees how early it was. “Are you trying to kill me Enza?”

“Have you forgotten that today is the very first day of school?” Enza shakes her head lightly with a smile.

“Oh!” Jack opens her mouth and closes. She looks to her cousin that didn’t really looked ready to go teach third graders, well, she simply didn’t look ready to leave the house. “Are you trying to start a riot?”

“Cosa dici?”

“You’re wearing a robe,” Jack states rolling her eyes. “And knowing you like I do, you’re completely naked under it. So if you leave the house like that you’ll start a riot.” Jack laughs.

“Sei così sciocco del mattino. Now do you know where the keys are?”

“Have you checked in the kitchen?” Jack pushes the blankets down and leaves her bed. “I think that you’ve might left them there when we raided the kitchen last night…”

“I haven’t. And now that I think about it we need to buy ice cream…”

“I’d be happy if we had pancakes for breakfast,” Jack says as she looks to Enza that blinked as she looked to the alarm clock.

“Non posso essere in ritardo,” Enza states loudly and runs out of the bedroom.

Jack starts looking under her bed for her slippers. Her cousin you be ready soon so she figure that since she was already up she could make coffee. She walks slowly to the kitchen and once she gets there she starts assembling what she needed to make coffee. She starts laughing when she finds the keys inside the fridge next to the orange juice.

“Where you drunk last night?” Jack shouts knowing that her cousin would probably hear it.

“Tu e Leah sono terribili,” Enza yells from her bedroom. “You should really stop accusing me of having hedonistic habits! But why you did you ask?”

“Because when I got the milk I found your keys,” Jack laughs lightly. The coffee wasn’t ready when Enza walked downstairs. She was looking like she had spent hours assembling her clothes and doing her makeup instead of the six minutes she spent in reality.

“How did it get there?” Enza asks with confusion.

“That doesn’t matter now… We need breakfast,” Jack smiles.

“You’ll have to cook it because I have to go,” Enza stops speaking when Jack opens her mouth. “No. You shouldn’t cook because you always make a mess,” Enza sighs. She picks the keys that were in the counter. “Is Embry taking you to school?”

“I don’t see how that has to do with anything.” Jack crosses her arms over her chest. “He is only good when it comes to eat,” she exclaims almost angrily making Enza laugh.

“He could take you somewhere to eat,” Enza explains. “Wish me good luck!”

“Good luck with the third graders,” Jack says with a small smile. She walks to Enza and gently hugs her. “Oh,” she smirks once they break the hug. “If they misbehave you can suspend them on the coat hangers.”

“Jack!” Enza says loudly with a reproving expression and a small smile on her lips.

“I know you’ve liked my idea, don’t try to fool me.”

“Don’t forget to lock everything and good luck,” Enza says as her expression softens. “And call Embry so you can have breakfast!” She adds as she starts to walk to the front door.

“You sometimes treat me like I’m amnesic,” Jack mumbles with a smile.

Soon she hears the door closing, followed by the sound of the car engine. With a smile she returns to the coffee making process. When everything was ready the pours a cup of coffee adds milk and sugar and returns to her bedroom.

She opens the door and stares inside trying to remember where she had left her cell phone. Immediately upon her finding the cell phone that was inside a drawer, a smile appears on her face. All of her friends of Vegas had sent her a message wishing her good luck on her new school. Even if she was happy they had remembered her it was bittersweet feeling. She loved all the friends she had in La Push and the Cullen’s were rather entertaining but she couldn’t help to miss her Vegas friends. She shakes her head decided not to let the situation sadden her. It had been the right decision to leave Vegas.

She presses the buttons on her phone quickly and is greeted by what could only be described as a grunt.

“Is your house on fire?” Embry asks her immediately.

“You’re not a morning person, are you?” Jack says after a small laugh.

“It’s too early Jack!” He suddenly exclaims. “Your house better be on fire!”

“Enza left the house on a hurry,” Jack ignores his words. “And that means no breakfast for me so I wanted to invite you to take me somewhere to have a breakfast.”

“Food?” Jack starts laughing loudly at his silliness. “My mom left for work too,” he states. Jack smiles as it makes her realize he was getting more coherent. “I know where we can have breakfast!” He exclaims all of the sudden startling Jack. The excitement on his voice made her smile, once again. Only Embry, and her other La Push friends, could be so excited when it came to food.

