Wild Things.

Two Pink Lines

Jack was looking for her chair in the plane, glancing between her ticket and the numbers of the chairs as they passed. Paul that was right behind her kept telling that now they had to go on a date so he could properly court her. She was ignoring his words since every ‘no’ she said didn’t serve to make him stop asking her out. When she finally found her chair she make an ‘aha’ sound and smiles.

“Here are our chairs Enza,” Jack tells looking to her cousin that was smirking. “What did you do?” she asks narrowing her eyes to her cousin that continued smirking.

“We traded tickets when you went to the bathroom,” Paul exclaims with a wide smile on his lips. “Now we can speak during the trip and you can’t run away.”

“You didn’t!” Jack half yells making Enza laugh lightly. “He can’t sit here because his name isn’t Cadenza Marcella De Luca and he also has a penis. Cadenza doesn’t have a penis!” Enza continued laughing and Carlisle joined her. “I’m going to do something! This isn’t fair…”

“You can complain all that you want that’s his seat now,” Enza points out and starts walking.

“And where are you going?” Jack asks grabbing Enza’s arm.

“Our seats are up ahead. We wanted to give you love birds some space.” Enza winks her eye with a smile on her lips. When she noticed Jack’s panic she gently squeezed her hand in encouragement. “Everything is going to be fine Jack.”

“Why are you worried anyway?” Paul mumbles as he takes his seat. “I’m not going to bite you.”

“Yes but you can do other things,” Jack states in a whisper then she sighs. “If anything happens it’s your fault Enza.” Feeling resigned Jack sits next to Paul and crosses her arms over her chest.

“Is she going to be fine?” Carlisle asks worried with the glares that he and Enza were receiving.

“She needs to work out things with Paul,” Enza declares but glances in Jack’s direction. She was now resting her head in Paul’s shoulder. Paul was smiling brightly and mouthed a thank you to Enza when he noticed that she was looking to them. “See everything is going to be fine.”

In the first minutes Jack and Paul were silent, and it wasn’t a comfortable silence either. While Jack was silent because she was afraid of her own feelings for him, Paul was silent because he was debating if this was the right time to let Jack know that he had imprinted on her. Paul had no idea of how Jack would react to it and was afraid to ruin the progress that he had made.

Jack, in the other hand, since they had kissed she had tried to avoid having a conversation about it. Paul had tried countless times but she always diverted the subject. Being in Italy with her large family had actually help. She would go talk with her cousins, aunts and uncles knowing that in front of them Paul wouldn’t speak about that particular topic. But even if her family had proven to be a great distraction it had also worked against her. Her aunt Maribel was convinced that she and Paul were dating and nothing that Jack said removed that idea from her mind. The rest of the family was also convinced of the same and like with Maribel, nothing that Jack said made them believe otherwise.

“Jack?” Paul calls her name softly moving his shoulder lightly trying to see if she had fallen asleep.


“Why don’t you want to speak with me about what happened?” Paul inquires almost whispering. He gently picks her hand from her lap and caresses it making Jack sigh. “You always tell everything that’s on your mind… Why can’t you do that now?”

“Can’t I choose what to say and what not? You and everyone else always complain about me telling everything that comes to my mind and now that it could be of use to you suddenly it’s a great trait of my personality?” Jack mutters angrily.

“You just don’t seem the person to keep secrets,” Paul states. On that moment Jack pulled her hand from his and moved her head till she was facing him.

“Everyone has secrets Paul. I bet even you hide things.” Paul moves his eyes from hers feeling guilty. “Of course I have secrets, or rather a secret. And I’m not going to discuss it with you right now. I don’t understand why you just don’t give up,” she adds glaring.

“I get that you don’t want to tell me your deep secrets, secret or whatever. But can we have a civil conversation regarding what happened in Italy?” Paul pleads looking directly to her eyes.

“Why are you being so stubborn about this? I didn’t proclaim my undying love for you, we just kissed! It was nothing of the ordinary. We kissed and by the number of groupies you have it wasn’t your first kiss—”

“It was the first that actually meant something to me,” Paul tells her interrupting her rant. “I’ve told you that I like you plenty of times. And now that I know you feel something you can bet that I won’t give up till we go on a date.”

