Wild Things.

Childish games

Jack was helping her cousin get ready for a job interview that would take place in the next hour. Enza was nervous and that made her run around the house speaking in Italian, which entertained Jack.

Jack thought that the first days in their new house would be hard because she and Enza would have to do several things in order to install themselves comfortably. They would have to find jobs and Jack had to be matriculated in a new school. It was change after change, and Jack wasn’t a fan of changes. But she did enjoy the small changes in her cousin’s behavior. Enza looked more carefree and since she hadn’t still found a job she had time to relax. At least when they weren’t trying to fix the lights or the other small problems that the house had.

“Don’t forget to lock the door,” Enza said as she ran to the living room.

“I won’t and good luck on your job interview,” Jack says with a smile observing her cousin move around the room in a frantic way.

“Non riesco a trovare le chiavi!” Enza exclaims loudly.

“You mean these…” Jack laughs and shakes the keys making loud tinkling noises. Enza walks to Jack.

“Questo non è divertente.” Enza narrows her eyes

“You gave me them when you went to get your shoes…” Jack says with small smile. “You will get the job. I’m sure they will love you Enza.”

“Thank you Jack...” Enza smiles and kisses Jack’s cheek. “Have fun with your friends!” She takes a deep breath and opens the front door.

Jack runs to her bedroom to get a shower so she could meet with her friends.

Last night she was unable to sleep due the thunderstorm. The constant noises woke her up several times during the night and as result she was now feeling sore. The hot water relaxed her muscles but there were certain movements that still hurt her.

She quickly dresses the clothes she had chosen before entering the shower. She had been fast but she was trembling due the cold weather. She walks to the mirror and loudly sighs when she notices that her eyes were still red and she had huge dark circles under her eyes. The sound of the doorbell ringing made her remove her eyes from the mirror and run to the door.

“Embry,” Jack exclaims once she opens the door. She throws her body to him and hugs him.

“I can tell that you missed me!” Embry says after a laugh. “You look so different.”

“You too,” Jack says taking a step back. “If it wasn’t for your face I wouldn’t have recognized you.” She adds with a grin.

“You know that the sun isn’t shining, right?” Embry laughs loudly.

“I had noticed… Captain obvious”

“Why do you have sunglasses on?”

“Because my eyes are a mess…” Jack sighs and removes her sunglasses. “I barely slept last night,” she adds and places the sunglasses on her face once again.

“You really are different,” Embry affirms with a grin. “No one would suspect that you have such a devious mind by looking at you.”

“You flatter me kind sir.” Jack does a little curtsy and Embry starts laughing. “You look so manly,” she says groping his arm.

“I was manly before…” Embry mumbles.

“No you weren’t.” Jack laughs. She turns her body to the door and closes it. “You were my size. Do you remember that I used to wear your clothes?”

“Of course, it caused me a great deal of troubles!” Embry exclaims and Jack starts laughing loudly. “I was grounded so many times because every time you did something people thought it was me…”

“Remember that time that we tried to save the chickens?”

“I was in so many troubles that time,” Embry laughs lightly. “And the guys too... You always came up with crazy things to do. We were lucky that Billy knew the man…”

“He was a scary fellow, and when I heard that he was going to kill the chicken--”

“He was going to kill a chicken to eat it.” Embry pokes Jack’s ribs. “Not for some macabre reason like you thought…”

“Excuse me mighty Embry.” Jack childishly shows him her tongue. “At that age I never thought we had to kill living beings to eat them… And as far I remember you found it as gruesome as I.”

“I just went along with it because you looked scared.”

“Oh yeah. Jake and I had to drag you and Quil there because you were afraid of him!” Jack accuses him with a victorious smile.

“You and Jake were delinquents… Quil and I are sensitive people,” Embry says calmly. “We were mature unlike you and Jake.”

“You guys were so scared,” Jack says between laughs. “And I prefer to think of myself as daring since I’m not really a delinquent.”

“You used to provoke so many troubles,” Embry shakes his head.

“It was so fun…” Jack stops laughing to look to Embry that had a serious expression making her laugh once again. “I know you missed me…” She lightly nudges his ribs.

“I did. I’m glad that you are here now…”

“Where are the others?” Jack asks once they arrive to the First Beach.

“Jacob went to get Nessie. He wants to introduce her to you and Quil should be here any minute,” Embry stops talking to check the time on his phone. “He picked up Claire--”

“Is Claire his girlfriend?” Jack interrupts Embry. “Because I can see a toddler and Quil is going to be punched if he thinks he’s dating a toddler!”

“Claire isn’t his girlfriend,” Embry says between laughs. “He just likes to take care f her.”

When Quil spots Jack and Embry on the first beach he picks up Claire and runs to them with a smile on his face. Once he’s close to them he carefully places Claire on the ground and hugs Jack.

“Welcome back,” he says happily. Claire that was hiding behind his legs shyly says hi.

