Wild Things.

Volterra, Italy.

Enza smiled as she thought about her second date with Carlisle the other night. It wasn’t anything fancy but he’d taken her out for ice cream after she’d finished packing for Italy. And instead of staying in the parlor they had taken a moonlit walk around Port Angeles. It had been sweet, even when it had started pouring rain and they had to seek refuge under a tree that held back some of the rain. He had pulled her into him and kissed her.

“Are you almost ready yet?” Jack laughed as she’d caught Enza day dreaming.

“Yes, I was just checking my hair.”

“And daydreaming about C-A-R-L-I-S-L-E.” Jack spelled out slowly as Enza just chuckled shaking her head.

“C’mon, we are going to mamma’s room because we they are going with us.” Enza stated as Jack nodded before going out to grab her shawl that Enza had lent her to wear over the semi-formal dress she was wearing for Marcello’s birthday celebration. Not all birthday’s in the De Luca family were this extravagant but Marcello was turning fifty and that was a big celebration to be had in the Marcello family.

“Do I really have to wear this shawl?” Jack asked as Enza chuckled.

“You’ll regret it when we are waiting outside to get into the place where Papa’s party is being held.” Enza stated as she put on her own shawl before checking herself in the mirror.

“I’ll be fine, well as long as Neil and Lukas don’t bother me, then I’ll be fine!” Jack stated as Enza laughed.

“Are you still mad at them from last year?” Enza asked as Jack nodded.

“Those assholes left me at some club in Sicily! Of course I am still pissed at them!” Jack stated as Enza laughed.

“At least they left you the car.”

“That means nothing! I don’t live in Italy and it took two hours and probably about thirty different drunk people giving me direction until I got back to cousin Zira’s house!” Jack stated as Enza just laughed. Zira was their Aunt Sophia’s oldest daughter who was followed by Alessandro, then Clara and last was Ciro.

“C’mon Mamma doesn’t like to be late,” Enza stated as Jack grabbed her room key following Enza out the door. Enza knew that a lot of her family was on the fifth and sixth floor, and found it funny that a lot of them had decided to rent rooms out instead of taking the hour or two drive back to the parts of Italy they inhabited. Then again, this was a party, and De Luca’s, like any other Italian liked to party.

“JACQUELINE! CADENZA!” Jack groaned as she and Enza both stopped at hearing their names shouted in unison.

“Go away hellions!” Jack stated as her step-cousins were on both side of her with their arms around her shoulders and Lukas had his also around Enza’s.

“Lukas, Neil, heading down to the bar no doubt before Gabriela takes the two of you over.” Enza stated greeting her step brothers as they gave her a knowing smirk.

“Nothing get’s past you sis, but we aren’t going over with mom.” Neil stated as Enza shook her head as they turned their attention back to Jack.

“So Cousin Jackie, you know that—”

“You won’t be able to avoid us forever, right?” Neil finished the sentence that Lukas had started.

“You two get on my nerves, so go bother someone else!”

“Well we are meeting DJ, Eloisa, and Mari down at the bar then heading over.” Lukas stated as they both kissed her cheek then kissed Enza’s cheeks before running off in the opposite direction. “You look very nice Jacqueline and Cadenza!” Lukas called as Neil said that he agreed before they disappeared around a corner. DJ or Donatello junior, Mari, and Eloisa were Zira and Donatello’s three children who were twenty, nineteen and seventeen.

“I hate them! You know that right!” Jack stated wiping her cheeks off as Enza just laughed as she knocked on her mamma’s room door.

“Oh they are not that bad, Jack.” Enza stated as Maribel opened the door and immediately hugged them both.

“Mie figliole!” She stated rather excitedly as Enza and Jack laughed hugging her back. “I feel like it’s been forever since I have seen the two of you!” Maribel stated hitting her arm as Enza laughed stepping into the room.

“Aunt Maribel it’s been a few hours. And like I said when he arrived yesterday we’ve only lived in Forks for like three months.” Jack pointed out as they walked into the room and seen Gregory lounging on one of the beds flipping through channels only to turn it off and stand up putting on the rest of his suit.

“Hello girls, you two look very nice.” Gregory stated as he slipped on his shoes and then put on his jacket.

