Wild Things.

Drunken Phone Calls

“If you don’t get inside of this car I swear you will wake up naked next to Henry,” Jack says with a serious expression with her arm crossed over her chest. She gently tapped her foot in the ground.

“And how you’d you accomplish that?” Ryan asked with a smirk. “You’re small and you’re not that strong.” The glare that Jack shot him made Enza laugh.

“Embry would help me,” Jack replied with a smirk.

“We should just go with her,” Chester chimes in with a small smile on his lips.

“I’m too young to die.”

“Well I’m not taking any chances,” Chester says entering the car. “Henry might be horny.”

“Like you’re my type,” Henry scoffs placing a hand on his hips. Jack started to laugh when Chester placed a hand over his chest and said that Henry’s words had hurt his pride.

“Get inside Ryan and Dave…. Don’t think that hiding will make me forget you. I can see your fat ass,” Jack says entering the car.

“My ass is fat, isn’t it Sasha?”

“I can’t really tell. Unlike Henry I’m no cradle robber and you’re not really my type.” Enza and Jack started laughing as Dave blinked with confusion trying to decipher Sasha’s words.

“When you reach my age you’ll see the wonders of a young man… They are so vigorous!” Henry exclaims passionately. Enza and Jack laughed and soon Sasha and Yvette joined them. Jack’s friends, on the other hand, had horrified expressions of their faces.

“Sadly Enza can’t relate,” Jack states with a smirk.

“Che cosa ti ho detto Jack?” Enza glares to her cousin that sunk her body into the seat giggling.

“As entertaining it can be watching you and Jack argue,” Yvette says entering the car. “We should go now.”

“Oh yes. I want to see more of those butt fuck beauties,” Henry exclaims licking his lips. “You should have told me Enza. I would have come here sooner if I knew what I was missing.”

After a few more exchange of words, mostly Chester begging for Henry to stop before he got severely traumatized everyone entered the cars so they could drive to La Push.

On the ride over Jack answered many of her friends questions. Ryan asked her more about the boys of La Push and only stopped when Chester insinuated that he was turning gay. Dave simply wanted to know more about Sasha and what she had meant when she said he wasn’t her type. Everyone laughed but they didn’t tell him that Sasha was a lesbian since they didn’t want to lose the chance of embarrassing him later on. Chester, on the other hand, was the one preoccupied if everyone was treating her fine and that brought up Paul into the conversation.

“Everyone is nice, but there’s this guy that makes me lose my sanity,” Jack says gripping tightly around the steering wheel.

“You can’t lose something you never had,” Dave comment with a smirk making Jack try to hit him. All the boys yelled and she diverted her attention to the road before they got into an accident.

“Just wait till we get out of the car.”

“What did he do?” Ryan asks sweetly.

“He annoys the fuck out of me! He’s a conceited fuck, that’s what he is! He even tried to get in Enza’s pants once. And the things he’s told me!” Jack rants passionately narrowing her eyes.

“What did he say?” Chester asks clenching his fists.

Chester had always been protective of Jack since he looked to her like his younger sister. They’d met shortly after her moving to Vegas, after her parents’ death. On that time of her life Jack was a quiet person and she refused to make friends with anyone at their school. Some of the kids tried to make her life miserable but Jack never gave any attention to that and when she did she tried to harm the person that was being mean to her. One time when Chester was passing through the girl’s bathroom he heard sobs. When he entered the bathroom he spotted Jack on a corner crying, as soon as she noticed someone inside the bathroom she cleaned her tears and tried to leave the bathroom. Chester had never been one to be randomly affectionate, but when he saw the little girl putting her brave face he hugged her and told her that everything would be alright. Since then they became close friend and he promised her that if everyone made her cry like that ever again he’d make them pay. And that was a promise that he had never broke.

“He didn’t threaten me Chester,” Jack says sweetly. “He just wants to get inside of my pants. He even is trying the nice guy approached,” Jack scoffs with disgust. “I honestly wouldn’t touch him with a stick.”

“We can take care of him if you want us too,” Ryan suggests already feeling hate for Paul.

“I’m not a damsel in distress,” Jack tells them with a smirk.

“Well you ain’t a damsel as for the distress part I don’t know…” Chester says playfully.

“Shut up or I swear I’ll make Embry carry you outside when you’re sleeping.”

“What’s the deal with Embry,” Ryan mutters crossing his arms over his chest. “Why are you always bringing him up?”

