Wild Things.

It's Only Cheating if You Get Caught.

Enza chuckled as she heard Jack trying to imply that she and Carlisle were going to have sex in his study. The door was currently open as Carlisle had gone to go and get Enza a drink. Enza walked around his study lightly brushing her finger tips across book titles as she read them. She stopped on momentarily as she picked up a picture.

It was such a beautiful picture of two people madly in love on the verge of kissing each other but there was a moment, no matter how brief it had been, was captured between them as they were looking into each other’s eyes. It made Enza smile even though she knew that she was looking at Carlisle and his former wife Esme.

Enza blinked as she continued to look at the photo. Esme just wasn’t Carlisle former wife but the woman whom he changed because he’d thought her his soul mate. Enza thought about that as she continued to stare at the photo. She knew the moment Carlisle entered the room because she could feel his presence. That was something she’d been able to sense since after coming back from Italy but she put that aside for the moment as Carlisle touched her shoulder.

“Are you alright?” Carlisle asked as she turned around looking at him. He noticed the picture in her hand and sighed as he met her gaze. “I don’t know why I still have that.” He muttered as Enza set the picture down and walked over to the door to close it. She didn’t want the others ease dropping, especially Trevor and Esme.

“I am fine, how many times are you going to ask me that? Yes, I was kidnapped. Yes, I was almost killed again. I know that, I really do, trust me. I was there, it was happening to me.” Enza stated sitting down on the couch in his study as he stayed where he was looking at her. She sighed as she began again. “All of you have got to stop worrying about me, I know what happened, and I am not going to break done like before when I found out about all this.” Enza clarified as Carlisle glanced over at the picture once more.

“You are upset about finding that picture.” Carlisle stated as Enza looked at him before also looking back at the photo.

“Carlisle it’s not about the photo.”

“Then way do you seem upset or offended in some way?” He asked looking at her as she avoided his gaze.

“I am not upset or offended about the photo Carlisle, it’s not about the photo.” Enza clarified once more as he was now kneeling in front of her.

“Cadenza I have gotten ove—”

“It’s the way you look at her in the photo.” Enza interrupted not wanting to hear what Carlisle was going to say. He opened his mouth to say something but she stopped him trying to get a hold on her thoughts. “You just don’t get over a love like that so quickly.” She stated as he looked at her as she still looked over at the photo. “It takes half the total time you were with someone to get over them.”

“Cadenza, Esme has been gone for some years now—.” Carlisle stated as she stopped him once more.

“You thought she was your soul mate! You just don’t get over someone you thought and felt was your soul mate in some years.” Enza declared as Carlisle grabbed his hands in hers.

“Cadenza, I am not in love with her but with—” Enza pulled away from him standing up and backing away from him.

“No, no, stop. Don’t say what I think you are going to say because I will believe you. I fall for people easily and I have had feelings for you for some time now and I don’t want this to be like this…” Enza was standing next to the door looking at Carlisle with tears in her eyes threatening to fall. “She is here and you were in love with each other for centuries. You just don’t get over that in some few years Carlisle.” Enza sniffled blinking back the tears.

“Cadenza…” Carlisle reached out for her but she shook her head.

“Don’t touch me, I just, I am sorry, I need to go.” Enza stated as she opened the door and walked out of it leaving it open. She wiped her eyes with her sleeves and tired to compose herself as she walked by the living room. Jasper looked over at her from the book her was reading after feeling her emotions. Jasper blinked wondering what had made her so upset.

Edward looked over at her after hearing Jasper’s thoughts. Looking at her all Edward could hear was her singing a song in Italian as she looked over at Jack who was laughing with Trevor, Jacob, Embry, and Esme.

“Jack.” Enza voice was barely above a whisper as everyone heard her except Jack. Blinking as everyone had looked to Enza so did Jack.

“Well you two sure do know what the meaning of a quickie is.” Jack chuckled as everyone else smirked and rolled their eyes.

“Feel free to stay. Sto tornando a casa.” Enza stated ignoring the comment as Jack looked at her immediately knowing that something was wrong. (I am heading home.) She watched as Enza turned to leave and looked around at everyone.

“What happened in there?”Jack scrambled to her feet chasing after Enza, by the time she reached the outside Enza was pulling out of the driveway. Walking back in everyone was looking at Jack. “What was she thinking?” Jack asked looking at Edward.