“Okay… When will you be here?”

“Five minutes,” he mumbles. Jack starts to hear all sorts of noises on the other end of the phone what could only mean he was getting ready as they spoke.

“I need a shower…”

“Got take a shower quickly… I hope it still warm,” he mutters rather dreamily. “They taste so good when they are warm!”

“You aren’t making any sense.”

“Why are you still speaking with me? Go get a shower woman!”

Feeling like she was on some sort of race against time she quickly ends the call and runs to the bathroom. She opens the taps and while the water got hot she hurries back to her bedroom to choose some clothes. She decides to use the leather jacket that Chester had given her before her departure from Las Vegas and quickly picks jeans and a plain white t-shirt.

She was about to step inside the shower when she hears someone honking. She groans a picks the phone to text Embry that the door was open so he could enter.

After her shower, that Jack believed that was the fastest shower anyone had had in history, she warps a towel around her body and leaves the bathroom. On her bedroom was an unkempt Embry gathering her notebooks. When he realized that she was looking to him and covered with only a towel he blushes and looks to the ground.

“Hurry up!”

“I’m hurrying up as you can see,” Jack states. He remained very still looking to the ground. “And since you’re not planning to leave my bedroom I have to get dressed in the bathroom,” she adds as she gathered her clothes in a pile.

“Oh. Sorry,” he mumbles. “Please hurry up, I promise that will be worth it.”

“It better be,” Jack says loudly as she enters the bathroom.

He continued hurrying Jack till they entered his car. Then he started to drive like a mad man back to La Push. Jack didn’t know if she should be amused by the way he was acting or to fear for her life. She had never seen so worked up like he was, but being like that because food was rather silly.

Embry automatically yells ‘Aha!’ when he parks his car. The parking lot was filled with cars and they had been lucky to find a spot.

“Where are we?” Jack asks with amazement.

“On the best bakery of the world,” Embry says with a smile. “If you don’t get here early you can’t get anything… I hope that her muffins are still warm… they are to die for!” He smiles dreamily and rubs his stomach.

“Let’s go in then.” Embry looks to Jack and smile. He picks her hand and starts running to the door. “You’re walking to fast,” she screams.

“Good morning Mrs. Gardner,” Embry greets the old woman that was behind a wooden counter.

“How many times do I have to tell you to call me Harriet?” she replies with a warm smile. “And who is the lovely girl near you? Is she okay?” Embry looks to Jack that was breaking heavily.


“I’m fine,” she sates after a long breath. “When you decide do run make sure you’re not holding my hand… I thought I was going to die!” She exclaims over dramatically making Harriet laugh.


“Since all the tables are full why don’t you come and sit on the table behind the counter?” Harriet proposes with a smile. “And you should pay everything m’dear,” Harriet says looking to Embry. “Not only because is what a gentleman does but also because she looks a bit distressed.”

“I agree. You’re a fine woman!” Jack says with excitement and Embry narrows his eyes to her. Harriet simply smiles and signals them to move with her hand.

“Do you want the usual?” Harriet asks Embry when he sits.

“Yes. Could you bring Jack a muffin and some pancakes?”

“Since when you order for me?” Jack interrupts Embry crossing her arms over her chest.

“Since I know the menu way better than you… You can thank me later.” Embry grins in response.

“I think he has the menu memorized dear,” Harriet confides with a small smile. “It will take only a while.” She winks her eye to them and walks into what Jack assumed that was the kitchen.

“How come I never been here?” Jack questions Embry with a smile. The place was so cozy, not only because of the simple decoration but also due the smell of pastries filling the air.

“This place only has two years,” Embry enlightens Jack. “Mrs. Gardener opened it when her husband died.”

“That’s sad…”

“We are surrounded by sadness dear,” Harriet says emerging from the kitchen. “Could one of you lend me a hand? It’s a lot to carry.” Embry and Jack automatically get up and walk to her. On one of the metal counters rested a tray filled with all sorts of muffins, and in a stove near by the pancakes were being cooked. “I should really hire someone to help me with the bakery…” Harriet says tiredly.

“That way you could stay open for more time in the afternoons!” Embry exclaims with excitement and Harriet simply laughs.

“Oh!” Jack smiles brightly and looks to the old woman. “I could help you, I sort of need a job but I haven’t managed to find anything…”

“Really dear?” Harriet asks with a smile. “Since you have classes you could help me in the afternoon and believe it or not the afternoons are far worse than the mornings.”

