Wild Things.

Accepting the Truth.

Enza sat in the car with the door open as she let the cool autumn air hit her legs that were hanging outside of the car. It was about a quarter after four the last time she’d checked the time. She took another drag of the cigarette she was currently smoking and looked at it. She’d once been a smoker for about a year when she’d been seventeen until she turned eighteen. She’d lost the thrill of trying to buy them once she’d come of age.

She drew the smoke into her lungs feeling the slight burn of the tobacco on her throat. It’s been two weeks since Damian’s attack. The first week she’d spent in the hospital and the second she’d done nothing but work and stayed inside. She’d told everyone she needed time to recuperate, it was a lot to deal with.

At least to Enza it was. Jack seemed to be doing just fine, well apart from the cast on her arm. Then again, Jack had just hit an animal and fell more like flew off a motorcycle. Enza knew that she shouldn’t berate Jack’s accident but compared to what Enza experienced, it was something that was entirely different.

Enza still didn’t want to believe that Leah could transform into a wolf. Jack had tried to tell her that they all could. But Enza had just left the house not wanting to hear anything more about shape shifters and vampires. She knew that she had to accept it but how could she? Vampires and werewolves were mythological beings of fantasy pulp fiction or creatures that were overused in Hollywood movies.

Enza put out the cigarette even though it was only half smoked. Grabbing her pack of cigarettes she placed it back in there before leaning her head back against the head rest. A small pain shot through her neck from her still healing wound. Taking in a breath Enza pulled down the visor to look in the mirror. The cut under her eye was already healed and practically scarred already. Reaching for her neck she pulled down the turtleneck she was wearing to looking at the redness and soreness of the cut that was stitched up.

Carlisle had told her as the wound healed the stitches would dissolve and fall off. Swallowing the salvia that had accumulated in her mouth she made an unpleased face. The after taste of the cigarette still lingered. Grabbing her tote she found a piece of gun and put it into her mouth. Taking a moment she also sanitized her hands before getting out of the car and walking to the house.

Opening the door Enza was greeted by the barking of her husky, Balto. He was in his cage that sat in the kitchen. Setting down her work tote by the stairs she walked into the kitchen. Balto started jumping up in the cage door with his tail wagging wanting to come out. Smiling she looked at him as she bent down to open the cage.

“Hey Puppers, you need to go potty?” She as Balto barked and continued to jump up on the door. Enza grabbed him before he could run around and probably pee on the carpet in the living room like he had when she’d gotten him seven days ago. Holding him she walked out back and put him down in the grass letting him run around until he found a place where he was content to do his business.

Walking back inside she let Balto run around for a little so she could feed Bagheera and get dinner started. Grabbing Bagheera’s food the small kitten soon ran in from around the corner at hearing the shaking of the bag. Enza smiled at the black kitten that reminded her of the Black Panther from The Jungle Book.

“Here you are Bagheera.” Enza stated as she set the food and water bowl on the side of the refrigerator where it would be out of the way. Walking over to the sink Enza washed her hands before getting dinner started. Tonight would be the first night that she would be seeing Leah since she’d told her to leave the room when she’d been in the hospital.

Seth and Embry would also be accompanying them tonight. Looking at the time Enza had about an hour and half before Jack and others would arrive. Getting out her steaks that she’d marinated this morning before going to work Enza smiled as she opened the bag, they smelled simply delicious. Setting that on the counter she also grabbed the asparagus that was marinating in a Italian dressing and the potatoes that were in a bowl soaking.

As she began cooking she all the sudden a sense of déjà vu, Enza felt like Damian would be coming and repeating what he’d did just two weeks ago. Enza looked down at her hands as she was holding a knife to put slits in the steaks to be able to see the insides as they broiled in the oven. Her hands were shaking violently, she felt like an anxiety attack might be coming on as he breathing quickened.

No, this couldn’t be happening, nothing was going to happen. Damian was long gone, Jack had told her that he’d been chased away. Putting down the knife Enza sat down on the kitchen floor leaning against the cabinet as she controlled her breathing. Just because he’d been chased away didn’t mean that he couldn’t come back, to finish her off.

