Wild Things.

Paul is Always the Culprit

“Should I ask why is he wearing a pink apron?” Enza asks looking to Jack that was sitting in a chair while Paul was cleaning the dishes. She drops the keys into the table and kissed Jack’s forehead.

“Oh Enza,” Embry sighs loudly and shakes his head. Enza looks to Jack with confusion as she watched her cousin’s mouth twitch and she narrowing her eyes to Paul that continued cleaning the dishes in silence. “Why did you have to bring it up… We managed to shut her up seconds ago.” He puts his hands on his head and groans. “Now it’s going to start again!”

“Do you want me to hit him again Jack?” Felix asks with a smirk.

“I have all rights to be mad!” Jack shoves a finger in Embry’s chest. “I got detention!”

“I could hit him too. All the noise is annoying me,” Jane declares looking to Paul and then to Embry. “Just tell me who to hit to cease the noise.”

“Che non capisco cosa sta succedendo,” Enza mumbles looking everyone around the table. Jack pulls her hair behind her ears revealing some starches on her face. “Che cosa è successo? Don’t tell me you got in a fight… You were doing so well…”

“It wasn’t like I started it!” Jack yells and tossed the first thing she caught, that was a fork, in Paul’s direction. “It’s all because of him.”

Jack was walking down the halls in a hurry. She was late for her English class because of Paul, with a groan turns left and when she was about to knock on the door someone tapped her shoulder. She sighs and prepares to face whoever had touched, figuring it was probably one of her shifters friends. But instead of finding Embry, Jake, Quil or one of the other shifters she saw a girl. A blond girl that wore too much make-up and whose clothes were too small to properly cover her body. It looked like the girl was in a club, or ready to go to a club, instead of being in a school building.

“I really don’t have time to speak with you right now. I’m late,” Jack says dismissively, she sighs and prepares to knock on the door again.

“You’re not going anywhere,” the blond girl grimaces and pulls Jack’s arm away from the door. Jack groans as she looks to small hand around her wrist.

“I don’t give fashion advices,” Jack spats angrily and shakes her hand off her wrist. “I don’t know you and I’m late. I’m not in the mood to make friends in the hall so go find someone else to bother!”

“Don’t speak to me like that,” the blond mutters gritting her teeth. “I just wanted to warn you to stay away from my man!”

“I’m getting tired of meeting crazy psycho bitches.” Jack tiredly massages her temples and sighs. “Why do all the crazy psychos have to accuse me of stealing their men?” Jack sneers. “Why can’t I ever meet someone normal?”

“Crazy psycho? You’re the crazy psycho!” The blond slaps Jack across the face. Jack’s eyes widen as the reality sinks in. She had been slapped by someone that she didn’t know. “Paul is mine!” The blond adds and crosses her arms over her chest.

“You can have that whore for all I care,” Jack utters with rage. “And don’t fucking touch me again.”

“I’ve seen him chasing you. I don’t know what tricks you’ve used but--”

“Tricks?” On that point Jack’s rage disappeared and she started laughing. “I just want him to stay away from me. Which have proved to be impossible, if I could I’ll gladly give him to you. You should be having this conversation with him, not me… I’m going to go now,” She announces and turns her back to the blond. The blond pulls her by the hair making Jack stumble and drop all the books she was holding.

Jack gets up and looks to the blond that was smirking. Her cheeks began acquiring an intense shade of red and her lips became a tense white line. She groaned twice and clenched her fists narrowing her eyes to the blond that seemed amused. She remembered the promise she had made Enza a long time ago about the fights and opens her hands to rub her face. The blond laughed and insulted her once again and that made Jack loose whatever control she had seconds ago. She leaps in the blond’s direction and punches her face.

“Bitch!” The girl yells taking her hand to the spot were Jack had hit her. “I’ll make you pay.”

She stretches Jack’s face making Jack tackle her to the ground. Several squeals of pain left her lips and Jack presses a hand over her mouth to stop the noise getting bitten in the process.

“You bit me crazy psycho!” Jack was getting ready to punch her a second time when her teacher opened the door and pulled Jack over the blond that had her lip opened.

“She assaulted me,” the blond helplessly says to the teacher that was still holding Jack. She was kicking ant twitching in his arms as she promised to hit the blond once again. “She’s clearly out of her mind!”

“You’re a fucking liar,” Jack yells and she tries harder to reach the girl to break her neck. “I want to punch her!”