“Thank you Greg! Even though I don’t see why Enza is making me wear this shawl.” Jack complained as they all just chuckled.

“That is why I just stick to suits, dresses are too complicated.”Gregory stated as they all laughed again. Maribel chuckled shaking her head before suddenly rushing to the bathroom. Enza and Jack exchanged curious looks before hearing Maribel emptying the contents of her stomach into the toilet.

“Aunt Maribel—”

“Mamma are you okay?” Enza asked as they rushed over to the bathroom door as Maribel was flushing the toilet and grabbing her toothbrush.

“Just a little morning sickness.” Maribel stated as Enza and Jack’s eye were wide as they watched Maribel brush her teeth.

Morning sickness? Like the kind you get when you are pregnant?” Jack asked as Enza looked at her.

“What other kind of morning sickness is there Jack?” Enza asked her with a raised eyebrow as Jack told her to shut up.

“Yes, I was going to tell you tonight at your fathers birthday dinner but I guess now is better than ever.” Maribel stated as she rinsed her toothbrush off after spitting out the toothpaste. “I’m almost three months pregnant.” Maribel exclaimed looking at them as they just looked at her.

“You know mamma, I thought you were looking a little on the heavy side but I didn’t want to say anything.” Enza chuckled earning a hit from Jack.

“You would say something like that.” Jack shook her head before looking at Maribel with a huge smile. “Congratulations Aunt Maribel!” Jack stated as she gave her hug. Enza did the same as Jack backed up.

“Why did you wait so long to tell us?” Enza asked as they walked back over to the bed and sat back down.

“The doctors say that it’s a health risk because of my age, so I just didn’t want to keep my hopes to high.” Maribel stated solemnly.

“Mamma, you are in perfect health, my little brother or sister will be completely fine!” Enza stated as Maribel hugged her trying to hold back the tears as to not mess up her makeup.

“Yeah Aunt Maribel, doctors are just stupid because they see more teen moms than anything nowadays.” Jack pointed out as Maribel laughed and gave her another hug.

“I love the two of you so much.” Maribel stated as both girls congratulated both Gregory and Maribel once more give her another hug. After that they all left the room and headed down to the lobby where they had passed the restaurant they’d eaten at last night.

When there last night it had been much to Jack dismay as had they ran into Neil and Lukas who were eating with Mari, Eloisa and DJ. As they were seated they had been seated in a booth across from their very pregnant cousin Clara and her husband Emilio and their ten year old son Nico. Enza and Jack had enjoyed their dinner even when Lukas and Neil had walked over with three cousins before leaving to harass Jack into going out with the five of them. Eloisa had almost convinced her but Jack had declined saying that she needed to sleep off the jetlag but would join them tomorrow night knowing that they would be going out after Marcello’s birthday celebration.

“Buon Compleanno Marcello!” Everyone shouted as Enza’s father blew out his birthday candles. Enza looked around, there had to be about two hundred people in the banquet hall of the place that had been rented out. Enza hugged and kissed her father wishing him happy birthday for about the tenth time today.

Earlier Enza had taken her father out to lunch at his favorite café in Volterra. It had been just the two of them and it had been nice. She’d been able to catch up with her father and just talk to him about almost anything just as she’d always been able to do when she was younger.

“Grazie, Cadenza.” He stated as he kissed her temple. “Are you going to be heading out soon? You know us old De Luca folk party into the wee hours of the morning.” Marcello stated as Enza laughed. It had been over three hours since they’d arrived. They had danced to various songs, talked to so many of their family members who were there and ate so much that Enza was just ready to fall into her bed back at the hotel or maybe get her second wind so she could join her older cousins who were leaving soon to hit Volterra’s club scene.

“Yeah, I told Carlisle I would call him after the party and I am giving Jack the car so she has GPS.” Enza stated as Marcello smiled. She’d talked briefly about Carlisle and his family over lunch.

“Is she still mad at the boys for what happened last year?” Marcello laughed as Enza nodded.

“At least this time she is going out with cousin Zira’s kids and I think Alessandro’s youngest Gina is going also.” Enza stated as Marcello nodded.

