Wild Things.

Viva Las Vegas.

“I’m not doing it, I don’t want to know!” Jack panicked a little as she paced in front of Enza who was sitting on the couch hugging a pillow to her rather enormous pregnant belly.

“You act like the man is going to kill you.” Enza stated as she watched Balto jump at Jack’s heels as she continued to pace back and forth.

“What is the big deal anyways? What does it matter what your or even my power may or may not be?” Jack asked as she stopped and plopped down on the carpeted floor. Balto took the opportunity to pounce on her giving her slobbery kisses.

“Well, Carlisle and I were talking about it the other night when you went to see Paul,” Enza stated as she bit her bottom lip.

“So you two weren’t getting it on like Embry stated.” Jack smirked as Enza rolled her eyes.

“That boy has been talking with Vet too much,” Enza stated as Jack raised an eyebrow, why didn’t she know about that? “Anyways, Carlisle thinks that I will have to be changed.” Enza breathed out as Jack looked up at her while she continued to pet Balto.

“What? You mean into, like a vampire?” Jack barely whispered as Enza nodded looking at her stomach instead of Jack. “What does that mean for me? Or your mom or any of our other family?” Jack asked as Enza finally looked over at her after a few minutes of silence.

“I-I don’t know, I want to say that I’ll still be here with you but I don’t know what my thirst as a vampire will be like.” Enza sighed deeply. “I want to say that nothing will change, but Carlisle has told me that this pregnancy will kill me.”

“Then why are you going through with it?” Jack asked feeling tears well in her eyes. “I don’t want to lose you and I know that I was mad about what Edward and all of them were saying but I don’t know what I would do if I lost you Cadenza.” Jack stated as Enza got up and walked over to where Jack was sitting on the floor and joined her.

“You won’t ever lose me Jacqueline, I don’t know what being a vampire will be like, but I won’t leave you.” Enza stated as she pulled Jack to her giving her a hug. “I will have them restrain me if the blood thirst is too great.” Enza chuckled as she let Jack go from the embrace and looked at her wiping away a stray tear from her face.

“That would be kind of funny.” Jack sniffled as Enza embraced her once more before Balto jumped up on them licking their faces.


“This woman is powerful.” Eleazar stated as he looked at Carmen who raised her eyebrow looking at the home that Carlisle and his family had just led them to.

“Really? This should be interesting dear.” Carmen stated as she linked her arm into her mates and followed as the Cullen’s led the way towards the front door.

“Was it really necessary for everyone to come?” Embry asked walking out from a bush with only pants on as Leah, Jacob, Seth, and Paul followed shortly after.

“We are curious.” Jasper pointed out as Renesmee ran to Jake.

“Jacob!” She smiled as he picked her up making her giggle as they continued to walk to the door as it opened and Balto ran out barking madly at all the people who were there.

“Balto! Come here puppy!” Alice cooed as Balto stopped barking and launched his self into Alice’s arms as Jack and Enza stood at the open door looking at everyone and laughing.

“Balto is not a puppy!”

“That’s because you are always feeding him table food.” Enza stated as Jack looked away sheepishly. “Hello everyone, I wasn’t expecting all of you or I would have—”

“What? Cooked? Enza in case you didn’t know Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, Edward, Bella, Carlisle and their two new friends are vampire vegetarians. Were you going to hunt and trap a deer or maybe a bear, oh and in your pregnant state you were what? Gonna drag it back here and then offer it to all the vampires?” Jack ranted as everyone just stared at her until Enza broke the silence with laughter as she looked at her.

“Wow, did you sleep today love?” Paul asked walking over to her kissing her cheek as Enza’s laughter died down.

“Oh Jack, you always know how to make me laugh.” Enza stated as she looked at fifteen people who stood before her. “Please um, come in.” Enza stated as she walked into the living room and sat down on the couch as everyone piled in, some sat and others stood.

“Well, you look even more pregnant than the last time I was here.” Jacob stated as Enza looked down at herself and then over at Jacob and shrugged her shoulders.

“Yeah, well it is an abnormal pregnancy.” Enza stated as she placed her hand over her stomach with a smile.

“You are very strong my dear, using your power even as a human.” Eleazar stated as Enza turned her attention to him. “You deal with energies, usually it is harder for me to tell what a human’s power is but yours is very powerful.”