“But the place is full,” Jack said being unable to imagine it with more people.

“On the afternoon people come by to buy all sorts of sweets to serve as a desert after dinner,” Harriet explained as she walked to the stove. “And if I had someone to take care of the orders and collecting the cash I could focus on the baking.”

“Could I get free pastries now and then because I was sort of responsible for this meeting?” Embry asks with a dreamy look on his face.

“You have no shame!” Jack hits his arm and looks reprovingly to him.

“I promise that I will lend her a hand when I have free time!” Embry adds with a smile.

“Then I propose you a deal,” Harriet chimes in with a smile. “Whenever you help your friend I’ll pay you with pastries.”

“Don’t make the mistake of saying that he can eat whatever he can at the end of the day,” Jack says with a smirk. “You’d go to bankrupt in a blink of an eye.” Harriet laughs heartily.

“I know this boy… He can eat what we don’t sell at the end of the day. I usually give everything to the poor--”

“I wish I was poor,” Embry suddenly exclaims. When Jack looks to him she realizes that he had eaten one third of the tray contents already.

“Stop eating!”

“I can’t… They are compelling me to eat them,” Embry says with a smile making Jack laugh and shake her head lightly.

At the end of the meal Jack was really happy. The food had been great, like Embry had promised her. She understood why Embry had rushed her so much. She was also glad that she had found a job. Harriet told her to stop by at the end of day on Tuesday so they could discuss the details.

On the ride to school Embry didn’t stop grinning like a fool and constantly spoke about their breakfast. He told her that Quil and Jake would envy them for their good fortune.

“You got here early,” Quil says when Embry and Jack exit the car.

“We went to Mrs. Gardner’s bakery,” Embry says with a smirk. Quil automatically opens his mouth and narrows his eyes. “Jack even got a job there!”

“Lucky you,” Quil says after a sigh. “You’ll be able to eat everything!”

“I’m going to work there as a cashier not as someone that tastes her cakes!”

“Whose cakes?” Jake automatically asked when parked his car near Embry’s.

“Mrs. Gardner’s,” Quil and Embry say at the same time.

“How could you hear the conversation with you engine--” Jack tries to ask finding the situation odd. But the boys didn’t pay attention to her words.

“You had breakfast there?” Jake shouts and crosses his arms over his chest.

“Yes,” Embry responds with a grin. Quil and Jake sigh heavily.

“Stop being so silly,” Jack scolds them with a small smile.

“You’re just lucky,” Quil says with a small smile. “You got a job there.” Jake nods his head approvingly once he got over the surprise.

“And she has Enza to cook for her,” Embry adds.

“Oh yeah. Enza does great food,” Jake agrees.

“Could we stop speaking about food please?” Jack pleads.

“We better because I’m getting hungry.” Embry confides. Jack looks to him with amazement since he had just eaten and slaps his arm.

“I thought that men were always thinking about sex,” Jack suddenly exclaims and the three boys look to her. “But you prove that wrong…” The look silently to her and laugh after a few seconds.

“We should show her the place,” Jake says looking to Embry. “We have to get our schedules too.”

“Do you think she’ll give us candies?” Quil suddenly asks.

“Who will give us candies?”

“The secretary… The other day when I went to Claire’s school her teacher gave me a lollipop…” Jack starts laughing crazily and Embry and Jake soon join her.

“I don’t even know where to start,” Jack says once she stops laughing. She shakes her head and smiles. “Are you really comparing a kid’s school to high-school?”

“I just wanted a lollipop,” Quil says with a small embarrassed smile.

“I’d be glad if I found some food,” Jake tells them. They start walking to the building.

“I’d be more than glad if I had more of Mrs. Gardner’s muffins!” Embry chimes in being hit by Jake and Quil. “Envious bastards!”

They start exchanging remarks between themselves making Jack laugh loudly. Embry continued telling that they didn’t had to act the way they were doing because of their envy while Quil and Jake declared he was simply rubbing in their faces his good luck.

Once they received their schedules they began comparing it. Embry was in all of Jack’s classes apart from one and Jake and Quil had several classes in common with them.
That also brightened Jack’s day. She was glad to have at least one of them in all of her classes since that way they would be able to tell her who and how the teacher acted.

They were walking back to the front of the school when Paul emerged from the gates.