“You infuriate me you… you damned dog!” Jack says with an enraged tone of voice. “I can’t even insult you properly now! I hate that you’ve managed to get under my skin. And don’t fool yourself Paul, me having feelings for you don’t change the fact that I don’t trust you a bit—”

“Was it so hard?” Paul asks with a wide smile on his lips. Jack feeling confused by his words tills her head to the left and stares as she tries to comprehend his words.


“Telling me that you have feelings for me,” Paul says still smiling like a fool.

“You’re impossible to discourage!” Jack states sinking her body in the chair. Paul smiled and moved his head to hers. He was planning to kiss her cheek but when he was close enough the idea disappeared from his mind and he kissed her lips instead.

“Even if you slap me it was worth it,” he mumbles against her lips. Jack groans and kisses his lips gently before pushing him of her. “Just go on a date with me.”



“Where do I start,” Jack mumbles tapping her chin lightly. “You’re a known man-whore that has a bunch of girls following you around. Not to mention that you are a conceited fuck. Just because you are good looking doesn’t make you a gift from above—”

“So I’m good looking, huh?” Paul asks with a smirk feeling amused.

“That’s the only part that you paid attention to? Fuck you,” Jack mutters. “This conversation is over. I don’t want to hear another word coming from those lips Lahote. Just sit there quietly.”

“It’s hot when you boss me around,” Paul teases her making her groan. Jack shows him her tongue in a childish manner and pushes her head against his shoulder.

“Wake me up when he get home pup.”

While Jack was sleeping Paul took his time analyzing their situation. Since he had imprinted on her he had tried to make her like him. In the beginning he had treated her like the other girls he had taken to his bed, which had failed. Then he simply tried to be friends with her hoping that one day she would realize that when he told her that he liked her he was being honest.

Well not completely honest because he didn’t like her, he loved her. And if with him being friendly she had managed to see that she liked him the odds of him make her correspond to his love were high. He simply had to turn his charm on and it would be a matter of time till she agreed to go on a date with him. Now the question was: what exactly did he have to do to make her agree to the date?

Paul was moving his hand to Jack’s face to remove the hairs that were messily placed over her eyes and mouth when she opened her eyes startling him. Jack rubs one of her eyes and yawns, with a groggy voice she asks him if they had reached their destination.

“No, we aren’t.”

“Why aren’t we there yet?” Jack mumbles with irritation. “I’ve slept a ton, we should be there!” She adds childishly making Paul laugh lightly.

“We’re almost there. Go back to sleep love,” Paul tells her tenderly. Paul had called her love to test her boundaries. In the past she always got mad but now he wanted to see it she would finally accept his displays of affect.

“Love,” Jack scoffs and narrows her eyes. “I would give you love if I wasn’t tired.”

“That’s very kinky of you considering that we are in a plane,” Paul says with a smirk. “I’ll wait till you aren’t tired, then we’ll discuss how you’ll give me love.”

“Don’t play with my words.” Jack moves her hand to his nose and pinches it. “I’m not doing dirty things with you. Now shut up and let me sleep.” Paul smiles as he rubs his nose feeling accomplished. She may have gotten a bit annoyed at his words but she didn’t yell and that was a small victory for him.

“Wake up Jack.” Paul shakes Jack lightly but she simply groaned and hit him as she tried to move away from his hands. “Do you really want to continue sleeping in a plane when you can get home?” Those words made Jack open one of her eyes. “If you don’t move I’ll be forced to pick you up. And one can only assume what people will think when they see me carrying you out of the plane.”

“I’m moving, I’m moving,” Jack says hastily as she jolts from the chair.

After picking up their luggage Jack, Enza and Paul follow Carlisle to his car. During the ride Paul commented with Enza how Jack kept asking him if they had reached home.

“She’s always the same,” Enza tells him after a brief laugh.

“So that’s normal? For a moment I thought she was dying to get rid of me,” Paul mumbles with a smile on his lips. Jack that got annoyed with their conversation slaps his arm and narrows her eyes to him.

“If I only was that lucky,” She mutters trough her gritted teeth making Enza laugh.

