Wild Things.


Jack was cleaning the counters in Harriet’s bakery. Her shift had just ended and the crowd of people had already disappeared. It had been one of those days where she had to run a lot around trying to satisfy all the customers, that weren’t exactly the most patient people on the world.

On the little time she had work there she became close to the old woman. Harriet was a joyful person that worked really hard. She was also really helpful; she never refused to lend a hand to someone. And all those behaviors made Jack remind of her Zia Sophie.

“Harriet, I’m going now…” Jack says looking to the kitchen. Harriet was still inside baking something.

“Come here dear.”

“Yes?” Jack picks the bag she had stored behind the counter and enters the kitchen. “You need help Harriet?”

“No child,” Harriet says with a small smile. “I’m baking you a cake.”

“Oh? You didn’t have too.” Jack drops her bag on the ground and walks to Harriet that was mixing the ingredients.

“I wanted to thank you for all your help. It’s hard to find good workers,” Harriet tells stopping the mixing bowl. She drops the mixture inside a tray and places it inside the oven.

“I like working here,” Jack says truthfully. There was something about the place that constantly smelled like a giant desert that made her feel at home. “Even on Fridays…” Fridays were the most hectic day of the week.

“I know you do.” Harriet looks to Jack and winks her eye. “I still wanted to bake you a cake.” Jack was going to argue with her once again and Harriet shushed her. “Elders can do what they want and the younglings have to respect their wishes,” she says with a smile ruffling Jack’s hair.

“I can’t wait till I’m an elder then,” Jack comments with a grin on her lips. “I have a plan and everything Harriet.”

“Tell me.”

“I’m going to be all day on my porch saying to the kids that run by that I have my eyes on them,” Jack says with a small smile making Harriet laugh. “And I’ll do this.” Jack uses her index to push the skin bellow her eye down and tilts her head to the front. “That will scare them.”

“Oh dear,” Harriet says when she stops laughing.

“Or maybe I’ll get a cane a use it to point at the kids.”

“Why would you want to scare the kids?”

“Because it builds character,” Jack says with a smile.

“She’s a hooligan,” Embry says entering the kitchen. “Haven’t you noticed it by now, Mrs. Gardener?”

“I’m not!” Jack childishly mumbles crossing her arms over her chest. “And what are you doing here anyway?”

“I got tired of waiting in my car for you,” Embry explains leaning against one of the metal counters. “Do I smell cake? Chocolate cake?” He mumbles liking his lips.

“Yes. I’m baking a cake while Jacqueline tells me all about her plans when she becomes an elder.”

“It’s going to be a riot,” Jack says with a smirk. “If my kids dump me in a retirement house I’ll make a gang there.” Harriet starts laughing and Embry shakes his head with a small on his lips. “We’ll make races and bets for pills.”

“Oh dear.” Harriet looks to Jack with a smile. “You have such imaginative ideas.”

“No. Her ideas are silly and I always end up with problems,” Embry grumpily states.

“Don’t mind him,” Jack says as she waves her hand dismissively in front of Embry’s face. “He’s just jealous of my extraordinary mind.”

“Oh yeah, you caught me. I always wanted to device schemes like you.” Embry rolls his eyes and Jack punches his arm for him mocking her.

“No cake for you--” Embry automatically opens his mouth to reason with her. “You mocked me so no cake for you big boy.”

“Mrs. Gardner tell her--”

“Harriet,” Harriet sternly says with a small smile. “And I can’t help you. Jacqueline is hard to persuade.”

“She’s stubborn as a mule.” Embry sighs loudly and looks to Jack with a pout. “Let me have cake, please…”

“Nah,” Jack says after a small pause. “I’m going to give everything to Jake and you’ll have to watch him eat!”

“But Jake won’t even hang with us today! He is at the Cullen’s house helping Nessie with the deer--” He makes a pause and looks to Jack that was giving him an odd look. “She dislikes deer so he’s trying to convince her that they are harmless creatures that deserve to be loved,” he hastily says trying to make a more believable reason for Jacob helping Renesmee with the deer.

“Kids these days,” Jack mumbles shaking her head lightly. “I cried my ass off when I saw Bambi. Anyway, I’ll give it to Quil and if he can’t hang with us, I’ll give everything to Seth!”