No, they wouldn’t allow that. They would protect her just like before. A part of her mind disagreed, maybe this time they wouldn’t get there in time. Just because they were fast doesn’t mean they could safe her from what Jack had called Damian, a newborn. Enza shook the thoughts away as she concentrated on her breathing. Inhale…exhale…inhale…exhale…

She was interrupted as Bagheera crawled into her lap and purred to her as she rubbed her head on her stomach. Smiling at the kitten she picked her up and kissed her between the ears before placing her aside and standing up.

“Nothing is going to happen Cadenza, you just need to relax.” Enza told herself as she put the steaks into the oven to broil on a low heat. As the food cooked Enza had let Balto back in who’d stayed at her feet faithfully occasionally whining trying to get food but she didn’t want to feed him table food, but knew that Jack had been whenever she was eating. Giving in only momentarily she fed Balto a piece of asparagus to be funny but was surprised when Balto had eaten it happily.

Enza inhaled the smoke into her lungs as she sat on the deck steps looking out at the yard she’d grown up playing in with Jack. There were so many memories that this house contained that made Enza smile, it was something that she really hadn’t done in the past few days but had welcomed it at that moment with the feeling of nostalgia.

Jack looked at Enza’s work tote as it leaned against the stairs. She smiled at Balto came barking at them as they’d entered the house.

“Hey puppy! Where’s Enza?” Jack asked picking up Balto with her non-casted arms as he licked her face constantly.

“You know that pup can’t talk right?” Seth asked as Jack looked at him.

“You talk.” She stated as Embry laughed.

“You have a puppy?” Leah asked looking at the small husky in Jack’s arms.

“Yeah, and a kitten.” Jack stated letting Balto lick her face before putting him down.

“Why?” Embry and Seth chorused as they looked at each before laughing quickly.

“Well she’s smoking too, I think its Enza’s way of coping.” Jack stated as they started to walk towards the kitchen where the aroma of the food was stronger and making their mouths water.

“So you’ve told her everything?” Leah asked as Jack turned back to her.

“Well, yes and no. I told her about you guys but she sort of left the house and then came back with Balto and Bagheera. I am not sure if she accepts it or not, but maybe she does since she’s invited you’ve guys over for dinner.” Jack stated as she looks at Leah.

“When did you talk to her?” Embry asked looking over at the mashed potatoes that were sitting on the bar.

“Last Saturday, she’s been more quite than usual around be since then but I didn’t want to push her over the edge you know?” Jack stated as they all nodded.

“Has she seen Carlisle?” Leah asked as Jack shook her head as she heard Bagheera meowing as she pawed at the back door.

“He stopped by on Tuesday but Enza was sleeping and I didn’t want to wake her.” Jack stated as Seth had walked over and picked up the all black kitten.

“I think he should tell her his self, maybe she will accept it more.” Leah stated as Embry looked at her.

“Why not you? What’s the difference?” Embry asked as Seth was petting the kitten that was purring rather loudly loving the attention.

“She was attacked by a leech, one of his kind. She didn’t hit one of us like Jack did.” Leah stated as Embry nodded.

“It was an accident! No one told that Jackass to be running across the highway anyways! So technically it was his fault!” Jack stated they laughed. “It’s not funny! This,” She rose her casted arm. “His all his fault! He is going to have to do a lot for me to even forgive him! The bastard.” Jack muttered the last part as the three laughed while she crossed her arms the best she could while pouting.

“No one said it wasn’t an accident Jack, just keep your cool!” Embry stated as she hit him with her casted arm.

“I’m so cool, I’m like the reverse side of a pillow!” Jack stated as Embry rubbed his arm.

“Ouch, that actually hurts Jack!” Embry stated as they all laughed at Embry. They stopped laughing briefly at hearing the back door open.

“Ciao,” Enza stated as she walked over to the sink and began to wash her hands. “Dinners ready, the table just needs to be set.” Enza stated as Embry walked over to the cupboard to grab plates. “How is your arm today?” Enza asked Jack turning around while drying her hands.

“Itched like a bitch today, like I wanted to saw it off!” Jack stated as Enza smiled while shaking her head.

“Only you.”

“Enza this steak is delicious!” Seth stated chowing down on his as Embry hit his shoulder.

“Try not eating like a pig.” Embry stated as Seth just continued eating.

“I made you three an extra one.” Enza pointed out as Jack gaped at her.

“And what about me? I am a healing girl! I need meat!” Jack stated as Enza looked at her with a smirk.