“I don’t know, she was singing a song in Italian. She knows how to keep her thoughts hidden.” Edward stated as she sighed.

“Something was wrong.” Jack breathed looking towards Carlisle’s study as he walked out into the room.

“Carlisle what happened?” Edward asked as Carlisle looked at him with an unreadable expression.

“Nothing, it was nothing.” Carlisle stated as Jack looked at him.

“You lie, Enza looked like she was about to cry.” Jack continued to look at him as he looked down at her.

“It was nothing that was of your business.” Carlisle clarified as Jack glared at him as he turned and left.

Enza breathed deeply as she stood in the kitchen getting milk for Bagheera. She couldn’t do that to herself, she couldn’t allow herself to fall in love with a vampire of all things. No, that just wasn’t right.

“You’re an idiot Cadenza.” Enza breathed to herself as she set the milk down in the floor and Bagheera immediately started to drink it up. Turning back around she looked at the open can of condensed milk. She’d already had sex with him, but that didn’t mean she was in love with him. She’d had one-night stands before.

Putting the milk into fridge she rested her head against the cool hard door. Closing her eyes she sighed once more. Was she in love with him? No, love and lust were two different things. She lightly tapped her forehead against the door. She wished Zia was there to help her, she’d always known the right things to say when Enza found herself in a situation that was just too complicated.

“You know you can’t sneak up on me Felix.” Enza exhaled a breath as she turned around to face him.

“Jack is a lot more fun than you.” He clarified as she shrugged her shoulders.

“That’s because you can scare her by just suddenly appearing next to her, I can feel you.” Enza stated as Felix raised an eyebrow.

“Is that so?” He asked with a smirk as she returned the smirk looking into his crimson eyes.

“Oh of course.” She stated taking a slow stepped towards him. If she wasn’t in love she would be able to kiss him and not feel a hint of regret. Felix just watched as she continued to walk towards him.

“Where is Jack?” He asked as she was now standing right in front of him. She never broke eye contact with him as she lightly touched his cheek.

“Is that who you are really thinking about?” She asked suggestively as he smirked down at her.

“No, actually at the moment I am thinking why you are trying to seduce me.” Felix stated as she pressed her body against his and he held her there. She took her hand from his face to the back of his neck and pulled his face down to hers connecting their lips in a kiss that was softer than she’d expected. His hands started to roam her body and he picked her up sitting her on the counter intensifying the kiss.

It felt wrong, Enza knew that the moment their lips connected but she felt so alive. It was like she was drinking a cup of succulent coffee and getting all the energizing that caffeine would give her. Felix didn’t even stop kissing her when someone had cleared their throat. He jumped back off of her when a pain shot through him causing him to fall to the floor.

“What is going on here?” Jane asked as Felix got up glaring at Jane with dark eyes there were no longer a luminescent crimson’s as Jane’s had been. Jane looked at Enza who was breathing heavily and for a brief moment she could have sworn that the human’s eyes had matched that of Felix’s.

“Nothing, Felix was just leaving to go feed.” Enza declared feeling more alive than ever before. She felt energized like never before and felt that her heart was racing. Jane looked to Felix who walked to the back door and disappeared.

“Do you just like the thrill of having sex with vampires?” Jane asked harshly as Enza looked at Jane regaining herself.

“I knew it was wrong, I knew that, but I couldn’t stop myself.” Enza breathed trying to calm herself. She felt like she could do almost anything at the moment. She was on such a high as she stood there trying to calm herself from the liveliness she felt.

“I think a minute longer and he would have bit you.” Jane stated seriously as Enza blinked. “He’d just fed and when he looked at me just now he looked as if he hadn’t fed in weeks.” Jane observed looking at Enza.

“I—don’t tell anyone what you just interrupted.” Enza looked at Jane as she didn’t break eye contact staring at the human that Aro really wanted within the guard. At that moment Jane almost understood why, Felix was known for his control, especially in battle and something about this human had made him lose it. And that moment when she’d looked at her, her eyes had been as black as Felix’s.

Jane felt that if she was turned into a vampire there would definitely be a powerful ability that she would have. It was manifesting just in her human form that usually said a lot for how powerful a vampire could be. Jane also thought about her younger cousin. The girl had stopped everyone in their tracks, these two were definitely going to be power vampires if turned.