“Someone’s jealous,” Dave says in a singsong voice making Ryan punch his leg. “That hurts!”

“Behave children,” Jack says with a smile. She glances in Ryan’s direction and starts laughing at his angry expression. “Embry is my closest friend here. As children we were inseparable and that got him in a lot of trouble and since Quil and Jake are always with Nessie and Claire, he has to put up with me all the time.”

“I don’t feel very comfortable knowing you spend a lot of time with a guy that runs around naked,” Ryan informs her making Jack, Chester and Dave laugh.

“But he is so innocent. You should have seen the look on his face when I invaded his bed a while ago. He freaked up because I was in my undergarments…”


“Ryan you’re being ridiculous,” Chester announced making Ryan sigh. They looked to each other and Ryan simply frowned.

“Were the two of you having a mental conversation?” Jack asks looking to their faces trough the mirror.

“It was noting. Now tell me what are we expecting from that bonfire?”

And like that the topic changed. Jack started to tell them that Billy would speak about the tales and that in the end everyone would drink and eat. They showed interest in the tales that she was speaking about. So she resumed everything she knew and tried to answer their many questions.

When they arrived to La Push Ryan and Chester were having an argument. Ryan had decided that the cold ones were far more awesome that wolves and Chester disagreed.

“What’s the fun in to morphing into a wolf?” Ryan says getting out of the car.

“What’s the fun into drinking blood?” Chester countered.

“What’s happening?” Embry asks approaching Jack that threw her arms around his neck and hid her face in his chest, he gently patted Jack’s back receiving a glare from Ryan.

“They can’t shut up.”

“Tell him man, wolves are better than blood drinkers!” Chester demands with a smile.

“No way!”

“I agree with Chester… That’s your name right?” Embry asks with a small smile.

“Yes,” Chester shortly responds and looks to Ryan. “See man, I’m right…”

“Of course he would say that wolves are better, it’s part of his tribe legends…” Ryan rolls his eyes.

“I know that from a fact,” Embry says quickly not noticing what he was saying. When the four teenagers look to him with curiosity he starts laughing. “We should go down… Your cousin friend’s is trying to convince Jacob to,” Embry taps his chin lightly. “How did he put it? Open the borders of his mind and experiment new things?” Jack starts laughing.

“I don’t want to miss it! Is Nessie here?” she asks looking to Embry that shook his head. “Aw, Claire is going to be alone. Shall we?” She says as she started to run to the beach.

“You can’t say you don’t like dicks before you actually taste a dick!” Henry exclaims loudly and Jack immediately laughed.

“I didn’t say any of that,” Jacob says with his face flushed all shades of red. “I simply said that I was straight!”

“Comportarti bene Henry,” Enza mumbles between laughs.

“I hope that meant we’re going to find you a gay, shirtless, hot man today Henry,” Henry says with a smirk. “I won’t satisfy for less…”

“Oh Henry, stop making me laugh before I pee myself.” Sasha begs with a hand over her stomach.

“It has happened before,” Enza tells them with a smirk. On that moment Leah arrives and the boys and Sasha look to her with interest.

“Hey whore,” she greets Enza with a hug.

“Non sono una prostituta.” Enza smacks Leah’s head. “These are my friends, Henry, Yvette and Sasha. Those are Jack’s: Dave, Chester and Ryan.”

“More hookers?” Leah asks with a smirk.

“I’m too classy for being a simple hooker,” Henry affirms with a smirk. “Now tell me where I can find someone with a liberated mind.”

“Let me rephrase what he said,” Yvette joins the conversation. “He wants to know where he can find gay men.”

“It better be quick to because I’m pretty sure he wants to rape Jacob,” Jack adds with a smirk making Jacob’s eyes widen with horror.

“Don’t scare him Jack.” Enza playfully hits her cousin’s shoulder.

“There’s a drag queen bar in Olympia,” Quil that had been incredibly quiet suddenly tells them. Everyone started to look to with curious expressions and his cheeks blushed violently. “I’ve never been inside but I got lost once and found it…”

“I didn’t take you for one of those Quil,” Enza says laughing. “I timidi sono sempre i peggiori.”

“You can’t doubt my masculinity!”

“I think everyone is doing that dearest.” Jack smirks.

“I’m not,” Henry states with a smug smile. “I think you are manly…”

“The tales are starting,” Leah announces when she stops laughing. “We should go.”

