Wild Things.

Messy Situations

“I could do something,” Jack whispers walking around her bedroom in a fast pace. “I could…” she groans and rubs her face with her hands. Felix and Jane had popped out of thin air and were now observing her. “Look, Gloom and Doom I’m not in the mood.”

“Is something wrong?” Jane asks with a hesitant tone of voice.

“Something is wrong Jane,” Felix states calmly. “She didn’t jump.” A small frown appeared on his lips.

“I could do something right?” Jack asks looking to Jane and ignoring Felix.

“Yes, I suppose you could. I could provide a better answer if I knew what you are referring to,” Jane tells her.

“Enza.” Once Jack mentioned her name Felix transformed into a statue. He remained rather quiet and crossed his arms over his chest. “She’s having payback now for something I did a while ago. But I find it unfair and horrible!”

“I presume that it wouldn’t be much of a payback if you found it fair,” Jane reasons with her.

“Part of me finds it fair. I mean I did embarrass her,” Jack mumbles with a small smile on her lips. “But Paul? Paul of all things?” Jack sighs and throws her body into the bed. “Why is Mister Gloom so… gloomy?”

“Felix is rarely tested,” Jane muses looking briefly to him. “When he is he becomes that, for lack of a better description.”

“You are being awfully friendly,” Jack declares narrowing her eyes to Jane. “Are you helping Enza with her vengeance too? Are you trying to discover my plans so she’ll be prepared for my next move?”

“I’m going outside.” As soon as he finished speaking he ran downstairs and left the house.

“What kind of test was that? Did you zap him and I wasn’t here to witness it?” Jack asks getting up from the bed.


“That’s a first,” Jack comments interrupting Jane, who slightly narrowed her eyes to the human. “You always call me human. Now I feel special…” She mumbles placing a hand on her chest and cleaning an imaginary tear with her index.

“Jacqueline I’m not spying for Enza. I couldn’t care less about yours and hers vendettas.” Jane tells her. “You and Enza intrigue me even if I fail to comprehend you most of the time…” She adds looking to Jack that had a small smile on her lips. “And even if at first I believed you should be killed… Let’s just say that you and she changed my mind about that.”

“You’re not so bad Lady Doom,” Jack states walking to the bed.

“You should return the courtesy,” Jane states with a tiny smile. “If I call by your name, you must call me Jane.”

“Can I still call him Gloom?”

“He’s glooming, isn’t he?” Jane tilts her head to the side making Jack laugh loudly.

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

“Jack?” Paul yells making Jack groan.

“I’m not looking forward to this.” Jack sighs loudly.

“Do you want me to hit him till he’s unconscious?” Jane offers making Jack raise an eyebrow. “I’m bored and slightly frustrated…” she explains after a sigh.

“Enza would say that it doesn’t count if he’s unconscious, but that thought cheered me up,” Jack tells her with a small smile. “Even if we didn’t--”

“Why didn’t you tell me you were here?” Paul asks crossing his arms over his chest. He narrows his eyes to Jane. “Go do vampire things downstairs,” he tells Jane dismissively.

“Paul.” Jack calls him interrupting Jane. She pulls his hand making him smile tenderly. “Do you think that if you were unconscious the payback would still count?” She asks with a serious tone of voice that made Jane laugh and Paul groan.

“No, it wouldn’t. And why would you want… You know what? Forget it. I don’t know why I bother. I mean I know, but I don’t. You’re impossible, really impossible. You’re always blaming me for everything; you always insulting me and embarrassing me. When you meet my parents I bet that the first thing you’ll ask if for embarrassing stories so you can tease me till the day I die.” Paul rants loudly walking in a fast pass in front of Jack who had her mouth slightly opened and her eyes widen for the sudden outburst. “They made a joke out of this. I can’t win with you, I never win with you.” He moves his hands to Jack’s arms and forces her to look to him. “Why can’t I win?”

“That’s enough dog,” Jane says stepping in. “Let go of her or you will suffer the consequences…”

“Stay out of this leech.” Paul starts to tremble and jack pinches his cheek to break the glare he was shooting Jane.

“No shifting or you’ll sleep outside,” Jack whispers. “Now let go of me so we can have a proper conversation. Meanwhile Jane I need your help.”

“With what?” Jane and Paul ask at the same time making Jack giggle.

“Well I need payback, not with Enza,” she rapidly adds to prevent Paul from arguing with her. “I’m not over the fact I was bitten and I had an idea but I need stuff. Since Jane has supper speed… And I know that from experience since she and Gloom always use it to scare the fuck out of me… Popping out of thin air like it was nothing…” Jack stops ranting to move her hands quickly on the air trying to exemplify what they did to her. “And I’m pretty sure they watch me sleep too… That takes creepy to a new level. Not as creepy as V-man watching Enza eat, but close enough…”

“Your point was?” Jane asks amused.