“You don’t want to get rid of me,” Paul says with confidence. “Some hours ago you wanted to give me love. When we get to your house we can discuss the details…” He adds teasingly making Jack groan and Enza and Carlisle laugh.

“I wasn’t expecting that,” Enza declares with a smile on her lips. “Good for you Paul.”

“What the hell Enza?” Jack half yells feeling outraged. “He’s lying. I was actually threatening him. I’m surrounded by perverts and this is all V-man’s fault!”

“How is it my fault?” Carlisle asks with amusement.

“You’ve clearly done something to Enza’s mind with your freaky sex. You’ve turned her into a pervert, isn’t it obvious?” Jack asks making Carlisle shake his head and Enza laugh lightly at her words.

“Oh honey, I’ve always been a pervert, Carlisle just brings out the best in me,” Enza commented as they laughed and Jack groaned.

“Hey, at least it isn’t my fault,” Paul comments with satisfaction.

“But it is!” Jack whines childishly. “You’re the one that brought this topic and you clearly knew that I wasn’t speaking about dirty things you dirty dog! Distorting my words like I’m dirty mind like those two in front of us! You’ve got a lot of nerve,” Jack adds angrily.

“I’m sorry but what I heard was ‘I would give you love if I wasn’t tired’,” Paul tells her nonchalantly.

“This conversation is over Paul.” Jack moves her attention to Enza that was laughing quietly.

“Don’t laugh! He’s distorting my words and you should be on my side and yell at him for doing it so!”

“Your words seem pretty straightforward to me,” Enza comments with a small smirk on her lips. “I don’t see why he’d distort them if you clearly said you’d give him love.”

“He’s putting it out of context. Oh never mind, I’m going back to sleep because everyone is insane right now.” Jack sinks her body into the seat and leans against the window. Paul knowing that her position couldn’t be very comfortable pulls her to him and after a few groans she finally accepts to rest her head in her shoulder.

Once they got home Jack told Paul to carry her to her bedroom claiming that it was the least he could do after what he had done to her in the car. When they reached the bedroom Paul placed Jack on the bed and gently removed her shoes. He places a blanket over her legs, kisses the top of her head and whishes her a good rest.

“Where are you going?” Jack mumbles with her eyes narrowed.

“I have to go home Jack. I also have to patrol or Sam will ride me like a bitch,” Paul tells her with amusement due her irritation for him going away.

“Oh, okay.” Jack abruptly moves her face and body till she was facing a wall which made Paul grin like a fool.

“I’ll be back later love.”

“I wasn’t telling you to come back,” Jack says with irritation not facing him. “I simply thought that you wanted to rest for a while like I do. I, like the kind person that I am, was willing to allow you to rest here with me. That’s all.”

“Whatever you say love,” Paul mumbles with amusement.

“I’m just kind. And you can do whatever you can. Go do your doggy things for all that I care,” she continues ranting ignoring him. “Supernatural things with their lack of need to rest... The rest of us assume you get tired!”

“Now that you mention I feel a bit tired. Will you let me rest here for a while?” Paul asks her with amusement. Jack turns her head to him and smiles as she makes room for him. Paul removes his shoes and goes to the bed feeling happy.

“To tell you the truth I only wanted you to warm me,” she whispers as she moves her body closer to his provoking a wide smile on his lips. “Besides as my slave it’s your job to keep me warm at times like this.”


“You’re still sick?” Jack asks once Enza returns from the bathroom.

Since they had gotten back from Italy Enza had started to feel sick. This was the fifth time that Jack had witnessed Enza empty the contents of her stomach for no apparent reason. From what Enza had told her on the past days the same also happened to her while she teaching the third graders.

It worried Jack because she had no idea what was going on with her cousin. Enza in the other hand didn’t give her strange sickness much attention. She’d blame the food or even the weather for her urges to vomit and refused to speak with Carlisle about the matter.

“It must be food poisoning,” Enza comments as walks to bed. “Or a cold… Could you go pick me up cough medicine?”

“You aren’t coughing,” Jack points out. “You should let me call Carlisle. I’m getting worried Enza.”

“I’m not calling Carlisle because I have a cold,” Enza declares narrowing her eyes slightly. “I’m sure he has better things to do than to tell me what I already know.”