“Its shame that only the men walk around without their shirts, isn’t it?” Sasha says after a sigh.

“W-What?” Dave asks once he heard her words.

“Nothing, nothing…” Jack mumbles pulling him to the bonfire.

Paul that was sitting already near the fire didn’t enjoy even one bit seeing Jack surrounded by men he didn’t knew.

The past weeks had been hard on him. He tried every trick in the book that he could think of but Jack always made some nasty remark and walked away. He had even asked tips from Sam and Jared but they didn’t help much. They suggested lame things that he simply didn’t want to try. He also feared that if he actually bought Jack flowers she would use it as a weapon against him. And the fact that Embry, Jacob and Quil refused to assist him didn’t improve things either. They claimed it was something he had to do alone. He knew that Jacob and Quil didn’t want to help him because he used to tease him for imprinting on children. But Embry didn’t even have a valid excuse.

He watched with annoyance Jack sitting between one of the unknown men and Embry. Is anger increases as the tale continued. She rested her head in Embry’s shoulder; one of the men offered her his jacket and the other held her hand. It should be him doing all those things. It should be his jacket, his shoulder and his hand! He honestly wanted to get up and punched the guys face. But he knew he couldn’t so he glared to the men hoping that they would drop dead.

“Calm down,” Jared whispers to Paul that had his fists clenched, trying to avoid a confrontation.

“I can’t,” Paul hisses trough his gritted teeth.

“And that’s how we survived as a tribe.” Billy says finishing the story.

“Wolves are better,” Chester says looking to Ryan.

“Nah,” Ryan looks to Jack that was rubbing her face against Embry’s shoulder. “Why are you doing that?”

“Embry is insanely hot,” Jack shares rubbing her head more.

“If you’re cold I’ll give you my jacket,” Dave suggests.

“And I’ll give you mine too!”

“If all of us had jackets we could turn Jack into the Michelin doll…” Jacob laughs.

“Funny guy…”

“So where are the drinks?” Yvette asks interrupting their rant.

“I’ll take you there,” Leah says with a smile. “Are you coming or it’s me and the whore and the whore’s friends?” She asks looking to Jack.

“What do you think?” Jack asks looking to Jacob and Embry. Quil had left a while ago because Claire had fallen asleep.

“You’re coming because I need a translator,” Leah says with a smirk. “I want to know when the hooker is cursing at me.”

“Uno di questi giorni farò qualcosa di così terribile che non Leah di andare a osare tu mi chiami puttana!” Enza narrows her eyes to Leah that immediately looked to Jack.

“Like what?” Jack asks with a smirk.

“Non ho pensato a qualcosa di abbastanza grave,” Enza admits with a smile.

“Tell me what the whore is saying.”

“She’ll do something bad to you if you don’t stop with the whore thing,” Jack says.

“Just you wait. Next time we’re with Carlisle you’ll pay!” Leah promises with a smile.

“Non oserebbe!” Jack quickly translated it to Leah who laughed.

“Just you wait,” Leah said once again making Enza chase her down the beach.

At the end of the night everyone was drunk. Enza and her friends disappeared with Leah. At least that was what Jack thought because she didn’t remembered much. She didn’t even remember why she had started drinking. She knew it had something to do with tequila that someone had brought and Chester and Yvette having some sort of contest. Her last coherent memory was Sasha trying to convince Leah to let her do body shots with her.

Jack was lying on the sand trying to remember what had happened when she saw Enza running on her underwear down the beach, being chased by Leah that was also on her underwear that was throwing shoes at her.

“She’s throwing shoes?” Jack asks squinting her eyes to see everything better.

“Yes, now rest.” Embry told her sweetly.

“Where are the others?” Jack mumbles.

“Jake went home and your friends went to get you drinks…”

“Vieni a giocare con noi,” Enza, a wet Enza, asks running to Jack.

“I don’t want to.”

“Come on. Let’s get wild!” Enza says with excitement and Jack could tell that she was far drunker than she had first assumed.

“Why are you wet?”

“Leah grab her by the feet, I’ll take the hands!”

Jack tried to fight the older and crazier women but it wasn’t used. She wasn’t also pleased because her friends didn’t to a thing to help her, they just watched the scene and laughed. She ended up being thrown at the water and the two women soon jumped to the ocean with her. In the end everyone apart from Embry and Sasha, that claimed that the view was better than joining the fun, were in their undergarment swimming.