Paul was feeling grouchy since he had woken up. He wasn’t pleased with the end of the summer vacations and even if he tried to see it from its bright side, meaning that he would have more contact with girls, he couldn’t help but to feel contradicted. He wanted more time of vacations. With school his already busy and stressful schedule would get far worse.

He was annoyed by the fact that Sam didn’t allow them to rest often. Everything was fine from his point of view. Jacob had imprinted and they didn’t have to cause a war because of the silly human. Vampire, she was now a vampire, he quickly corrected himself. He was against the war not because he thought they would get hurt but because it would mean that his free time would be reduced to zero. He kicks a rock that was on his path and looks to his school and groans. When he passes through the gates he hears Jake’s voice. He had a happy tone of voice and was telling someone he approved the schedules. He mentally prepares something nasty to say but when he looks to the place where the voice had come from, time froze and everything changed.

He stared to feel warm, not like he was in hell but like the sun had decided to shine do warm his core. He felt like he had awakened from a deep sleep and the world around him was no longer the same. The crowd and the numerous voices were simple murmurs in the background. The only thing he could see and hear was Jack, his precious Jack. He devotes all of his attention to her. He noticed how her hair shined when she passed through a spot with sunlight. He noticed how her eyes glinted as she spoke with Embry and how she twitched her nose when they told her something silly. And her voice was so musical! How hadn’t he noticed that? He was sure that not even angels had that voice; they wished they had but they didn’t because they weren’t her.

He had to go to her and speak. Every molecule in his body demanded it and the need of being beside her had to be satisfied. Doing something else was unthinkable; he had to walk to her immediately.

Embry was the first to notice that Paul was walking to them. He was about to nudge Quil and Jake to warn them when he realized that something was wrong, incredibly wrong. Paul wasn’t smirking like he usually was, he was smiling and the way he was looking to Jack troubled him. The thought of Paul, of all people, imprinting on Jack was absurd.

“Did he just impr--” Quil exclaims loudly and Jake quickly hits him to prevent him from saying anything else.

“Who did what?” Jack asks looking around them. She didn’t notice that Paul was walking to them and was completely oblivious of what was happening.

“He imprecisely pointed at us!” Quil says the first thing he can think of. “How dares he!” He exclaims outraged making Jack look oddly to him.

“What?” On that moment Embry starts pulling Jack to the building. They had to leave the place and avoid Paul till they had gathered their thoughts.

“You have to see the bathrooms!” Embry says faking excitement.

“Oh yeah! I’ve heard that the female bathrooms are amazing. You ought to check them!” Jake utters.

“Have all of you lost your minds?” Jack questions them trying to be released from Embry’s tight grip. “What have I told you about dragging me around Embry Call?!” She shouts as he makes his way to the female bathrooms. Once he reaches the place he shoves Jack inside the bathroom and holds the door knob. “Let me out!”

“Go see the bathroom,” Embry orders her. Jack starts punching the door to show him that she really, really, wanted to leave the bathroom. “What will we do?” Embry whispers ignoring all the noise that Jack was making.

“I don’t know,” Quil says with a panicked expression. “And we won’t be able to keep her in the bathroom forever too.”

“Oh fuck!” Jake exclaims loudly. “What if he has a class with her?”

“Maybe it won’t be so bad,” Quil says trying to calm down his friends who immediately glared in response.

“Even if we forget his dubious personality have you forgotten that he fucked most of the girls in this school?” Embry spats. “She will end up hurt!”

“Jack can take care of herself and we wouldn’t leave her side so everything--” Quil’s sentence is interrupted by Paul that was looking angered. He stopped in front of them and demanded to speak with Jack. He started trembling and they began to fear that he would shift in the middle of the corridor.

“Calm down!” Jake ordered him with a serious expression. “Do you want to scare her?” Paul’s expression immediately softened.

“I need to speak with her,” Paul says as he takes deep breaths to calm himself. “Please…”

“Let me go or I swear I’ll break the window!” Jack shouts and punches the door harder. “If I hurt myself you’ll have to explain it to Enza!” When Paul heard her words he quickly pushed Embry from the door and opened it. Jack that was applying a lot of pressure on the door felt on his arms making him smile brightly.

“You’re free now,” He says sweetly moving his hand to her cheek. Jack blinks several times trying to comprehend what was happening. “I promise you that I won’t allow them to lock you here again.” He caresses her cheek tenderly making her snap.