“It’s your secret.” Jane stated as Enza nodded a thank you as she left the kitchen to go and take a bath.

Enza closed her eyes resting her head on the back of the tub as she let the hot water consume her and relax her. There was just so much going on and Vivian was still somewhere lurking just waiting to attack. She was probably even more psychotic now that Damian had been killed. Enza let her mind drift to what she’d done earlier.

She’d kissed Felix, full on made out with him. She sighed, it hadn’t felt right she knew that but that didn’t mean she was in love with Carlisle, maybe committed to him. Not so committed if she’d go and kiss another man. But it wasn’t like she’d had sex with him, but the sexual energy between them at that moment had been enough to think that they were going to. It had been intense and she’d known it was wrong but she couldn’t stop herself.

Enza slid under the water holding her breath. What was wrong with her? She’d cheated on Carlisle after he’d saved her ass so many times. Maybe that is why she was with him now, she felt like she owed him for all that he’s done for her. No, there was definitely chemistry between them, then why did she feel the need to test her love for him?

Because she didn’t love him…or did she? Enza sat up from being under the water and caught her breath. Love was confusing, but how did she know whether or not this was love. Enza need to talk to someone, and that someone was on patrol for at least another two hours. Enza sighed as she drained the water from the tub and stood up, that was alright, she needed to talk and sort things out she would just wait at Leah’s until she was off patrol.

Leah walked into the yard of her home transforming and walking in the snow barefoot not even bothering her.

“Streaking party?” Enza asked as Leah looked at her sitting on her front porch in the cold.

“Well whore, there is usually no one here at this time.” Leah stated walking past Enza and right into her house as Enza got up and followed her closing the door behind her. “You do know that my door was open right?” Leah yelled into the other room grabbing clothes.

“Yeah, I just needed to be outside.” Enza sat down on the couch not talking off her coat.

“What brings you to La Push this late?” Leah yelled into the other room once more looking at the digital clock that was on her night stand as she was putting on clothes.

“I kissed Felix.” Enza stated normally as Leah walked into her living room pulling her shirt down looking at Enza.

“What do you mean, kissed Felix?” Leah asked as Enza felt herself tear up.

“I—I just don’t know what to do anymore.” Enza let the tears fall as Leah placed the jokes aside and sat next to Enza pulling her into her with a hug as Enza really cried. Leah rubbed her arm as she tried to console her friend. It was a whole ten minutes before Enza had stopped crying. Leah looked at her with soft eyes.

“So what is going on with you?” Leah asked as Enza looked at her.

“Carlisle, I…um, found a photo of him and Esme.” Leah looked at her with a raised eyebrow not understand. “It wasn’t about the fact that he had it but just the way he looked at her in it. I just, I don’t know. I think I love him but my track record, I just fall so easily for guys when they tell me that they love me and so much has happened. Maybe I just think of him as my savior and I owe—”

“Cadenza, I am going to explain something to you. As a shifter, I imprint. I don’t even get to know my true love. All I know is that just by looking into their eyes that they are the one. In a single, heart-stopping moment, my soul knows that they are my everything. You don’t have that, but as a vampire Carlisle does. They call them their singers, and even though they may think that they have more than one they don’t. Esme wasn’t his soul mate, he knew that. He knew that someday one of them would find their destined soul mate, and it just happened that Esme found hers first.”

“Carlisle told me he became immune to me.” Enza tried to reason as Leah let out a short chuckle.

“It may not be a real ability to him or others, but being immune to human blood is his ability.” Leah stated as Enza looked at her.

“I don’t know if I am ready for this.” Enza stated as Leah shook her head.

“No one is ready for love, it just happens Cadenza. At least you get to know your soul mate first. I could fall in love with a mass murderer and that is who I would be stuck with until the day die.” Leah stated as they both laughed.

“I guess you are right Leah, thank you.” Enza stated as she hugged her and Leah hugged her back.

“You’re welcome, and why did you kiss Felix?” Leah asked as they pulled apart.

“If I felt guilt then I guess I told myself that I was in love with Carlisle.” Enza shrugged her shoulders as Leah shook her head.

“If you didn’t feel guilt then I would have to stop calling you a whore because then you’d really be one.” Leah stated as Enza hit her shoulder as they began laughing.

“It was weird though.” Enza stopped laughing as Leah looked at her.

“What do you mean?” Leah asked.