“Energies? What do you mean?” Jack asked sitting on the arm of the couch next to Enza looking at the Eleazar.

“She is taking in energies using them to supply her.” Eleazar stated as everyone was now looking at her.

“What? I don’t see it, how is she taking in energies?” Jack asked looking around the room then at Enza. “How are you taking in energies?” Enza looked at her trying not to laugh.

“How am I supposed to know?” Enza asked as Jack squinted her eyes looking at Enza as if trying to see the energy that Enza was supposedly taking in. “Jacqueline, stop that, you are creeping me out more than usual.” Enza chuckled as Jack rolled her eyes then looked over at Eleazar and Carmen.

“So, Ebenezer—”

“Eleazar, Jack.” Enza corrected as Jack waved her off dismissively with her hand.

“Isn’t Ebenezer from ‘A Christmas Carol’?” Emmett asked as Edward and Bella nodded.

“Oh same thing,” Jack stated as a few of them chuckled. “Anyways, Eleazar, how can you be so sure that my cousin can take in energy and use it?”

“It’s my ability child.” He stated as Enza chuckled.

“Jacqueline, quit being so obnoxious to our guests.” Enza stated as Jack crossed her hands over her chest and stuck out her tongue at Enza who just shook her head.

“I’d have to say that you are in rare form today Jacqueline.” Carlisle stated as he stood behind Enza and Jack looked back at him momentarily.


“She’s nervous,” Jasper commented as Jack looked over at him.

“No I’m not.” Jack chided as he raised an eyebrow in her direction as she sighed. “Fine, so I’m a little nervous. Who wouldn’t be? I am in a room full of vampires, let’s count to be precise. One, two, five, seven…nine and a half vampires, that’s a lot of vampires in one room.” Jack commented.

“And a half? Where is that half coming from?” Alice asked looking around the room.

“Me! I’m half vampire!” Renesmee happily chimed in as everyone smiled in her direction.

“Well ten then, because of the one in Cadenza’s womb.” Leah added as Jack nodded.

“Right, ten vampires then, that is still a lot of vampires.” Jack corrected as Seth chuckled looking around the room. "Then there are the five shifters."

“You will be quiet powerful also child.” Eleazar spoke as Jack gave him her full attention.

“Yeah? What’s my power? Tell me, tell me!”

“Just like a child, always eager.” Embry commented as Jack threw a cup coaster across the room at him and he dodged it with a laugh.

“Are they always this animated?” Carmen asked looking past Enza at Carlisle as he smiled with a nod.

“Usually Carmen, however, it seems Jack is more than usual.” Carlisle stated as Jack reached for another cup coaster and Enza slapped her hand.

“Knock it off Jacqueline.”

“Pregnant killjoy,” Jack muttered.

“Well would you like to know?” Eleazar asked after a moment of silence as Jack looked over at him eagerly. “Compulsion.”

“Excuse me?”

“The power to compel people.” Carmen explained as Jack looked at them.

“Compel to do what?” Jack asked.

“Pretty much anything.” Carmen answered as Jack now had a devious look in her eyes as she looked over at Edward and stared at him with a stern yet scheming look about her.

“What is she doing?” Emmett asked looking at Jack.

“Trying to get me to do the Macarena.” Edward stated as everyone in the room started laughing and Paul pulled her to him kissing her temple.

“You should be able to make him do that after you are transformed.” Eleazar stated as she looked over at him.


“Into a vampire of course.” Carmen stated as Paul blinked looking at them and was about to object.

“That’s not going—” Enza started but stopped as the phone rang. Enza looked around as Leah walked out of the room only to return moments later talking on the phone.

“Cadenza its Gabriela?” Leah stated as Enza hopped up faster than she thought possible.

“Ciao Matrigna?” Enza asked as Eleazar and Carmen exchanged looks. “Is everything with mamma alright?” Everyone watched as she nodded while talking rapidly in Italian about something, only to hang up moments later.

“What’s wrong?” Jack asked leaving Paul’s side and walking over to Enza.

“Mamma’s water broke, Gabriela says that she is four centimeters dilated.” Enza rushed out excitedly as Jack shook her head.