“Humph.” Jack gets up from the bed and looks to her cousin with worry. “I’ll get you that medicine then.” Enza simply nods approvingly and Jack walks out of the bedroom allowing Balto to run inside. “Come here pup.”

“He can stay here Jack,” Enza tells her loudly.

“I’m going to call Embry then,” Jack says as she closes the bedroom door to let her cousin rest. She picks her phone that was inside her pocket and mashes the buttons quickly. After the forth ring Embry picked up.

“What’s up?” He asks with a tired voice. “I was just resting before I went to your home,” he quickly explains guessing it was the reason for her phone call.

“I should call someone else then,” Jack mumbles thinking whom should she call for a ride.

“What do you need Jack?” Embry asks feeling suddenly worried.

“I just needed a ride. It’s not a big deal.”

“Jake and Quil are patrolling. I figure that Paul is as well… I guess that I’m the only one left,” Embry declares as he gets up from the couch.

“I can call Jared,” Jack states as she walks around trying to figure were her wallet was.

“I’m going to your house right now,” Embry says sternly to prevent her from arguing with him.

“Okay. Where is my coat?” Jack mumbles to herself as she threw some pieces of clothe that were above her bed to the ground.

“How should I know? Did you see inside the closest?”

“Of course,” Jack tells him with her eyes narrowed. Nevertheless Jack walks to her closest and found her coat making her laugh.

“It was there wasn’t it?” Embry asks with a smug tone of voice.

“Yeah, it was. Now please hurry.”

While Jack was waiting for Embry she walked around her bedroom tidying everything. She made her bed and placed the clothes that had been tossed to the ground in their proper places. Once she finished the walked to the living room and sat there waiting for Embry.

Seeing that she had nothing to do she analyzed the past weeks trying to discover what was wrong with her Enza but she didn’t reach any brilliant conclusion. All that she knew was that her cousin felt nauseated frequently and was constantly tired. Those things were common symptoms and could mean different illnesses.

When Embry knocks on her door Jack jolts from the couch and runs to the door. She quickly closes it making Embry inquire about her odd behavior.

“What’s with the rush?” Embry asks as he follows her to his car.

“I have to get some things to Enza. She’s still feeling sick,” Jack responds as she enters the car. “Thanks for the ride. Even if I’m an excellent driver,” she said placing emphasis on excellent. “I hate driving in the snow.”

“Of course,” Embry mumbles after a laugh. “How are things with Paul?” Jack immediately sighs making Embry chuckle.

On the past week Jack and Paul had been almost always together. The shifters in the beginning teased Jack frequently which led to her yelling at them. However everyone was happy with the new development, especially Paul. Even if Jack still refused to go on a date with him she had started to display more affection towards him. She had even told him that she enjoyed his company. Of course that the exact sentence hadn’t been exactly kind but Paul was happy nevertheless.

She had even gotten herself in an argument with the girl she called Jaws because of Paul. The girl had walked to Jack and demanded her to stay away from him, Paul that was there was ready to intervene but Jack shushed him and glared to the girl. After telling the girl that her attempts of gaining his attention were pathetic, she linked her hand with his smirked and pulled him away.

“He’s still annoying the crap out of me with the date thing. I’ve told him no but he doesn’t give up,” Jack says angrily. “I don’t know what the hell is wrong with him. No is no!”

“You should give him a chance to take you out. I really don’t see what the issue is, you two are always together. Does it really matter if it in school, your house or in a restaurant?”

“Of course it matters.” Jack rolls her eyes and shakes her head lightly as if Embry didn’t understood the simplest things. “If I agree he’ll go all macho on me. The other day I was speaking with a guy, asking for his notes and I swear that Paul wanted to eat his head. Besides I don’t want to date him!” Jack adds with a childish tone of voice.

“But,” Embry tells her between loud laughs. “The two of you seem like an old married couple always arguing. Well, you keep arguing with him while he follows you around like a lost puppy asking for forgiveness. It’s entertaining to watch.” Jack slaps his arm and glares.

“We are not a couple Embry Call! He’s my slave.” Jack suddenly sighs. “So what if I like him? It doesn’t mean I want to be in a relation with him, besides he’s infuriating.”