“Like, I knew what I was doing with Felix was wrong but neither of us could bring ourselves to stop even when Jane had interrupted. She had to use her power on him, it was so intoxicating the liveliness that I felt during and after.”

“Maybe I should start calling you a succubus.” Leah winked as Enza shook her head.

“I should tell him shouldn’t I, Carlisle I mean, about kissing Felix?” Enza asked as Leah shrugged her shoulders.

“You should, but it’s your decision.”

“I need to get home.” Enza stated as she stood up and so did Leah.

“You can stay here you know.” Leah offered.

“I know that, but I think Jack would kill me if I left her with Jane and Felix alone. She already accuses them of watching her sleep and trying to scare her to death.” Leah laughed.

“Just send Paul over.” Leah state as Enza’s eyes widened.

“I do need some payback from when she called Carlisle when I was drunk oh and when she stole my letter and started reading it out loud, why yes Leah I think you are right, Paul definitely needs to go over and make sure nothing happens.” Enza stated as Leah tossed Enza her cell phone.

“What Leah?” Paul answered rather roughly as she heard a few people in the background.

“Is that how you always answer the phone when Leah calls you?” Enza asked as Paul blinked looking at his phone seeing that was Leah’s number but not her voice.

“Usually, but what’s wrong Enza?” Paul asked as Enza smiled.

“Well you see, I am staying with Leah tonight, we need girl time and well no one is going to be with Jack at the house while Jane and Felix are there. And I know that Jack would ultimately be fine, you need to go over there and stay the night, just for extra measures.” Enza stated as Paul processed what she’d just said.

“Now why didn’t you call Embry, you know she hates me right now more than ever.” Paul stated as Enza smiled.

“Just tell her payback paid in full.”

“I knew there was an ulterior motive, Enza.” Paul groaned as Enza laughed.

“Just think of it as a chance to get back in her good graces.” They went to hang up but Enza stopped him. “Oh and tell her that I said you have to sleep in her room.”

“She will murder me in my sleep.” Paul stated as Enza rolled her eyes.

“Downstairs closet there is a twin air mattress that you can blow up. Oh and you better sleep in there or you will be sorry that you didn’t help me with my payback.” Enza stated as she listened as Paul sighed most likely thinking over his options.

“Fine, but you need to call her and tell her about this because I am not telling her any of it.”

“Oh alright, but you need to get over there, I am sure Embry will be dropping her off soon to go on patrol since Leah is done.” Enza stated as they hung up and dialed Jack’s number.

“Where are you? I have been home for the past thirty minutes with Lady Doom and Sir Gloom.” Jack stated as Enza laughed. “Glad to hear you are in a better mood.” Jack pointed out as Enza thought about earlier and then shook it away.

“Yeah, I am staying at Leah’s tonight.”

“You can’t do that! Embry is on patrol tonight, who is going to say with me? They will watch me sleep! You can’t leave me alone with Doom and Gloom over here! Please if you love me come home!” This made Enza laugh more.

“Oh don’t worry, Paul is on his way over.” Enza stated as Jack was silent on the other end.

“Very funny, what time are you going to be home?”

“I am not kidding, just think as it payback paid in full. For now that is.”

“You clever conniving bitch! Oh you are so freaking witty it’s not funny.”

“Did I mention that he is sleeping in your room?” Enza stated as she heard Jack drop the phone.

“I hate you, I really do.” Jack stated moments later after picking up the phone.

“If he doesn’t sleep in your room, the payback is invalid and will have to be repaid at another time when I feel the time is right.” Enza stated as she heard a huff of breath leave Jacks lips into the receiver.

“Fine, but I still hate you oh and what is wrong with Felix for real?” Jack asked as Enza ignored her question.

“I will see you in the morning before I go to work, love you and have fun Jackie.” Enza cooed as Jack cursed at her and said goodnight before hanging up the phone. Enza looked at Leah before they both started laughing and giving each other a high five.
♠ ♠ ♠
A rift between Carlisle and Enza! Enza is confused about her feelings for Carlisle! Felix and Enza kiss, should she tell Carlisle? Vivian is still around...somewhere! Tender moment between friends! A payback that involves Paul sleeping over with Jack, Felix and Jane! How will that go? What do you think? Let us know! :)

-I feel like I am an episode announcer for an old Japanese action cartoon telling you stay tuned for the next part! haha

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