“Oh.” Jack laughs lightly and looks to Jane. “I need you to get me some stuff. Balloons, paint, I think we have needles and rope.” She gently taps her chin trying to remember what she needed. “Or should I go with sodas?” she asks mind absently. “I don’t have time to build a catapult either.” A small frown appears on her lips and she walks to the bed to sit down. “Well I could go with whip cream that that’s hardly out of the ordinary and she needs something fancy… And hamsters need to eat, not to mention where I’d get hamsters today…”

“Slow down because you’re not making any sense,” Paul interrupts her rant with a smirk. He found her rants adorable, especially when she was planning some revenge. Her eyes would glint and the small smiles that often appeared melted his heart.

“Hamsters or whip cream?” Jack asks ignoring Paul. “They would do quite a mess on her locker and if she’s afraid of rodents.” Jack starts laughing loudly. “It would be so priceless…”

“I can go to Port Angeles and get hamsters,” Jane declares. “That was what you needed my help with, wasn’t it?”

“You would?” Jack asks with a radiant smile that made her look like a small child. When Jane nods her head once she jumps from the bed and hugs the petit vampire. “You are officially my favorite person in the world right now! I don’t even care that you scare a lot. Well I do care but I’m choosing to ignore it for the sake of our beautiful moment.” Jane pats Jack back twice and breaks the hug.

“You never hug me,” Paul states with jealousy crossing his arms over his chest. Jack narrows her eyes to him making him sigh which made Jane chuckle.

“I’ll take care of that then. Felix is in the porch, if you need something shout and he will come,” Jane tells her and exists the room.

“So we should probably talk now.” Jack walks to her bed and sits. She massages her temples lightly and looks to Paul. “What is wrong with you?” she asks him with a neutral tone of voice.

“Nothing is wrong with me,” Paul mumbles defensively.

“Look I’m not trying to annoy you or anything but something is really wrong with you. It isn’t normal,” she tells him with exasperation. “You should have given up by now… I’m not doing anything to make you want me, hell, I’m doing everything I can to make you run from me so why are you still here?”

“Because I need you,” he gently tells her. Jack groaned loudly and narrowed her eyes to him.

“Bullshit. As I said I know your type and the only thing your type needs is a girl to warm their beds, or several.”

“I’m not like that, not anymore. Get that trough your thick skull.” Paul walks to her and presses his hands on the sides of her face. “Not ever since I… I…”

“You?” Jack whispers looking to his eyes.

“Did you hear that?” Paul drops the hands from her face and walks to door.

“It was probably Gloom,” Jack mumbles getting up. She uses her right hand to pull his face till he was looking to her eyes. “You were about to say something important.”

“It isn’t Felix… The scent is different,” Paul whispers looking to the door once again.

“Just tell me what the hell you were about to say!” Jack loudly demands.

In a blink of eyes the scenario changed. Jack was no longer looking to Paul, demanding him to continue speaking and Paul wasn’t observing the door trying to figure out who had entered the house. Jack was now pressed against the wall and a cold pair of hands was around her neck preventing cutting the air supply. Even if she was aware that she wouldn’t be able to breathe while the hands remained there, she helplessly tried to make some air reach her lungs. But soon the lack of air made her black out and as she fell onto the floor she could see huge brown eyes glancing in her direction worriedly.

Paul just had two seconds to register everything that was happening. He had believed that the danger was in the kitchen but he had been wrong. He had never imagined that Vivian would jump through the window that was barely open. And when he saw Vivian’s hands around Jack neck he immediately shifted. He observed Jack hitting the floor and Vivian turning her body to him without moving an inch. His priority was to take the fight somewhere else or Jack could get severely injured…

“I’m not finished with her,” Vivian tells him looking to Jack that was on the ground. “You have two choices wolf. You can leave this house and mind your business or I’ll kill her.” Paul growls in protest without moving. “I knew you were her mate.” Vivian smiles sadly looking to Jack. “I’m sorry Mathias but I have no choice.”

Once she stopped speaking she leaped in Paul’s direction. Her sudden movement caught him of guard and almost made him forget that he was planning to remove her from the bedroom. And instead of stepping aside, to force her to chase him, he tossed her against the door. Several things were chattered in the process and the door was no longer attached to the wall, it was now lying on the floor. Paul quickly glances in Jack’s direction, to assure that nothing had hit her and once he realizes that no injuries were acquired because of his movement he runs to the living room.