“Okay, and what about you? I know that Martina and Maria want to take you out.” Marcello questioned as Enza laughed at the mention of Alessandro two eldest daughters who were still sporting the single life and loving every minute of it. Then again Martina was twenty-three like Enza and Maria was newly twenty-one.

“I am not sure, those two can really party it up.” Enza laughed as did Marcello agreeing.

“But if I remember correctly you and Martina got into a bit of trouble that one summer you and Jack came to visit Cousin Alessandro and Larea.” Marcello stated as Enza just smiled coyly as her father pulled her into another hug and kissed her forehead. “Ti amo mia figlia.”

“I love you too Papa.” Enza stated kissing both of his cheeks. “And again, happy fiftieth and many many more!” Enza stated as she looked around for Jack who was on the dance floor dancing with Nico and Simone. Simone was their widowed cousin Ciro’s youngest daughter at the age of ten. Enza joined them picking up Simone in a hug as she twirled her around. She giggled as Enza did this.

“La cugina Cadenza, che è stato divertente!” Simone stated as Enza put her down and smiled at her. (Cousin Cadenza, that was fun!)

“Are you ready to go?” Enza asked as Jack looked over at the table where all her younger cousins sat and her two step-cousins.

“Yeah, and please tell me you are coming with? I am not sure that I can handle Neil, Lukas, Leyo and Gino!” Jack stated referring to Alessandro’s other two kids who were nineteen and eighteen.

“Who the hell is all going out?” Enza asked surprised that now Leyo and Gino had joined the party people.

“Um, I think Uncle Mario’s kids and Aunt Teresa’s kids aren’t going.” Jack stated as Enza just laughed.

“My goodness, this should be very fun and interesting, nothing like going out with a bunch of De Luca’s, Moretti’s, Conti’s.” Enza stated as Jack laughed this time. There were many different last names in their family but they were all still De Luca’s at heart.

“As long as you are going I am fine.” Jack stated as they walked over to the table with all their cousins.

“Well I am going out with Martina and Maria, but I am sure we are all probably going to the same place.” Enza stated as they reached the table and looked at everyone.

“Are you two finally ready to leave?” Martina asked as Enza rolled her eyes.

“Oh zitto Martina, it’s my papa’s birthday!” Enza stated as Martina laughed as did the others.

“So who is all going out?” Jack asked.

“I know Maria and I are and so is Enza.” Martina stated with a sly smile at Enza who shook her head.

“Eloisa, Gina and myself are also going.” Mari chimed in as she finished her current glass of wine.

“You can definitely count me, Lukas, Leyo and Gino are coming out.” Neil stated winking at Jack as she snapped her teeth at him as he laughed.

“Hey, Enza is leaving you with GPS and you’ll have Gina who doesn’t even drink.” Lukas stated with a laugh as Gina nodded.

“Gina if you’re not drinking why are you going?” DJ asked as she looked at him.

“You need a DD idiot, and I know how to have fun without drinking alcohol.” Gina pointed out as Jack leaned over and high fived her.

“That my girl!” Jack stated as Gina laughed and DJ just shook his head.

“So who are the DD’s? We have thirteen people going and we are taking three cars—”

“Two cars, because we plan to—”

“—go home with some females.” Neil had started as Lukas finished it as they pounded fists together then Leyo and Gino joined them.

“Assholes.” Jack muttered as all the girls and DJ laughed.

“You are still mad at them?” DJ asked as Jack glared at him momentarily as he just laughed again.

“Hey I would be too, especially if it took me two hours to get home.” Eloisa stated as Mari agreed. After talking it over they decided the two youngest, Eloisa and Gina would be the DDs. After they all bid their goodbyes to the family and everyone said Happy Birthday to Marcello one final time, they headed back to the hotel to change into more appropriate clubbing clothes before all meeting in the lobby.

It was twelve in the morning and Enza was outside the club with only three Garibaldi’s in her system. A Garibaldi is a low-alcohol cocktail, Enza hadn’t wanted a hangover so had decided on the tasty sweet drink. Not even feeling a buzz she had told Eloisa she could drink if she wanted because she would be driving. Happy to oblige, Eloisa was now pretty tipsy with Jack, whereas, Martina, Maria, and Mari were just drunk and enjoying themselves fully. Enza found out funny how her family tended to migrate towards names that started with M. Shaking the thought the pulled out her cell phone and dialed Carlisle’s number.