“I didn’t need to know all that, you could have just told me that she was going to be having the baby soon.” Jack stated as Enza smiled.

“I am going to book tickets, we are going there this weekend.”

“In two days? But I work Friday!”

“Until what time?” Enza asked completely oblivious to everyone around her except Jack.

“Until closing time.”

“Okay, so I’ll book the tickets for eight at night and we will get there about ten…Yvette should be done with night class by then and home, I could ask her to pick us up. Or maybe Henry could,” Jack watched as Enza continued to fuss as she walked out of the room still muttering things.

“Carlisle, your new mate is quite eccentric.” Carmen stated watching where she’d just been standing and talking. “I like her.” Carmen stated as Eleazar pulled Carmen to him with a smile as he nodded in agreement.

“You should keep an eye on her, she is going to be a very powerful vampire.” Eleazar looked at Jack then to Carlisle. “The Volturi will want them, and I feel that they may even use Chelsea’s power to have them.” Eleazar cautioned as Jack looked at Carlisle not understanding what a woman named Chelsea would have to do with anything.

“I would hope it wouldn’t come to that.” Alice stated as Eleazar looked around room at everyone.

“Just be careful when dealing with them.” Eleazar warned.


“You do know that I am old enough to stay home alone right?” Yvette looked at her younger sister who was currently driving.

“Well, Miss Vi, I was just trying to be considerate and let you get some driving time.” Yvette stated over dramatically as Violet pulled into the designated area where they’d be picking up Enza and Jack.

“Okay, but it’s late and I have a paper to write.” Violet stated as she put on the four ways.

“Um, it’s ten thirty on a Friday night Vi,” Yvette started as Violet let out a sigh. “Sundays are for paper writing.”

“Is that what you do for your night classes? Wait until the very last minute to do something?” Violet asked looking over her glasses at her sister.

“You’re such a nerd, and it just depends on what I have to include in the paper.” Yvette stated with a chuckle as she looked at her phone.

“Is Cadenza pregnant?” Violet asked as she looked out Yvette’s window as people filed out of the airport.

“No, why would you say that?” Yvette asked as Violet nodded her head in the direction she was looking. Yvette looked at a very pregnant Enza and nearly jumped out of the car. “CADENZA MARCELLA! OHMIGOD! WERE YOU EVER GOING TO TELL ME?” Yvette yelled as she made her way over to Enza and Jack.

“Vettie, calm down, you’re making a scene!” Violet stated as she walked up behind her looking around.

“Violet honey, oh my goodness, you have gotten so big since the last time I saw you!” Enza gushed as she hugged the teenager.

“Hey, no, none of that until you explain why you look eight years pregnant!” Yvette exclaimed as Violet shushed her once more.

"No one can look eight years pregnant..." Jack muttered as Violet smirked.

“I am not eight years pregnant, and I was going to tell you, it’s just really hectic with applying for maternity leave and finding a replacement and well just so much other stuff, anyways, I meant to tell you, Sasha and Henry, it’s just been…chaotic.” Enza explained as Jack yawned.

“Are we staying at Aunt Maribel’s?” Jack asked in the middle of her yawn.

“Nope, you are staying with us.” Yvette stated as Jack looked at her then at the one Enza had called Violet. “We have an extra guest room and Enza can sleep with me.”

“Sounds good, let’s go.” Jack stated tiredly as she wheeled her small suitcase over to the car as Violet popped the trunk.

“I’m Violet by the way.” Violet said almost in audible as Jack gave her a smile.

“I’m Jack, how old are you?” Jack asked as they walked around to the driver side of the car.

“Sixteen, I have my permit, Vettie wants me to get practice whenever I can.” Violet stated as the trunk was closed as Yvette and Enza walked to the other side of the car. Most of the car ride was spent with Yvette constantly asking questions about Enza being pregnant and Violet telling her she was being too noisy.

“So is it a girl or a boy?” Yvette asked as they got dressed for bed.

“Gabriela called me yesterday and told me I have a baby sister named Cara Aileen. Her middle name came from my Aunt Aileen.” Enza stated with a smile as Yvette smiled also with a chuckle.