“Jack you can’t do that. Please, just let me bite it once! I’ll do anything you want,” Embry pleads holding her hand lightly.

“You’re lucky that I love you,” Jack mumbles with a grin while Harriet laughed loudly.

“Thank you!” Embry quickly hugs Jack that started to hit his back because she couldn’t breathe. “I’m sorry!”

“Sometimes I think you’re trying to kill me in a not at all subtle way,” Jack grumbles with her hands over her ribs.

“Don’t even joke about that,” Embry says sternly. “I’d never harm you, never.”

“I love you too Em,” Jack says with a wide smile making him smile in response. “You should be more careful though. Someday you’ll end you breaking me in two because of the manly muscles you’ve grown.”

“I was always manly.” Embry grouchily complains crossing his arms over his chest.

“Whatever helps you sleep at night love.”

Once the cake was finished the bid their farewells to Harriet and left the bakery. When they enter the car Embry convinces Jack to give him a slice of cake and when she claimed that he couldn’t have one because she didn’t have a knife, he ran to the bakery to grab a knife without giving any explanations.

Then they proceeded to Sam’s house. Embry had been cornered the other day by Sam that wanted him to bring Jack over. Embry didn’t know if it was something to help Paul became friends with his imprint or if he was curious about Jack. Either way Sam didn’t took no for an answer, and after everything he had done for him Embry couldn’t say no either.

He understood that Paul needed help. Things between Jack and Paul were the same. He had almost lost his mind when she informed him, on a Monday morning, that she refused to be his friend. Of course that she used colorful words to put it. It was something along the lines of ‘Not even when I have worms wriggling on my dead body’.

Even if Paul was an ass most of the times, Embry felt that he had suffered enough and that Jack should give him a chance. He obviously didn’t say those words to her because he feared that she would flip him, but he had promised Paul that he would try to help him. Minor things mostly, things that wouldn’t make Jack try to murder him. Because even if he wanted to help Pau he had decided that it wasn’t something worth dying for.

“Hey, my house is to the left,” Jack exclaims loudly.

“I know. I’m taking you to Emily house,” Embry says sweetly. “Leah’s cousin… You told me the other day that you didn’t mind dropping by…” It was a flat out lie. He hadn’t even discussed it with Jack fearing her reaction. She was a bit forgetful at times, so maybe this way he wouldn’t lose a limb to it.

“I did? When?” Jack asks defiantly.

“The other day…” Embry mumbles. “Your friends were still here…”

“But… Why are you twitching your fingers then? Why don’t you look into my eyes?”

“Why are you even paying attention to that? It’s so weird for me trying to introduce you to Emily and Sam…”

“Sam? Who is Sam?” Jack looks to Embry that continued looking to the road.

“Sam is a friend. I might even be his brother,” Embry mumbles.

“His brother? What?”

“Nothing, nothing!” Embry hastily says. He wasn’t used to keep secrets from his friends, especially someone as inquisitive as Jack.

“This all seems odd. First I have no memory of agreeing with this. Then you go all weird on me--”

“Do this for me, okay?” Embry pleads interrupting her rant. He hears Jack sighing and telling that she would go. “Thanks Jack, you’re the best.”

“You still seem nervous,” Jack mumbles sinking her body onto the seat. It was the truth, Embry was really nervous because Paul would be there and when Paul and Jack were face to face they argued. They usually argued a lot.

“Emily makes great food,” Embry says diverting the subject.

“You eat so much--” Jack stops speaking and starts laughing like a mad woman. “Oh yes. It will fit you like a glove.” She starts laughing even harder.


“I have a pet name for you,” Jack says with a hint of a smirk on her lips. “Hoover,” she quickly tells him and starts laughing.


Hoover, hoover, hoover,” Jack says between laughs. “I love it!”

“It’s a ridiculous name,” Embry mumbles with his eyes narrowed. “Hoover,” he scoffs. “Nothing about me says Hoover.”

“It it makes you feel better you’re a sexy Hoover,” Jack smiles flashing her teeth to Embry that simply sighs as a response.

“I know you won’t give up calling me by that absurd name but could you please not do it in front of the guys?”

“I don’t promise things that I can’t fulfill, sorry love.”

“You’re terrible. I don’t even know why I’m your friend,” Embry mutters.

“Take that back Hoover!” Jack childishly slaps his arm. “Tell me you love my charming personality.”