“If you’d stop feeding all your meat to Balto we wouldn’t have this problem.” Enza stated as Jack dropped a piece of meat right in front of Balto.

“I have no idea what you are talking about! That was definitely Seth who had been feeding Balto.” Jack stated as Enza shook her head with a small laugh.

“No way would I feed that pup! I need my protein!” Seth stated as they all laughed.

“Yeah, you are looking a little scrawny little brother.” Leah stated with a smirk as he pushed her. Leah grabbed the table from being pushed so she didn’t fall off her seat.

“Ha! Take that for being scrawny!” Seth stated as everyone laughed once more.

“I am grabbing the cheesecake.” Enza stated as she grabbed her empty plate and took it to the kitchen sink. Walking over to the fridge Enza grabbed the freshly made cheesecake and strawberries she’d cut up last night. Placing it on the countertop Enza reached over to grab a knife. As she turned around to continue to cut the cheesecake she stopped as she looked down at the knife.

It was the one that Damian had used to cut her with. The more she stared at it the more she thought she seen her blood on it. Her neck started to feel warm, like the blood was oozing out and drenching her shirt. These feelings were called “phantom sensations”. She wasn’t sure how long she stood there staring at the knife but she jumped when someone touched her shoulder.

“Cadenza?” Leah asked as Enza seemed to look right though her.

“P-penso di aver bisogno d-di riposare. Grazie a t-tutti voi per essere v-venuti più.” Enza stated as she placed the knife on the table and slowly walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her room. (I think I need some rest. Thank you all for coming over.)

“You need to call Carlisle.” Leah stated as she stared at the way that Enza had just left the room. “She is going to lose her grip with sanity if she doesn’t accept what we are.”

“It’s not that easy Leah, she is going through a traumatic time!” Embry stated as Leah looked over at him.

“So did our parents when they found out what we were, they could handle it and I—”

“Leah, she was attacked by her ex-boyfriend, who might I add is a vampire and he tried to kill her by sucking her blood. It’s not the same, but I do agree that she does need to at least know and accept that that bastard isn’t human. That he can hurt her again but you guys will protect her.” Jack stated as Seth nodded in agreement.

“Maybe we should have a group intervention.” Seth stated only to hit upside the back of the head by Embry.

“She is traumatized not an addict you dummy.” Embry stated as Jack and Leah just shook their heads.

“I’ll go call him, but I am not sure how well it is going to go over.” Jack sighed as she stood up from the table to go and get her phone.

Enza laid in her bed looking at her open door as she cuddle with Balto. Was this something she should tell to Yvette, Henry and Sasha? She was attacked, and what if when they came to visit her again. They would see the scars. Why hadn’t she told anyone back in Vegas what had happened?

Because she knew, somewhere in the back of her mind that what she witnessed was a shared secret, which only few probably knew. Vampires, werewolves, how could Jack just be so understanding of this all? Maybe because it was a lot easier to accept than dissecting that letter she’d gotten from Elliot.

Enza thought about that momentarily, did she need to be worried if Elliot was a vampire or a werewolf and would he come after Jack like Damian had come after her? No, maybe Elliot was a wizard who’d attended Hogwarts and was now working in the human world.

Enza shook her head, you’re taking this too far Cadenza. She told herself as Balto looked up at her curiously. Werewolves and vampires, no big deal right? Enza continued thinking about the mythological world and the many possibilities that could happen as she drifted off to sleep.

Enza wasn’t sure how long she’d been sleeping but when the knock at her now closed door awakened her it was thunder storming out. Blinking her eyes trying to see in the darkness she jumped a little when lightening lit up her bedroom. Reaching to her right she found her nightstand lamp and turned it on.

The dim light flooded the room casting shadows every which way. Balto wasn’t in her room, Enza guessed that Jack must have come in earlier to get him to put him in his pen after taking him out. Stretching her body she looked around the room before standing up and walking over to the door. She’d figured it was Jack coming to check on her.


“C-carlisle, I thought you were Jack.” Enza stated scratching the back of her head as he gave her a smile.

“Jack wanted me to come over and—”

“Talk to me about what happened two weeks ago.” She finished as he nodded.

“How did you know?” He asked as she walked back over to her bed and sat down looking up at him as he walked in and shut the door.