“Is it bad that I am hoping that you are intoxicated, Cadenza?” Enza chuckled at Carlisle’s greeting.

“Well I am sorry to disappoint you, but I have only had three Garibaldi’s and that was a when we first arrived three hours ago.” Enza stated with a smile as she began walking down the street.

“How was your father’s birthday celebration?” Carlisle asked as Enza told him how it went and went on to explain about how they were probably still celebrating even it if it was at the bar in the hotel.

“My family just loves to party.” Enza pointed out while shrugging her shoulders as she leaned against her car watching as people walked past her enjoying their night.

“I can see where you get it from.” Carlisle joked as Enza just shook her head knowing that he couldn’t see her.

“Carlisle, shouldn’t you go to bed soon? Don’t you work in the morning?” Enza asked as she heard him laugh.

“I am at work right now, a patient when into labor.” Carlisle stated as Enza blinked with surprise.

“Well aren’t you just super doctor, then.” Enza stated at they both laughed.

“I try to be, so when are you getting in on Monday?” Carlisle asked as their laughing subsided.

“Between seven and eight in the evening.”

“I will see you then. I must go, I need to check on the new mother.” Carlisle stated as Enza was going to object but he said goodbye before she even had the chance.

“Clever bastard.” Enza shook her head as she looked over at the club as people were entering and exiting.

“Are you waiting for someone?” Enza jumped slightly as she looked to her left.

“Mio Dio sta cercando di darmi un attacco di cuore?” Enza asked the man rather rapidly as she tried to catch her breath as her hand was over her heart. (My goodness are you trying to give me a heart attack?) The man just chuckled as he looked at her.

“A native, I thought you were a tourist.” He stated ignoring her question as she just looked at him.

“Well I am a tourist, sort of, I am here celebrating my father birthday. Well right now I am out with all my crazy cousins and…sorry I am rambling, I tend to do that…a lot.” Enza stated as he chuckled once more. His looks sort of intrigued her, he had long dark hair that fell past his shoulders and dark eyes that matched. Looking at his attire she would have guessed that he was attending some sort of old time event or coming from one as late as is was.

“I am Marcus,” He stated as he extended his hand to her and she accepted blinking at the coolness that reminded her of Carlisle.

“I'm Cadenza, are you a doctor?” Enza found herself asking as she sort of laughed and so did he.

“Do you find yourself in need of one?” He asked as she laughed once more.

“No, your hands remind me of my Doctor friend Carlisle.” Enza stated as he looked at her a moment after she mentioned Carlisle’s name.

“A friend?” Marcus asked as he felt something from her that was directed towards Carlisle. With his relational empathy he could feel some of her feelings for him but not fully because Carlisle was not around.

“Yes, I met him a few months ago when I moved to Forks.” Enza stated as she stopped. “Oh, you may have no idea where that is, sorry, I live in the States, Washington to be more specific.” Enza stated as he looked at her. She was definitely talking about Carlisle Cullen, Marcus was intrigued by the young woman. It made him wonder about why the Cullen’s would try and take in another human especially one who obviously would be noticed if she were to be transformed. He wondered if maybe she was special like the Isabella girl had been?

“Cadenza Marcella De Luca! Get your butt back over here! You are missing all the fun! Leyo and Gino keep getting turned down!” Mari yelled from across the street as she stood outside the club with a cigarette in her mouth before flicking it into the road and waiting for Enza.

“Well, there is one of my cousin beckoning me, it was a pleasure to meet you Marcus!” Enza called out as she crossed the street.

“A pleasure indeed.” Marcus stated licking his lips, he needed to feed and that woman had lucked out on being his dinner. He knew that Heidi was their fisher and brought in many people for them to feed on but he, as well as others like to go out on their own and hunt for their food.

Enza sat on the plane thinking about the weekend and how much fun it had been to see all of her family members. It had been crazy but she’d enjoyed. Then she thought about Marcus, the stranger who’d nearly given her a heart attack. There was something about him that struck Enza and she doubted that she’d be able to forget him even if their meeting had been brief.