“Okay, just stop hitting me before you make us crash.” Jack slaps his arms once more.

“I’m not feeling the love.”

“I worship the ground you step. You are the most amazing and charming person I ever met. I’m humbled and grateful for the honor you gave me when you accepted being my friend,” Embry says over dramatically making Jack giggle. “Want more?”

“Nah, I’m good,” Jack replies with a smirk. Embry parks his car in the entrance and takes a deep breath.

“Shall we?” He inquires looking to Jack that hadn’t moved from her seat.

“Fine,” she mumbles grumpily. She gets out of the car and nibbles her bottom lip staring to the door.

“They’re friendly people,” Embry says trying to reassure her. “No one will be rude to you.” He gently pushes her to the door. “Hey Emily,” he greets opening the door. Soon Paul’s head appeared making him sigh.

“You!” she exclaims angrily looking to Paul. Soon Jared, Sam and Emily came to the front door to see what was going on. “Embry you traitor! I should have left Henry poke all of your holes! Oh, I hate you so much right--”

“Calm down,” Sam says with a calm expression looking to the girl that was shoving her finger into Embry’s chest. “Could you please tell me why are you making a scene inside my house?”

“Because I was tricked, it was a scheme, a devious scheme,” Jack mumbles lower with her cheeks red. “And Embry is the douche bag that tricked me. He is here therefore I can’t be. Nice meeting you…” Jack turns her back to the door and starts walking.

“Jack I didn’t know,” Embry exclaims grabbing her arm. “If I knew I wouldn’t have brought you here… Please don’t be mad…” He hated lying but it was the only way to convince Jack to remain inside the house, and to remain his friend for that matter.

“He’s right,” Paul says trying to help Embry. “I just got here…”

“So this isn’t a conspiracy?” Jack asks with wide eyes looking to Embry that nodded his head once. “You-- you aren’t a traitor?” Embry nods his head once again. “Oh,” Jack mumbles and moves her arms to his torso. She gently squeezes his ribs and rubs her head in his chest. “I’m glad… For a moment I thought I had lost you to the dark side…”

“Now can we continue with the introductions?” Sam asks with an amused smile. “I’m Sam. The one trying hard not to laugh is Jared and that is his girlfriend Kim. You obviously know Paul and Emily is my wife.”

“Hey,” Jack mumbles removing her head from Embry’s chest. “I’m sorry for yelling--”

“Don’t worry,” Jared says with a small smile. “Everyone in your position would yell for seeing Paul.” Paul smacks Jared’s arm and Sam narrows his eyes to both of the teenagers that quickly mumbled an apology.

“Will you join us for dinner?” Emily asks with a smile.

That was when Jack saw her face. Horrible images passed through her mind. What could have happened for her to be in such condition? And how painful everything should have been… Without even thinking straight Jack runs to Emily and hugs her tightly.

“Jack! What are you doing?” Embry shouts when Jack starts to run.

He should have warned her about Emily but it had slipped his mind. When he saw Jack hugging Emily his body relaxed. He feared that Sam lost his control for her hasty behavior, but since it was a hug and not millions of questions he couldn’t be mad. He could have sworn that he even saw Sam smiling. Just a tiny bit, not a full blown smile but a smile nonetheless.

“Everything is fine child,” Emily mumbles patting Jack’s back gently.

“I’m sorry,” Jack mumbles without moving her arms from Emily. “I really am.” She takes a step back and lowers her eyes embarrassed. “I usually don’t run around hugging people.”

“I second that,” Paul says with a small smile. Jack glances in his direction and glares.

“So, will you?”

“I’m sorry but I can’t. Enza probably made dinner… If I had known earlier,” she says narrowing her eyes to Embry that blushed as a response. “I could have said yes. Well, I wouldn’t, because Paul is here and I can’t stand him.” Embry shakes his head reprovingly and Jack simply smiles. “I don’t lie…”

“You put things in a harsh manner though,” Kim says speaking for the first time since Jack had entered the house.

“It’s part of my charm,” Jack tells with a smirk.

“She likes to make people feel uncomfortable,” Embry chimes in with a smirk.

“I admit that I enjoy that.”

“What a weird thing to say.” Jared laughs loudly.

“Weird isn’t enough to cover what’s going on inside her mind.”