“Yet you’re always with him,” Embry points out.

“I’m scared okay? I’m scared that if I say yes he’ll go back to his conceited fuck face self,” Jack says almost whispering. “I like how things are now. And if he does anything wrong I can’t get hurt because he was never my boyfriend or something like that.”

“He won’t hurt you Jack,” Embry tells her seriously. He pats her leg twice and smiles encouragingly. “Paul really likes you and I swear that you’ll drive him crazy if you don’t accept to go out on a date. Jake and Quil already made a bet—” Embry suddenly shuts up when he notices the murderous glare on Jack’s face.

“They did what?!” Jack yells. “Oh they’ve done it this time!” Embry didn’t know if he should feel amused with the rage she was showing as she pressed the buttons of her phone or scared. “Jacob Black how dare you make bets?”

“Embry you’re dead,” Jacob yells knowing that Embry would be able to hear him.

“I’m sorry,” Embry mumbles awkwardly. “I did tell you it wasn’t a good idea!”

“You are so dead! You shouldn’t have told her,” Jake yells once again.

“Shut up Jacob!” Jack yells stopping his threats. “Why would you bet on something as stupid as… As… What was the bet exactly?” Jack asks making Embry laugh asks Jacob groan.

“I’m not telling you because you’ll yell at me,” Jacob points out.

“You will tell me. Even if I have to make Embry drive there I swear you’ll tell me!” Jack starts laughing like a mad woman as plans regarding how she would make him tell her flashed through her mind.

“Don’t scare me like that woman! I hate that maniac laugh,” Jake mumbles. “Don’t come here I’ll tell you whatever you want to know!” he quickly tells her.

“There was never a doubt about that. Now tell me.”

“We made a bet regarding the time it will take you to say yes to him. Quil says one week I say two,” Jake tells her in almost a whisper.

“Don’t you have anything better to do with your time Jacob? Why the fuck are you making bets about me and Paul? Oh just wait till I get my revenge. You and Quil have been so silly lately, with your silly jokes and silly bets!” Jack rants with anger making Embry laugh and Jacob cringe. “Payback will be a bitch. Consider yourself warned!”

“But Jack--”

“You shall feel my wrath!” Once she finished speaking she hung up. “You’re off the hook for now Embry. If I discover that you had anything to do with this you’ll suffer with them.”

“I didn’t,” Embry murmurs feeling glad for not participating in the bet. He stops the car near the entrance of the supermarket and looks to Jack. “What do you need?”

“Cough medicine,” Jack quickly tells him. “Wait here, I won’t take long.” Jack opens the door of the car and rushes to the supermarket.

“Bring me food!” Embry yells.

Jack walks around the aisles trying to find everything she needed. She picked cough medicine, some painkillers and when she was walking to the food aisle an item caught her attention. It was a pregnancy test that made Jack look to Enza’s symptoms in a different manner. Everything that was happening to Enza she had witness in Maribel and Maribel was pregnant. She was also aware that Enza was always careful but it was better to be safe than sorry. She picks one of the tests and walks to the food.

Once they reach Enza’s and Jack’s house Embry informs her that he had to get home and would be back in ten minutes. That made Jack happy because she didn’t want him to overhear her conversation with Enza. If Enza wasn’t pregnant the subject would die there and no one would need to know. But if in the other hand Enza was she’d be able to deal with it as she wished.

When Jack entered the bedroom Enza was once again empting the contents of her stomach which made her twitch her nose.

“Uh, that’s gross and here.” Jack tosses the bag to the bed and observes Enza reentering her bedroom.

“Thanks, I appreciate you getting me cough medicine,” Enza tells her as she removed the items from the bag. The same item that had caught Jack’s attention in the supermarket was now being analyzed by Enza. “This isn’t funny Jacqueline.”

“You aren’t showing the symptoms of a common cold Cadenza, you have morning sickness,” Jack tried to reason with Enza that shook her head.

“No, because every time that Carlisle and I—oh no! No, no, no, no, no, no, no!” Enza sat down on her bed and put her head in her hands. Jack looked at her as Balto got up from laying down and trotted over to her nudging her side.