“That’s precious, but I meant the baby in your womb.” Yvette stated as she sat on her bed and looked at Enza who was laying on her side hugging a pillow. “Now that’s a Kodak moment.” Yvette chuckled as she turned off her bedroom light and walked to her bed and got in.

“Oh, we want it to be a surprise.” Enza stated as she closed her eyes.

“How far along are you?” Yvette asked as she shifted to get comfortable.

“Uh, a few months.” Enza muttered as Yvette didn’t quite hear her. “Vet, when was the last time you washed your sheets?” Enza asked as Yvette laughed tiredly.

“I haven’t slept with a man in months, if that is what you are asking hon.”

“Really?” Enza asked surprised as she opened her eyes only to be met by darkness.

“Yeah,” Yvette sighed. “Honestly, I don’t know what is wrong with me. You know I love me some loving but lately I just haven’t felt a connection or even lusted after any guy.” Yvette explained as Enza closed her eyes once more.

“Are you feeling ill?” Enza asked with a smile as Yvette shrugged her shoulders once more. “Are you shrugging?” Enza chuckled.

“Yeah, I shrugged, but if I tell you this will you promise not to laugh or make any supercilious comments?” Yvette asked as she felt Enza’s hand grab her wrist.

“I promise Yvette.” Enza nearly whispered and Yvette let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding.

“Well, it’s Embry.” Yvette muttered as Enza squeezed her wrist urging her to continue. “Every time I think about having a one-night stand or a guy hits on me I find myself wishing it was Embry and I know that he is nineteen and I am twenty-four but there is just a connection there that I can’t seem to find with other guys.” Yvette stated as looked over at Enza in the darkness.

“Imprint,” Enza muttered half asleep as Yvette shook her head.

“You’re tired, we’ll talk about it tomorrow.” Yvette stated as Enza made some sort of noise as Yvette turned on her side and dozed off to bed.


“She is so precious Aunt Maribel,” Jack stated as she held baby Cara who was sleeping. “And look at that head of hair, definitely has our De Luca genes.” Jack laughed as Enza touched Cara’s cheeks.

“She has Greg’s nose.” Enza pointed out as she looked over at Greg who was beaming from ear to ear with joy.

“At least that is the only thing she has of mine, she has your mother’s beauty through and through.” Greg smiled as he leaned down and kissed Maribel on the lips.

“Oh you two are just so gushy.” Gabriela stated as she walked into the room with a bag of food from the cafeteria. “Ciao Jacqueline, Caden— sei incinta? Mamma mia!” Gabriela exclaimed as she looked at her massive belly (you’re pregnant? My goodness).

“Yes, I told her that she needs to get an ultrasound why she is here, I don’t believe that she is only three months pregnant.” Maribel stated seriously as Cara started making noises.

“I didn’t do it!” Jack immediately stated and handed Cara over to Maribel carefully as Maribel was laughing lightly.

“I know you didn’t she is just waking up, what are your plans until I get discharged?” Maribel asked looking at Enza and Jack.

“First I want to know, when were you going to tell me I was going to be a Nonna?” Gabriela asked looking at Enza with her hands on her hips.

“I thought mamma had told you,” Enza stated as Gabriela shook her head.

“Does your father know?” Maribel asked as Enza looked over at her mother.

“I think Papa would try to kill Carlisle, especially since we aren’t married.” Enza chuckled as Jack full on laughed startling Cara who looked around wide eyed.

“Yes, that might be but you need to tell him.” Maribel stated as Gabriela agreed.

“Fine, I will call him after my ultrasound later on.” Enza stated as Jack’s cell phone rang and she groaned.

“I swear if they don’t stop calling me!” Jack stated as she pressed the ignore button. Paul, Leah, Embry, Alice, Carlisle, and Jacob kept calling wanting to check on how Enza was doing. Enza had turned off her phone during breakfast when they kept calling and now they were calling Jack’s phone.

“Who is calling?” Greg asked as he was now holding his daughter.

“Carlisle, Paul and some others from Washington, they’re worried about Enza, and she turned off her phone so now they are bothering me,” Jack explained as they laughed.

“Well I know you are meeting up with your friends for lunch, but are you coming over for dinner?” Maribel asked as Enza leaned over and gave her mother a kiss on the cheeks.