“Enough!” The teacher shouts making Jack stop moving. “You’re late Miss De Luca.”

“No shit,” Jack groans. Some of the students started laughing and others cringed at the way she was speaking with the teacher.

“Manners,” The teacher says sternly. “I’m going to let go of you now. Please refrain of hitting Miss Williams again.”

“I won’t make any promises.” The teacher drops her and smoothes his clothes.

“You have to expel her,” the blond demands angrily.

“I’m in trouble already, aren’t I?” Jack asks looking to the teacher.

“Yes, you are Miss De Luca.” Jack smirks and punches the blond once again. “That’s for biting me.”

“Miss De Luca!” the teacher scolds her loudly. “That’s an inappropriate behavior!”

“But she bit me Mr. Jones. What would you do is someone clearly crazy bit you? You’d hit them and then you’d go take a shot for any diseases--”

“Go inside the class Miss De Luca… You and Miss Williams will have detention today with me after school.”

“That isn’t fair! She was--” The blond starts to argue with the teacher.

“Go to your class immediately!”

“I might have some disease now,” Jack mumbles caressing the biting mark on her hand. “And all because of that fuck face.” Jack narrows her eyes to Paul that sighs.

“It’s not my fault Jack,” he tells her desperately. “I had no idea that someone would to that to you. I’ll speak with her tomorrow and tell her to stay away from you.”

“Paul has a point,” Enza states calmly. “He wasn’t the girl that hit you…”

“But she hit me because of him!I even told her that I’d wrap him in paper and placed a ribbon and gift him to her. I don’t want him for anything!” Jack half yells angrily getting up from the chair.

“I offer my services again,” Felix says with a small smirk on his lips. “I can kill her and make it look like an accident.” Embry starts trembling and narrows his eyes to Felix.

“That would start a war! You are in our lands, you must respect our rules,” Embry spats with rage.

“But that would cease the noise,” Jane counters after a sigh. “And isn’t this human your friend? I know I could hardly be considered an expert in friendship but shouldn’t you be seeking revenge?”

“By killing a human?” Embry narrows his eyes to Jane and then to Felix that was nodding his head in approval. “Jack took care of her…”

“And I’m not finished. As I told you Felix killing her would be bad because I have plans. If she was dead I couldn’t fulfill any of it and that would upset me.” Jack starts laughing like a mad woman making Enza sigh. “She’ll regret the day she bit me, I tell you!”

“So… Lasagna for dinner?” Enza asks once Jack stops laughing.

“Yes.” Jack nods her head and smiles happily.

“Something is wrong with you Enza,” Embry mumbles quietly. “You hear plans of murder, Jack laughing crazily--”

“Jack laughing crazily is hardly something abnormal,” Enza comments walking to the kitchen. She looks to Paul that was leaning against a wall still wearing the pink apron. “Pink isn’t your color…”

“My point was after everything you should be worrying with something other than dinner…” Embry states.

“Why? Jack is going to plan some elaborate revenge that will make me laugh. Like that time she filled your shoes with peanut butter.” Enza laughs lightly at the memory. “Felix and Jane won’t kill the human, Paul is going to beg forgiveness even if he had nothing--.”

“This is his entire fault,” Jack interrupts Enza that simply laughs in response. “But I guess that there is a bright side to this.” She smiles brightly and Enza shots her curious look. “I didn’t saw him naked today!”

“Does he lack the proper parts?” Felix asks amused.

“I have all required parts! And why on hell would you ask her that?” Paul yells feeling outraged.

“Her happiness for not seeing you naked, obviously. Once a woman sees me naked she always comes back for more,” Felix adds winking his eye. Jack and Enza laugh while the others groan. “I could demonstrate.”

“Do that and V-man will release the dogs and hunt you,” Jack mumbles with a smirk pointing to Embry and Paul.

“I’m not a dog.” Embry comments crossing his arms over his chest.

“I’m sure that if Felix got naked right now Carlisle wouldn’t be the only one upset,” Enza states looking to Paul that had his fists clenched.

“I would be upset,” Jane declares. “I’d have to torture you Felix and the screams would probably annoy the humans…”

“His words annoy me far more so go for it… Torture him…” Paul utters looking to Jane.

“Your opinion is irrelevant dog,” Jane tells him.

“Speaking about dogs… You didn’t finish telling me what happened with Vivian,” Jack mumbles looking to Enza that smiled in response.

“How speaking about dogs reminds you about Vivian?” Enza inquires amused.