Jack immediately thought of Italy when Enza and Carlisle had spent some time inside the bedroom when Carlisle went to comfort her. She didn’t have the urge to make a joke of the situation and instead asked if she was speaking of Italy. Enza then proceeded to tell her how it had happened. When she had admitted in Italy that she loved Carlisle they had lost themselves in the moment and had unprotected sex.

That stunned Jack. First off Enza hadn’t told her that she and Carlisle were that good. Jack believed that they had spoke and decided to take things easy again. They had seen each other frequently since they had returned to Italy but their behaviors weren’t anything out of the ordinary. Nothing had pointed that they had declared the love they felt to each other. The second reason was that now was a good chance that Enza was really pregnant. Jack glances in the direction of the test that was in Enza’s hands and sighs softly. At least her cousin would know if she was or wasn’t pregnant.

To Jack was clear that Enza was really worried about that possibility. Not only because of the hysterical tune that her voice had but due the way that she was fumbling her fingers and the helpless expression she had on her face. Jack tries to reassure her by telling her that they would only know once she did the test. She leaves the bedroom with Balto trying to give some privacy to Enza.

“Jack, what am I going to do if I am pregnant? I can’t raise a child!” Enza tells her with a tone that was slightly hysterical. Jack takes a breath of air and grabs Enza’s hands that were shaking.

“Cadenza Marcella De Luca, you are a teacher of little hellions. You are fantastic with little children and babies, if you are pregnant I just know that you are going to be the best mother you can be!” Jack says trying to calm her and ease her worries. “Now calm down and look at the peed on stick.” Enza hugs Jack and once they broke apart she cleaned the tears that were on her eyes.

“You look at it, I don’t think that I can do it.” Enza states moving her body away from the stick

“Oh hell no! You urinated on that thing! You touch it!” Enza starts laughing which made her body relax a bit. Balto started barking loudly as someone knocked on the door. “Whoever it is can wait, pick up the stick and just see if there is one like or two.” Jack waited for Enza to tell her something for what seemed eons. Once she realized that the results had completely captured Enza’s attention and she would continue silent she decides to asks “Well?”

“I’m p-pregnant. I um, um,” Enza blinked as Jack just looked at her. Balto seemed to be completely oblivious to her and Enza since he continued barking like a manic.

“I am going to get the door.” Jack tells her softly. She didn’t want to leave Enza alone but someone had to answer the door. And since that Balto wouldn’t be able to do so and Enza was like a statue it had to be here. She rushes to the door where Leah, Jacob, Embry and Paul were.

“Hey love,” Paul greets her pulling her into a hug. Jack rubs her head in Paul’s chest and sighs.

“I thought that you were angry,” Jacob mumbles feeling confused. Jack had a serious expression and seemed to be enjoying the comfort that Paul’s arms were providing her.

“I’m going to see the hooker,” Leah announces after squeezing Jack’s shoulder. She walks upstairs making Jack sigh again. “Hey whore!”

“What wrong Jack?” Paul whispers in her ear hugging her tighter.

“Yeah, you’re acting weirder than usual,” Embry points out.

“We have to go upstairs,” Jack tells them and breaks the hug. She picks Paul’s and Embry’s hand and walks to Enza bedroom.

“This hooker doesn’t respond to me,” Leah states looking to Jack with a confused expression. “Uh Cadenza?” With that Leah seemed to catch Enza’s attention since she finally removed the eyes from the test. “I have only been insulting you since Jack let me in, what’s wrong?”

“I’m uh pregnant.” Enza let out a short chuckle as she waved the stick around. “I guess I can’t confirm it until I go to the doctors but uh, according to this stick, I am pregnant.”Once she finishes telling Leah the news everyone had stunned and shocked expressions.

“Whose is it?” Leah asked making Enza laugh loudly.

“I know that you call me a whore but really I have been with Carlisle since I’ve lived here. Unless you count that kiss between me and Felix, but you can’t get pregnant from kissing.” Enza states and moves her attention from Leah to Jack, Paul and Embry that hadn’t entered the bedroom yet.

“Did I just hear correctly?” Embry asks looking at Jack as she nodded.