“Are we there yet?” Jack groaned as Enza laughed. It had been the same when they had been going to Italy. Jack would fall asleep and wake up every so often asking if they were there yet.

“About another hour.” Enza stated as Jack groaned once more.

“I hate long plane rides, why couldn’t Uncle Marcello just have his party in the freakin’ states.” Jack complained as Enza laughed.

“If he’d had it here you and all of our cousin wouldn’t have had such a fun night out on Saturday.” Enza laughed as Jack nodded in agreement. Jack had been even more satisfied because she’d gotten her revenge on the twins that night. She’s been talking with two girls and had asked them if they’d lead Neil and Lukas on all night and their drinks for the night would be on her. They’d been happy to oblige.

So where Neil and Lukas had said they’d be the ones not coming back to the hotel it had actually been DJ, Martina and Maria who were not in the cars and back with them. Enza shook her head with a smile thinking about how Jack and the two girls had high fived and laughed about it when the boys had tried to put their final moves on the ladies.

“Good point, now, wake me up when we land and not before!” Jack stated as she drifted back off to sleep. As they landed in Port Angeles Enza had never been more happy to see Leah then when she was at that moment. She was exhausted and just ready to go to sleep and not drive.

“Well, look at this, you two look beat.” Leah chuckled as Jack just looked at her too tired to even make a comment.

“Well what did you expect? We’ve been on a plane for like fourteen plus hours and have had two layovers.” Enza stated as Leah laughed.

“Look hooker, I don’t need to know about you sex life.” Leah commented as Jack laughed at that as they walked out to where Embry was waiting in the car so that they didn’t get a ticket.

“That was a good one Leah, too bed you don’t get them often.” Jack stated as Embry laughed as he placed their luggage in the back.

“Bed? You must really be tired.” Embry stated a Enza laughed.

“I don’t see how, she slept nearly the entire flight.”

“Jetlag, okay, it sucks, I just want to curl up in my nice soft bed with my nice warm blankets.” Jack stated as she got into the back seat of the car.

“I agree,” Enza stated with a yawn as Embry pulled out of spot he was in and headed to their home.

Enza looked at her suitcases and didn’t feel like unpacking at the moment. Taking off her clothes she put on some pajamas and grabbed her pillow from her bed and the throw blanket that was folded on the end of the bed and walked downstairs.

“I thought you were going to bed?” Jack asked with a yawn as she came out of the bathroom also dressed in pajamas.

“I’m going to watch a movie and maybe fall asleep on the couch.” Enza stated as Jack shrugged her shoulders.

“Wake me up before you go to work tomorrow, because I know I probably still won’t have slept this jetlag off.” Jack stated as Enza nodded.

“Okay, night I love you Jack.” Enza stated as she started down the stairs.

“Night I love you too Enza.” Jack yawned again before walking into her room. Enza placed her pillow and blanket on the couch as she decided to watch an old romantic comedy with Sandra Bullock. Thirty minutes into the movie Enza was struggling to keep her eyes open as there was a knock at the door. Sitting up she rubbed her eyes as she looked at the door.

“Carlisle, what are you doing here?” Enza asked a she opened to the door and yawned a she stretched out her body.

“I told you that I would come and see you.” He stated as Enza racked her brain trying to remember.

“Oh yes that is when I called you a clever bastard.” Enza stated as Carlisle looked at her with a raised brow.

“I don’t remember hearing that.” He stated as Enza laughed shutting the door after he walked in and walked back into the living room and laid back down on the couch.

“That’s because you’d already hug up.” Enza stated as Carlisle chuckled before lifting her pillow and sitting down as he let the pillow and her head lay in his lap as she turned her body and looked up at him. “I might fall asleep on you.” Enza stated with a chuckle. “Literally.”

“That’s fine, like I told you over the phone, I just wanted to see you.” He stated running a hand through her hair. “Now, what are we watching?”

“An old romantic comedy with Sandra Bullock, now shush it’s at the good part.” Enza stated still looking up at him with a smile as he leaned down and kissed her quickly.

“You aren’t even looking at the TV.” Carlisle pointed out as she smiled before shifting her body back towards the television.

“Smart ass.” She said as he played with the ends of her hair while they both watched the movie until Enza fell asleep twenty minutes later.
♠ ♠ ♠
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