“If there weren’t kids here I’d swim naked,” Enza randomly says making Leah and Jack laugh.

“We don’t mind,” Dave says with a smirk.

“Jail bait has no saying in this,” Enza replied with a smirk. “You know what? We should have a drinking contest! I bet that I’ll win!”

“No more drinking,” complained Ryan. He quickly swam to the shore and fell on the sand near Embry.

“Have you seen the youth these days Henry?” Yvette asks with a smirk. “They can’t handle the liquor!”

“But the youth of butt fuck Washington is hot… You’ve got to admit that. Oh look at that hottie…”

“Who?” Enza starts laughing. “That’s Paul!”

“Oh no,” Jack sighs.

“He’s a fine piece of ass!”

“I thought you had standards Henry,” Jack mutters grumpily. She throws water to him to show her discontent.

“Is she blind? Why is she saying that Enza?”

“They don’t get along,” Enza says between laughs.

“Oh I’m going to invite him.”


“Yes! Hello,” Henry yells waving his hand enthusiastically. “You there with the nice body. Take off your clothes and join us in our evening swim. Come on now, we want to see your underwear!”

“Henry!” Jack says throwing water to him. At first Paul was trying to comprehend what the crazy man was saying but when he heard Jack voice he thought that maybe wasn’t a bad idea after all.

“Oh you’re so hot!” Henry starts to wolf istle him.

“Enza make him stop!” Jack pleads. Enza simply laughed and shook her head. “I don’t know why I like you.”

“Hey,” Paul says once he enters the waters. “I’m Paul.”

“That’s Henry, she’s Yvette and that is Dave and the one floating is Chester,” Leah introduced them to Paul.

“Fuck off Leah.” Jack throws her water.

“How old are you?” Henry asks with a husky voice.

“He’s jail bait,” Enza says after a laugh.

“I told you that 18 is legal…”

“Enza?” Jack asks lightly trying to ignore Paul that was swimming next to her.


“You still want to have a drinking contest?”

“Yeah! I know I’ll regret it in the morning but fuck it,” Enza says with a laugh.

“She just wants to drink to forget her hormonal situation,” Leah chimes in.

“Or maybe she’s trying to get sick so she can have a certain doctor in her bedroom in the morning…”

Paul watched Leah, Enza, their friends and Jack swim back to the short. He couldn’t help but to look to Jack’s exposed body with a smirk on his lips. When Henry called him he swam back to the shore thinking that if the guy continued acting like he was he would have great chances of convincing Jack he wasn’t a bad person till the end of the night.

After their drinking contest Enza and Jack dance around one of the fires trying to dry her clothes while everyone commented how crazy they were acting. The girls simply shrugged their shoulders and continued to have fun not minding what their friends said.

“Do you have Dr. Cullen’s phone number?” Jack whispers looking to Leah. Enza that was distracted with Henry and Yvette didn’t notice that her cousin was planning something devious.

“Yeah, Why?” Leah asks with a small smirk.

“I want payback,” Jack murmurs looking to Paul. “She didn’t stop Henry so I’m going to call the man and toss the phone into her hands.” Leah started laughing.

“You know that she will kill you… But it would be fun… Fuck it, I’m too drunk to think straight, let’s embarrass that hooker.” Leah tossed the phone into Jack hands and smirked.


“Is this Dr. Cullen?” Jack asks and starts laughing violently.

“Yes… Leah? Is that you Leah?”

“I’m Jack, we met at the party that Angel… wait Aldine? Alice? Yes Alice threw a while ago.”

“Oh, Enza’s cousin… Is everything alright?”

“My cousin wanted to speak with you… But she was a bit shy… Enza! Dr. Cullen is on the phone,” Jack yells making Enza’s head snap in her direction. “Here.”

“Oh mio dio! Tu non hai fatto questo!”

“Just tell him the way he drives your hormones insane,” Jack yells with a smirk. A very embarrassed Enza picks the phone from Jack’s hands and slaps her head. She decided to walk to another side of the beach to explain things to Carlisle.

“You’re in so many troubles,” Henry says laughing loudly. “Bold move!”

“Totally worth it. And Embry will protect me, right?"

"I don't know," Embry mumbles with a grin. When she pouts he laughs. "I will."
♠ ♠ ♠
Feedback is always appreciated ~