“Yes, we will be there.” Enza stated as Jack then leaned over the bed and kissed her also.

“Is Aunt Gabi cooking?” Jack asked as Gabriela nodded in the background. “Whew, I thought Greg was going to cook.” Jack stated as they all laughed looking over at Greg who was bouncing Cara in his arms with a smile.

“I will not say a word because I am just so happy to have my baby girl in my arms finally.” Greg stated as they all laughed once more.


“Well little Payne and little Mendoza, no one said the two of you had to join us.” Henry stated as he looked at his younger brother and Sasha’s younger brother.

“Well I heard the beautiful Cadenza was back in town and I wanted to see her.” Nathaniel stated as Henry rolled his eyes.

“She doesn’t want you Nate—”

“Oh she wants all of this though!” Sasha brother, Romeo stated feeling up his own body as Sasha just shook her head.

“Why am I here?” Violet asked looking up from her book as the five looked at her.

“Because Vi, you need to get out of the house and live a little.” Yvette stated as she watched Nathaniel and Romeo sit down.

“Yeah, this is living, being out of the house at a restaurant with my older sister and her friends and their younger siblings.” Violet stated looking at them from over her glasses as Romeo winked at her.

“Don’t be winking at my little sister you pedophile!” Yvette stated as she pushed Romeo against Nathaniel.

“I am twenty, it doesn’t make me a pedophile—”

“Nope, makes you a pervert.” Nathaniel stated as they all laughed.

“I was kidding, Vi knows that.” Romeo stated as she raised her eyebrows.

“So what does that make you sis?” Violet asked seriously looking at Yvette as Yvette sent her a look.

“Nothing, now, read your little book.” Yvette stated feeling herself heat up from embarrassment at the vague mention of Embry.

“So where are Caddy and little Jackie?” Nathaniel asked.

“You know I hate that nickname Nathan.” Cadenza stated as she stood behind him. Turning around he gaped at her stomach as did everyone else at the table besides Violet and Yvette.

“You are very pregnant, this is such a sad-happy day.” Nathaniel stated standing up and hugging her with a smile as she chuckled.

“Honey you never had chance.” Enza stated as Romeo stood up and hip bumped Nathaniel out of the way.

“That is because you wanted all of this but couldn’t handle it.” Romeo smirked as Enza laughed hugging him.

“Oh it’s good to see you also Romeo,” Enza continued laughing and took a seat as Jack was ambushed by both boys.

“Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, looking womanly as ever.” Nathaniel stated as both of them eyed her up and down.

“Not on your life boys, I’m seeing someone, and it’s serious.” Jack stated as they feigned hurt then shrugged their shoulders.

“Such a sad day indeed.” Romeo stated as they all sat down.

“So what have you boys been up to?” Enza asked looking at Romeo and Nathaniel.

“We have been causing trouble and breaking hearts, you know the usual.” Romeo stated as they sat down.

“Oh Romeo, Romeo,”

“Where for art thou Romeo?” Sasha finished what Henry had started. “You two are not heartbreakers,”

“Far from it.” Violet chimed in not looking up from her book as the table laughed.

“So where are your friends Dave, Chester, and Ryan?” Henry asked looking at Jack.

“Oh, we are meeting up tomorrow before we head home.” Jack explained.

“Anyways, you are pregnant.” Sasha stated looking at Enza who just chuckled and nodded.

“Yes I am.” Enza stated patting her belly. “I have an ultrasound later and you’re all more than welcome to join me.”

“Count on it, so how long until I am a godfather?” Henry asked as Sasha and Yvette looked at him.

“Really? That’s the question you ask? I am obviously the only one fit to be the godparent.” Yvette stated as Sasha snorted.

“Psht, please, I am going to be the baby’s godparent.” Sasha stated as Romeo laughed. “Shut up Romeo!” Sasha stated as she threw an ice cube at him.

“Hey, that was uncalled for, so who’s the baby daddy?” Romeo stated as he dropped the piece of ice on the floor.

“His name is Carlisle Cullen, he is a doctor in Washington.”

“Oh he sounds dreamy, a doctor, ooh.” Nathaniel gushed mockingly fluttering his lashes.

“Well you get that honestly.” Jack stated as Henry winked at her and Violet chuckled still into her book.