“You’re pregnant with Carlisle’s child?” Paul asked as Jack hit him on his arm.

“Who else would she be pregnant with you dummy,” Jack tells him almost angrily. Paul laughed a moment as Jacob looked at her.

“How long?” Jacob asked concern in his voice as everyone looked at him.

“Well the last time we had unprotected sex, actually the only time—”

“Enza,” Jack called out feeling that her cousin was diverting the subject.

“The day after Thanksgiving.” After Enza’s words Jacob’s attention moved to her stomach and he started to search for something

“That was nearly two weeks ago, are you sure that it is Carlisle’s?” Jacob’s question angered Jack. First of everyone was reacting the news in an odd manner and the way they kept inquiring if it was Carlisle’s child was pushing Jack to the edge. Jack raises her hand and hits Jacob as hard as she could.

“Enza is not some sort of slut who sleeps around! Why are you all being so weird about this?” Jack asks but Jacob never removed her eyes from Enza. He also had a worried expression that was making her feel nervous.

“When Bella was pregnant with Nessie, the pregnancy was less than a week and the birth nearly killed her.” Jacob stated as Enza placed her hand over her belly.

Once he told them that everyone was silent for a moment. After a brief exchange of words Enza decided that she had to get to the hospital and confirm if she was pregnant. Everyone in the end decided to go to Forks hospital with Jack and Enza for support.

The time they spent in the waiting room for the results seemed that wouldn’t end soon. With the possible pregnancy that could end up in Enza’s death and Paul always inquire when he and Jack would go on a date, Jack’s mind was a mess.

“What if we went out Friday?” Paul asks Jack that was sitting next to him.

“How about never?” Jack rectors making Paul chuckle. “You are impossible to discourage.” When Jack hears Jacob cough she turns her attention to him and sees a small smile on his lips. “Don’t you dare to say a thing Jacob Black!”

“I wasn’t going to,” Jacob states raising his arms in an ‘I surrender’ manner.

“But you were thinking I know you were. I’ll feed you to sharks if you so much as whisper something,” Jack mumbles with her eyes narrowed.

“Where are you going to find sharks here?” Enza questions her cousin with a small smile on her lips.

“I don’t know yet. Hey Paul, you’d help me in something right?” Jack asks looking to him with a smile on her lips. Paul moves his hand to Jack’s leg and caresses it.

“Of course.”

“See Enza?” Jack says with a victorious smile on her lips.

“What am I seeing exactly?” Enza mumbles feeling confused.

“That even if I don’t find sharks Paul will help me dispose of the body.” She turns her attention to Paul. “Hum, it might involve you eating Jake’s corpse…” Jack adds making Enza, Leah and Embry laugh while Jacob and Paul cringe.


“Miss De Luca?” A woman calls out entering the waiting room.


The doctor confirmed that Enza was indeed pregnant, three weeks pregnant to be precise. Once everyone entered the car and was away from prying ears they started to discuss the situation. Jacob shared the basic details of a hybrid pregnancy as Enza started to freak out regarding the situation. Now she wasn’t only worried about being a good mother to the baby inside her womb but also if she or even the baby were going to survive.

Jack was also worried. Jake’s words weren’t the least comforting and she didn’t want to lose her cousin or the baby that was growing inside of Enza. She was partially mad at the fact that Carlisle wasn’t human because now Enza was once again in danger. And from Jack’s point of view Enza deserved to have a normal pregnancy that didn’t risk her life.

Enza was the most motherly person that Jack had ever known. She had always been great with babies and children and the way that she had helped Jack when she was a child showed that her baby would have a great mother. And Jack would make a deal to the devil if needed to assure that that baby would grow with a mother.

When they finally reached Jack encouraged Enza one last time and after a brief exchange of words between Enza and Edward, Enza walked to Carlisle study.

“Come in,” Carlisle says after Enza knocking on his door. Jack stood quietly watching her cousin enter the study. Once the door was closed again she walked to Paul and leaned against him.

“Everything will be alright love,” Paul murmurs in her ear after kissing her head tenderly. He places his arms against her waist and pulls her towards him.

“I hope you’re right Paul. I really do.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Feedback is love ;3