“Dogs in heat,” Jack says. When she realized that no one understood her she groans. “Dogs in heat, you know… Humping like you and V-man... Don’t think that I don’t know what you did in the bathroom when you got home. By the way, that’s disgusting Enza! V-man was like marking his territory ‘cause of Damian… Which led me to Vivian…”

“That… makes no sense…” Jane comments.

“Welcome to my world,” Embry whispers making Jack hit him. “It’s a wonderful world… Truly wonderful because you’re in it Jack…”

“Before I forget. Yvette asked me to tell you that you should call her tonight after eight, she’ll be free by then,” Enza tells Embry with a smirk on her lips. Embry immediately blush as Jack looks attentively to his face.

“Yvette and you have been speaking an awful lot lately… What’s going on?” Jack inquires.

“Nothing, nothing… Enza you haven’t told us what happened with Vivian…” Embry rapidly says trying to change the topic.

“Where did I stop yesterday?”

“In Mathias. So he’s a moon-child? What does that even mean?” Jack asks with curiosity forgetting all about Yvette and Embry.

“I’m able to answer.” Jack and Enza look to Jane and wait for her words. “Moon-children are what you humans call werewolves… They require a full moon to transform and are far more powerful than your canine friends over here.”

“I resent that canine friend comment,” Embry states crossing his arms over his chest.

“And I don’t care,” Jane counters with a small smirk.

“Do fairies exist?” Jack asks tilling her head in Jane’s direction.

“They sparkle in the sun, isn’t that fairie enough for you?” Paul states with a smirk on his lips.

“Yeah, what’s the deal with that?” Jack asks with curiosity.

“Jack focus,” Enza mumbles once she stops laughing. “You’re going to love this.”

“Whenever you say that I know that I’m not going to love it,” Jack states narrowing her eyes to Enza.

“She thought that you and Paul had a relation,” Enza says ignoring Jack’s interruption with a smirk on her lips.

“Crazy psycho,” Jack mumbles trough her gritted teeth. She looks to Paul that was smiling like he approved Vivian’s words. “I don’t date whores! And what’s the deal with everyone always thinking that I have something with him? I got bit today because of it!” Jack rants annoyed. “Bit of all things. You’ll be my slave till you die because of this! I’ll never forgive you!”

"I'm sorry Jack!" Paul says helplessly with a panicked expression.

“Let’s change the topic,” Enza declares with amusement watching her cousin walk around the kitchen yelling at Paul. “What did you guys do while we were away?” Enza asks looking to Felix and Jane.

“We watched a movie,” Jane says surprising Enza. “It was fairly entertaining, I must confess.”

“It was filled with fantasy,” Felix scoffs. “Nothing like reality... I don’t get why humans enjoy movies so much.”

“What do you consider to be fantasy Felix?” Enza inquires as she finally starts cooking dinner.


“Vampires don’t believe in aliens?” Jack stops arguing with Paul to look to Felix that nodded. “Why? I mean if vampires exist why can’t aliens exist as well?”

“I’ve seen no proof.”

“Isn’t a bit presumptuous to think you know everything just because you’re old as dust?” Jack mumbles making Enza chuckle.


“A vampire bit you sheila?” Trevor asks with his eyes widen. He analyzes Jack trying to find something that showed him that she was transforming.

“No, a human. Isn’t it crazy?” jack tells him patiently.

“Is she alright?” Carlisle whispers into Enza’s ear as he observed Jack telling Trevor how she had fought the crazy human.

“She will manage to survive the bite,” Enza responds with a smile.

“How was your day?” Carlisle asks leading Enza to his office.

“Someone ought to do something,” Jack exclaims as they enter the office. “I bet they’re going to do it!”

“Do what?” Trevor asks tilting his head to the side finding her words slightly confusing. Emmett laughed and Edward sighed in response.

It. You know, get freaky?” Trevor mouth opens and he widens his eyes. He looks to Esme that had a polite smile on her lips. “Where did you find him?” Jack asks after a sigh. “I mean, the way he speaks is awesome but he’s doesn’t get anything I say.”

“That isn’t a surprise Jack,” Jake comments with a smile. “We all have troubles getting you sometimes.”

“I’m so lucky for having friends like you,” Jack sneers.

“You are sheila.” Trevor nods approvingly making Jack groan. “Did I miss something?”

“Yes, and it was dirty,” Jack mumbles making everyone laugh.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Feedback is appreciated and loved ~