“Hello little girl… Aren’t you pretty,” Jack sweetly says.

“That is--”

“Claire, I know.” Jack interrupts Quil. She crouches down and extends her hand to the little girl. “I’m Jack.”

“Jack is a boy’s name,” Claire whispers accepting Jack’s hand.

“She’s almost a boy Claire,” Quil says making Jack narrow his eyes to him.

“She doesn’t look like a boy to me,” the small girl says with a smile. Jack picks her up from the ground.

“What a lovely girl,” Jack says swirling with Claire on her arms. Claire started giggling happily.

“I had no idea she was good with kids,” Quil tells Embry that laughed in response.

“She’s still a kid after all,” Embry says with a smirk.

“Isn’t Embry silly?” Jack asks Claire with a smile. “You know what we should do to him?” The little girl shakes her head in response. “We should tickle him…”

When Jacob arrives to the beach he sees Embry lying on the ground, covered with sand, with Quil, Claire and Jack above him. He could hear the loudly laughs and Embry begging them to stop the torture. He looks to Renesmee that was eager to join them and reminds her once again that Jack wasn’t like them so she couldn’t show her anything.

“Can we go now?” Renesmee asks with a large smile looking to them. He nodded and started walking towards his friends.

“What happened here?” Jacob asks once he approaches them.

“He said I was still a child,” Jack answers with a smile still moving her fingers, up and down, Embry’s ribs.

“You can punish him later. I haven’t seen you in years and I deserve proper greeting.” Jacob picks Jack from the ground and hugs her. “There’s someone here to meet you.” He says once they stop hugging.

“Hello,” Jack says with a radiant smile.

“Hello Jack.” Nessie promptly hugs Jack’s torso. “Jake spoke about you a lot”

“Only good things I hope,” Jack says bending down so she could properly hugs the little girl.

“Then it must have been a brief conversation,” Embry says between laughs.

“Ain’t you funny... Do you want us to tickle the hell out of you again?” Jack asks looking to Embry that stopped laughing. “Whoever hears you might think that you don’t love me like I know you do.” She smirks.

“I think he loves you for that,” Quil says holding Claire’s hand.

“I agree,” Jacob grins.

“You know what we should do?” Embry asks looking to Claire and Renesmee. “We should tickle Jack…”

“Oh no,” Jack shakes her head.

“Oh yes!” Quil says making Claire giggle.

Jack started running away from them pretending to be terrified and the little girls chased her down the beach. Jacob was the one that caught Jack and he carefully restrained her against the ground and everyone started to tickle her. She yelled once she felt all those fingers poking and nudging her flesh and started to move in different directions trying to escape. She was able to stop the torture when she surrendered which provoke a lot of happiness to the little children.

They spent a lot of time playing like children in the first beach. The sky was filled with different colors due the sunset and that was when Quil announced he had to go because Claire had to eat. Jacob also had to go because Nessie’s parents would get preoccupied if he didn’t take her home. The little girls made Jack promise them that they would reunite to play again soon.

Embry offered to accompany Jack home and she accepted it. She placed the sunglasses on her face once again and they stared walking. They had fallen when she was in the ground being tickled.

“Did you have a good time?”

“It was amazing,” Jack answered truthfully. “Those kids behave a lot better than we ever did at that age.”

“Claire and Nessie are great.” Embry notices that Jack was trembling and offers his coat to her.

“You’re so warm.” Jack leans against Embry’s body once she dressed the coat.

“It’s in my blood,” Embry says after a while. He places his arm around Jack warm her faster. “You changed a lot but you’re still small.”

“You hurt me.” Jack playfully hits him. “I thought what mattered was in the inside.” She stops speaking to watch a man run past them. The man was in his boxers and simply had his shoes on one hand and his pants on the other hand. “Holly fuck!” She loudly exclaims.

“Hey man,” the man raises his hand to Embry and continues running towards the woods.

“Hey Paul,” Embry yells. He looks to Jack that was oddly quiet. “Is everything fine?”

“I don’t know if I should be worried,” Jack mumbles. “You act like it’s something natural to see someone run down a street in their underwear… And if it is, man I hope that all that do so have his ass…”

“It’s only normal when it comes to Paul.” Embry chuckles.

“Did you see where he went?” an old man runs towards them looking troubled.

“To the woods,” Embry tells pointing with his head to the left.

“Thank you.” The man starts running in the direction that Embry told him.

“He didn’t go that way,” Jack whispers.

“It wasn’t for Paul’s protection…” Embry tells Jack. “It was for the old man’s”

“Paul sounds like an interesting character,” Jack muses.

“Paul is troubles,” Embry says with a serious tone of voice. “And I, and the guys, would have to kick his ass if he approached you.” He adds making Jack laugh.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you liked this chapter, and feel free to share your thoughts. venture;; and I would love to hear from you guys :3


Doesn't she make awesome banners? I love 'em, haha.