“I heard them talking about it earlier,” Enza stated as she let the rest of her body fall back into her bed with her feet still touching the ground. “Are there also fairies, leprechauns, trolls, wizards, witches, demons, succubi, incubi, what about banshees, or sirens and—”

“Whoa, whoa there.” Carlisle laughed as he stopped her, she sat up to look at him as he walked closer to her. “You’ve been really thinking about this.” Carlisle stated as he kneeled down placing his hands on her knees as she looked at him with a weak smile.

“I sometimes have an overactive imagination.” Enza stated as he kissed her knee with a smile.

“Damian was what we vampires call a newborn.” Carlisle stated as Enza took a deep breath and exhaled. He was really jumping right into this. “He was bitten and survived the three day transformation.” He stopped and looked at her. “A process that is not a pretty one to witness or to even experience.” Carlisle continued as she just watched him. “He was most likely bitten by a vampire who feeds off human blood unlike me and my family. He is not the same man you once knew Cadenza.” Carlisle stated as Enza nodded.

“You don’t drink human blood?” Enza asked clarifying what he’d just said.

“No, that is why our eyes are a golden color. We feed off of animal blood, we do not like the idea of taking another’s life.” Carlisle stated as Enza nodded as he watched her waiting for her to say something.

“Why me though?” Enza finally asked breaking the silence. “I know that he probably had a grudge or something but that’s just not like him.” Enza stated holding back tears.

“Because he most likely caught my scent on you, became jealous that another vampires’ touched you.” Carlisle explained. “You are my singer, I needed to be around you.”

“What does that even mean?”

“Your blood, it tantalizes me, lures me in. Your scent is just so alluring. If I were to taste your blood it would be the best thing in the world.” Carlisle stated as she looked at him

“What does it smell like?”

“To me it smells like a sweet honey with a hint of nutmeg and cinnamon.” Carlisle admitted as she smiled at him with a raised eyebrow.

“Why do you stay around me? I feel that would be pure torture.” Enza stated as Carlisle reached for her hand.

“Your blood doesn’t bother me anymore, I’ve become immune to it. Have been for a while now, but trust me, it was torture. I would occasionally loose myself around you, like on our first date. That was nothing but a test of my control.”

“Oh,” Carlisle looked at her, there was something in her eyes that he couldn’t read.

“I didn’t want to get close to you, I didn’t want to have another Isabella situation.” Carlisle stated as she looked at him curiously. “But that night at the welcoming party that Alice had held for you and Jacqueline I don’t know something in me just wanted to be around you even if it was torture. You were so kind and attentive when we were talking on the balcony. Then when you were playing with Renesmee and Claire…Cadenza, you are just someone I want to be around all the time.” Carlisle finally stated as she blinked taking in what he’d just said.

“Are you sure it wasn’t when I was laying in bed naked?” Enza chuckled as he stood up and leaned over to kiss her. She pulled him on top of her as they continued kissing. She broke apart from the kiss looking up into his glowing eyes. “How old are you?”

“I was born in 1640, but I was changed in 1663 when I was twenty-three.”

“I am dating a geezer!” Enza stated as Carlisle laughed and kissed her lips once more.

“I’d liked to see it as you are dating someone with a lot of experience and knowledge.” Carlisle stated looking into her whiskey color eyes that were illuminated by the dim desk lamp.

“Will you stay with me tonight?” Enza asked as they looked into each other’s eyes.

“I will stay with you until you no longer want me to.” Carlisle stated as she kissed him passionately.

“Tell me about your life, when you were you born? How did you decide to become a doctor?” As they got more comfortable Carlisle began to tell her about his life in England when he was transformed. He was talking about the Volturi when he heard the change in her breathing and he knew that she was sleeping. He reached over and turned off the light. Turning back to her he smiled as he kissed her forehead lightly making her snuggle into him more.

She seemed more at ease sleeping then when she had three nights ago when he visited her. At least for now in his arms he could keep her safe, and he vowed that he would kill Damian the next time he tried to hurt his Cadenza.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well here is my chapter once more, I know if you read the previous one this one is different because well...when Mibba crashed the chapter was lost, and once I post my chapters I delete them from the document. (Something I will no longer be doing) Well thank you for reading, and please comment to let us know what you think of our story!

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