“Shut it Hoover,” Jack says slapping Embry’s arm. “It’s not my fault that people misunderstand my charm, is it?”

“Don’t listen to Embry. He wouldn’t know what charming is even if it hit his face,” Paul declares with a smile.

“The same could very well be applied to you,” Jack rectors with a smirk.

“Jack…” Embry says interrupting her sentence before she said something terrible.

“Embry…” Jack rolls her eyes.

“I’ll make us some coffee and we can all sit down and chat for a while,” Emily informs them walking to the kitchen.

“So… are you enjoying your stay so far?” Jared asks as he pulls a chair for Kim to sit. She blushes and sits. Soon everyone followed her and sat down.

“It’s cool most of the time,” Jack says narrowing her eyes to Paul. “When a certain conceited fuck isn’t harassing me that is…” Kim cheeks blush once more and Jared tries hard not to laugh.

“I never harass you,” Paul defends himself.

“You’re a creepy stalker… I wouldn’t be surprised if you knew my shoe size…”


“How is school?” Sam asks trying to divert the subject.

“You honestly want to hear me blabber about school?” Jack asks raising an eyebrow. “You’re not very subtle…”

“What?” Sam mumbles looking to Embry that started laughing.

“No one wants to know about school. And you’re not an old man that has forgotten the torture that classes are… It’s clear that you were trying to change the subject hence me saying you’re not subtle…”

“She’s the Sherlock from my Watson,” Embry says with a grin. Paul, in the other hand, wasn’t really happy with his word and growled.

“I know that you’re an animal but could you please try to contain it? I swear that one day someone is going to take you to the city pound and you’ll have no one to blame but yourself for those weird noises.”

“Are you always like this?” Jared asks with a small smile.

“I don’t know what you mean,” Jack mumbles with a smirk.


“Did you just hear something Embry?” Jack says interrupting Paul.

“You should be nice Jack…” Embry declares with a sweet smile.

“Psh, like I could be nice to that,” she scoffs looking to Paul. “It’s not my fault that he is masochist. I told him plenty of times I wouldn’t fuck him, it’s not my fault that he chose to ignore it… If he is allowed to stalk me I’m allowed to be as bitchy as I feel like about it. It’s a free country.”

The two hours that Jack spent inside Emily’s house were spent in that manner. Every time that Paul tried to speak with her she would say something terrible. She didn’t bother to disguise her feelings for him and that amused Jared.

Sam in the other hand was intrigued by Paul’s imprintee. She wasn’t exactly what he had expected Paul’s imprintee to be. Sure they had some similarities, she seemed stubborn and she didn’t think twice before saying something. But the way she had hugged Emily, the genuine preoccupation she had shown told him that there was more to Jack than that. She also seemed very protective of her friend. Jared had made an innocent remark about Embry and Jack immediately joined the conversation and made Jared shut up.

In the end they were smitten by Jack. Even if she was a bit rough on the edges she seemed like a decent person, well as long as Paul wasn’t near her.

“Honey I’m home, so you’re better not having sex with a certain doctor,” Jack yells when she reaches his house.

“Stai zitto Jack,” Enza yells from the kitchen.

“Aw, he didn’t come here today?” Jack mocks entering the kitchen followed by Embry. Leah was leaning against a wall and had an amused expression. “You should have seen it Leah, I never thought that adults could make out like that.”

“Gli adulti hanno gli ormoni troppo. E non abbiamo fatto niente di male!” Enza narrows her eyes to Jack that was laughing.

“Is she saying something dirty? Calm your whore-mones down,” Leah says joining the conversation with a smirk.

“You didn’t.” Enza forces a loud gasp and throws a spoon at Leah.

“That was a good one,” Jack mumbles with a smile. “Whore-mones…”

“Terrible, you and Leah are terrible. So what I have sexual fantasies with Carlisle! We are both adults and lui è sexy e il modo in cui mi baciò fatto l--”

“Don’t say dirty things please. I don’t the image to return,” Jack says loudly interrupting her cousin that simply shook her head.

“We don’t want to know what’s happening inside your hooker panties.”

“Ti faccio vedere le mutandine di una prostitute--”

“I think that they don’t wear panties,” Embry tells Leah with a confused expression. “To make the job easier, I guess…”
♠ ♠ ♠
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