“Oh honey you know it, I taught him just about everything he knows, didn't I baby bro?” Henry wiggled his eyebrows as Jack laughed at Nathaniel’s expression.

“Ha Ha Henry, you’re funny.” Nathaniel glared at him as everyone else laughed.

“So is he taking responsibility for my godbaby?” Yvette asked leaning forward looking at Enza.

“Oh of course, he is just a nervous expectant father.” Enza stated thinking briefly about his concerns with the child inside of her being a hybrid.

“Is he going to be a full time father?” Henry asked.

“Why wouldn’t he be?” Jack questioned

“He has six adoptive children and an adoptive grandchild.” Sasha stated as Jack thought about the Cullens. More than anything they were worried about her more than abnormal hybrid pregnancy.

“Yeah, this is true, but they are just as excited as Carlisle at the new addition to their family.” Jack clarified as Enza sent her a silent thank you and Jack nodded with a smile.

“Are you going to get married?” Violet asked out of nowhere causing everyone to look down at her end of the table.

“Um, is this an interrogation?” Enza asked with a bit of a nervous laugh looking at Jack who got the hint.

“Okay, well are we going to eat or just continue sitting here talking?” Jack asked as she pushed back her chair. “That buffet is calling my name, when the waitress returns order me water, let’s go Enza.” Jack stated as she pulled Enza with her.

“Thank you and Jack?” Enza looked at her when she seen that they were alone in their area of the buffet.


“I’m having a really strange craving.” Enza stated as Jack looked around the buffet.

“Isn’t that normal to have weird cravings?”

“Like blood?” Enza added as she bit her bottom lip.

“Really? That’s a little gross.” Jack stated as she placed some macaroni and cheese on her plate.

“Has Carlisle talked to you about it?” Enza asked scooping some corn onto her plate.

“Uh, I may have, sort of, possibly, hung up on everyone when they called.” Jack said sheepishly.

“Now, why would you do that? They are going to worry and then possibly end up coming here!” Enza stated as Jack shrugged her shoulders and moved on to put more food on her plate. Setting it down she reached over to grab some chicken and put it back on her plate but found her plate had been taken.

“Enza, that’s not funny, give it back!” Jack said as Enza turned to look at her.

“I didn’t do it, I think it was Romeo.”

“No, try Nate!” Romeo called from the sushi buffet bar.

“Traitor!” Nathaniel called from Hibachi bar as there was a chorus of laughter throughout the buffet.


“So are you the lucky father?” The woman asked who was doing the ultrasound.

“Oh that would be me, we are life-partners.” Sasha stated with a smile as she took Enza’s hand in hers.

“I am the sperm donor.” Henry stated with a smile gaining the woman’s attention as she looked to Yvette who smile.

“Oh we’re married, with one on the way.” Yvette stated touching her stomach lovingly and looking at Henry as Jack was trying not to laugh when the ultrasound technician looked at her with a worrisome expression.

“Oh, I am just the cousin of her.” Jack pointed at Enza as the woman nodded and lifted Enza’s shirt and started getting ready.

“Oh, this is empty, I will be right back in a moment.” The woman stated as she left the room.

“You guys are horrible!” Jack laughed as the four of them chuckled.

“No, we just know how to have fun.” Sasha stated as Enza shook her head with a big smile as the woman walked back in and put on gloves.

“Okay, this is going to be cold, I couldn’t find the one with a warming sensation.” The woman commented as she began rubbing the ultrasound gel on the lower part of Enza’s stomach. After a moment she placed the imaging device on her womb and began searching.

“Wow, um, what is that?” Jack asked as something appeared on the screen.

“Okay, there’s your baby head and—wait, um,” Enza looked at the woman as she reached over and turned the sound up.

“Is it supposed to sound like that?” Jack asked looking at the monitor.

“That is two heartbeats.” Sasha stated as the technician nodded her head in agreement.

“That is correct, you are going to be having twins.” Enza looked at the monitor then at the woman then at everyone else in the room stopping at Jack as she squeezed Sasha’s hand a little.

“I’m h-having twins.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh powerful abilities, newborn baby Cara Aileen, fun younger siblings, and twins...hmm a lot went on in this chapter, what do you think?