Vivian rapidly recovered from the blow and followed him downstairs. Paul was about to reach the last step of the stairs when she tackles him, destroying the table in the process. Vivian was above Paul which left him in disadvantaged. With his paws he pushed her from him and swiftly gets up. As soon as he was on his feet Vivian tackles him, tossing both of them against the wall that cracked with the collision.

They struggled in the floor, Vivian trying to break his neck and Paul trying to bite her head off. Paul uses his paws to force Vivian away from him. And as soon as she landed the ground he opened his mouth and jumped sinking his teeth in her marble throat. As he pressed his jaw together, to separate her head from her body, Vivian said her final words. What he heard wasn’t what he was expecting.

“They… The Volturi will ruin your relation with her. They ruin everything…” She whispers with a serious expression. “Don’t you ever trust them because trusting them was my biggest mistake.”

Once her head was separated from her body he tossed it to a corner breaking a vase in the process. He looks to his surrounding to see how much destruction his fight with Vivian had caused. The table was broken in half and several pieces of wood had landed near the front door. There was glass everywhere and all the pictures that once hung on the wall were crumbled on the ground. The handrail, well, there wasn’t a handrail anymore.

Deciding that it was better to have the house in that condition and have Jack alive he shifts back and runs up the chairs to check on her. She was still lying on the floor like the last time he had seen her. Her hair covered her face that was against the floor. He gently pulls her head up and gently removes all the hair from her face. Her neck had the red marks cause by Vivian’s hands. He careful moves a hand to her torso and softly shakes her.

“My head,” Jack groans opening her eyes. “Wait… You’re naked aren’t you?” She asks closing her eyes fast. “Man and it was going so well. I was so happy! I’m going to kill that crazy psycho!”

“She’s dead Jack,” he whispers with a small smile on his lips. Jack suddenly opens her eyes and looks to his face anxiously. “She won’t bother you or Enza anymore. Her corpse is downstairs… I thought that you would like to help me burn her.”

“Really?” Jack asks with a grin on her lips. She pulls her body up till she was sitting. Once her face was leveled to his she moves her hands to his neck, and without thinking, she pushed her body to his and hugged him. “Ew!Ew! You’re naked.” She exclaims once she remembers. She closes her eyes and pushes him. “Go get dress quickly because we have a crazy psycho dead bitch to burn.” She adds childishly making Paul chuckle.

“I brought clothes just in case,” Paul mumbles looking around him. He had dropped a bag on the floor once he had entered Jack’s room and he was now trying to find it in the middle of the mess.

“That was smart,” Jack comments. “Can you do it faster? Oh, oh, were should we do it? Should we roast marshmallows as well? I mean why waste a good fire?”

“That’s disgusting Jack. Her scent would linger on the marshmallows…”

“Good point… I still want roasted marshmallows… Do you think we could have some?” Jack asks him with a small smile on her lips. “We have to celebrate, don’t we?”

“We d--”

“Where’s Gloom?” Jack suddenly asks interrupting Paul.

“Good question,” Paul tells her after a loud groan. “I’m dressed…”

“He didn’t help you?” Jack asks opening her eyes. “My bedroom is destroyed! Look at the window!” Jack yells horrified.

“I’m sorry,” Paul mumbles looking to the ground.

“Bugs will come in now and have a feast with my blood,” she whines childishly. “I hate bugs and their bites are always itchy… Why do I always end up being bitten? Sure, they haven’t bitten me yet, but they will! I can sense them already lurking in the dark waiting till I’m sleeping to bite me!”

“I’m sorry,” he repeats his words once again making Jack snap out of her rant.

“You’re forgiven but I’m afraid to say that even your children will be my slaves,” she tells him after a sigh. “Will you help me get up?”

“Of course.” Paul extends his hands to Jack and gently pulls her up till she was up. It made her feel a little dizzy and she lost all strength. She was about to fall when Paul caught her and they stood on that position for a while staring to each other. Paul moved his face slightly closer to hers to kiss her and that broke Jack’s trance.

“I’ll kick you in the nuts if you move closer,” she declares.

“Evil woman.” He mumbles with a horrified expression that made Jack giggle. He helps her get back on her two feet and this time he doesn’t remove the hand from her back, just in case she got dizzy again. She was about to walk when Paul stopped her. “I just want you to react calmly at the mess downstairs.”

“Is everything destroyed?” Jack hesitantly asks.

“Kind of… Maybe we should call Enza?”

“No, let her stay with Leah,” Jack whispers tiredly. “She deserves to have fun and be relaxed every now and then. After all that has happened it’s the very least I can do. We’ll try to make things more presentable… Okay?” She mumbles looking to Paul that nodded his head twice.

“Okay Jack.”