“Get off me! I told you that I wouldn’t fuck you so you really don’t have to act that way because it’s not going to work!” She narrows her eyes to him. “I’ll never be under you squirming!” She exclaims and walks out of the bathroom. She glares to her friends and continues walking down the corridor. The quickly follow her trying to make amends leaving Paul with a stunned expression inside the bathroom.

“I’m fucked,” Paul murmurs lightly.

“Paul?” Kim looks to him confused regarding why he was inside the lady’s bathroom. “Could leave the bathroom? I want to use it… Paul?!”

“Sorry,” he mumbles looking to her.

“What happened?” Jared asks. He entered the bathroom when he heard Paul’s strange tone of voice.

“I imprinted.”

“Was she that ugly that you had to seek solace in the ladies bathroom?” Jared asks trying to tease him but his words didn’t faze Paul.

“She’s actually stunning,” Paul says with a small smile. “I already found her attractive before the imprinting deal…”

“So why are you here?”

“I’m here because I imprinted on Jack,” Paul mumbles lightly. “I imprinted on Jack.” He repeats his words mind absently.

“When I told you your words would bite you in the ass I hadn’t imagined that,” Jared says patting Paul’s back.

“Go outside!” Kim says loudly. “I really have to use the bathroom.” They quickly oblige to her words and leave the bathroom.

“Thought luck. I really feel sorry for you.”

“Shouldn’t you tell me that everything will be fine?” Paul asks slightly annoyed.

“Man you need a miracle because you imprintee on the only girl, apart from Kim, that has a brain in this school.”

“What are you trying to say? That I’m a bad person and that smart persons will stay away from me?” He asks as tremors start spreading through his body.

“Don’t distort my words and don’t shift here,” Jared sternly says. “I’m just pointing out that you have a reputation and that you have slept with almost every female in this school. Also that Jack is a smart young woman and won’t fall on your bullshit like most girls.”

“What will I do?” Paul asks with panic.

This hadn’t been the way that Paul had imagined that things would happen when he imprinted. First off he had the conviction that he would never imprint because he had never realized how an imprintee could fill him with happiness. It filled a hole that he had never noticed he had.

But imprinting on Jack had been pure back luck. Could he simply imprint on someone that he had never crossed paths with? And how didn’t he imprint on her the first second he laid eyes on her? She wasn’t wearing her silly sunglasses today… Could it be due that?

And how would he be able to change her mind about him? All the things that had been said since she had crossed paths with him would be difficult to take back. Along with the fact that she seemed a stubborn person.

“I’m so fucked,” he mumbles again massaging his neck.


“I’m angry!”

“Jack we’re sorry,” Embry says sweetly.

“I have never been locked in a public bathroom before!”

“Now you can say that you have,” Quil says with a smile.

“Quil, I think that no one would be happy to say that were locked in a restroom…” Jake says after a sigh.

“What were you trying to do?” Jack stops walking and faces her friends. They start looking to each other as they tried to come up with a good reason for their actions. “And why it end up being that moron opening the door?”

“I don’t know,” Quil mumbles. “It happened quickly…” Jack narrows her eyes and slaps their arms angrily.

“I demand compensation!” She says as a small smile starts to appear on her face. “You’ll have to carry my things around for the next week and,” she makes a pause and deviously looks to Embry. “You owe me piggy back rides till you’re old!”

“Why am I the only one that has to carry you around?”

“Because it was you that dragged me into the bathroom,” Jack states with her eyes narrowed. “You also owe me a muffin from Harriet’s bakery!”

“He’ll do everything you want him to do,” Jake says with a small smile. “He can’t live without your friendship, neither of us can.” He sweetly adds.

“Cheesy but I’ll accept it… And,” Jack laughs lightly. “I wouldn’t really stop speaking with you because of this…”

“She loves us,” Quil says in ‘aw’.

“Or she simply likes to annoy us,” Embry rectors with a smirk.

“I think it’s for both things!” Jake says making them laugh.

“Anyway, they will buy you something there too,” Embry says with a small smile. “After all they are as guilty as I.” Quil and Jake narrow their eyes to Embry when Jack nods in agreement.

“That isn’t fair…”
♠ ♠ ♠
I want to thank all the lovely people that have comment, subscribed and read the story. And venture;; is right, giving feedback is sexy, haha.