Jack takes a deep breath and starts walking to stairs where she stopped to analyze the damage. She eyes quickly glanced in every direction but the pictures of her and Enza on the floor covered with glass caught her attention. With Paul following her closely she walks to the pictures and picks them up. One of those photos was really important for Jack and Enza. It was one of the very last pictures they had taken with Zia in front of the very house that they were living now. Zia had her arms around Jack and Enza and was smiling brightly. She remembers the instants before that photo was taken, Enza and Jack should have been next to each other however they had kept tickling one and other which had provoked hilarious but poor family portraits. Instead of yelling at them Zia tickle them both and went to the middle of them whispering as they took the picture, how much they meant to her.

“I miss her,” Jack mumbles soothing the picture with her hands.

“I never spoke much with her,” Paul tells her with a small smile. “She often scolded me when I ran down this street in my, you know…”

“You can say boxers,” Jack states rolling her eyes. Paul realized that a tiny smile had appeared on her lips so he decided to tell her more about her encounters with Zia to cheer her up.

“She was so mean to me. Once she watering her plants and as soon as she saw me running she turned the hose in my direction--” Jack’s loud laughs interrupt him and her shakes his head reprovingly. “Of course that you would find that hilarious... Let’s make a deal.”

“Nothing that involves you naked.”

“We’ll go burn Vivian and as we clean this mess I’ll tell you all the times that your Zia was mean to me,” Paul says ignoring Jack’s words. She smiles and nods her head and gets up from the floor.

“Where’s the head?” Jack asks looking around. Paul points to the direction where he had tossed the head and as soon as Jack was close he hear her yelp. “This is so disgusting,” she tells him as she bends, with her index she touches Vivian’s forehead and cringes. “Ew! I need a bag.” She looks to Paul and starts laughing loudly leaving him confused. “I need a bag to put a head. Who would say that one day I’d need a bag to put a head inside?”


“Che diavolo è successo qui?” Enza yells once she enters the house. Then she sees Jack in her pajamas with a scarf around her neck in Paul’s back waving excitedly to her.

“She’s high on painkillers,” Paul explains with a small smile.

“And tall, don’t forget to say I’m as tall as the liberty statue. Enza I love you!” She tells her excitedly. Squirming sounds caught Enza attention and next to her was a small cage that contained a lot of hamsters.

“Somebody tell me what happened here, now.”

“Okay. Paul take me to her,” Jack mumbles tapping his head lightly. “So I was upstairs with Paul and all of the sudden.” Jack stops talking and widens her eyes. When she realizes that Enza was giving her her full attention she loudly claps her hands together and yells bang. “It weren’t aliens, it was Vivian. And she broke my window in case you didn’t understand the bang. Which reminds me the payback is off? I slept with Paul here.” Jack points to the mattress in the living room. “I refused to sleep upstairs because the bugs were lurking in the dark.”

“Paul tell me what happened,” Enza says after a sigh.

“Why can’t I tell you? I’m doing a pretty good job,” Jack whines childishly. Rests her forehead in Paul’s head and continues to mumble under her breath how offended she was.

“Long story short, Vivian came in but she never got out. Our fight destroyed half of your house and I called Carlisle to check on Jack and he prescribed her painkillers…” Paul says.

“Why didn’t you call me?” Enza whispers with worriedly.

“I know that,” Jack tells her with a happy smile on her lips. “I didn’t want you to get sad. You always work so hard to make sure that we are fine and I wanted you to have a day off. I could tell that something was off with you and V-man was also off, which proves my point. So I figured that I should be the adult for once and clean the mess.”

“Oh Jack.” Enza shakes her head lightly and smiles. “You should have called me.”

“The house was far more messed up yesterday Enza,” Jack whispers. “It was sad.”

“And where do the mice come in?” Enza asks after a sigh.

“I thought you’d never ask,” Jack starts giggling and Paul taps her leg twice to catch her attention. “It was going to be payback to Jaws.”


“The girl that bit me,” Jack explains with an impatient tone of voice. “We were going to drop it on her locker. But we didn’t have time to do it because we had to clean the house.”

“If--” Enza’s words are interrupted by a loud bang on the floor. She looks to her left and sees Felix on his knees and Jane glaring.

“Don’t mind them.” Jack dismissevly waves her hand in their direction. “Gloom disappeared and when Jane came back with the hamsters and realized that we had to face Vivian alone she got upset. She cursed in Italian, it was funny.” Jack giggles.

“Do you want to rest now? Enza’s home and Jane can fill her in,” Paul asks her.

“Sure. You’ll stay, right?” Jack quietly asks.


“Good. I’m going to be on your shoulders all day! And we’ll make races when we wake up and all sorts of things non-sexual that involve me being up here mocking the little people.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Feedback is appreciated ~
