Status: Have over 30 chapters written. The chapters are short but I will get them up as quick as possible.


Chapter 1

She stared at his picture, her heart breaking. The 24-year-old's short blue hair was tied back in a small ponytail. She would miss her long hair, but there had been no other way to escape from the man called Kakuzu. His partner had been nearby, and had they been together she wouldn't have stood a chance.

The girl stood, removing her Rain headband and tying her Mist one around her forearm. Her standing with all the villages was good, even the Sound village. Yuhi said it was because she was a peacekeeper at heart and wouldn't want to start a war. Sarutobi had said she was to smart to be caught and Gai said the power of youth was her ally. Sometimes she suspected the man was on drugs. But what HE always said it was because she could dissolve so well into her dozen or so identities that the act had become flawless. HE said she was living so many lies that she forgot who she truly was beneath the mask and HE hated Hatake for making her. He hated him regardless, but that only made it worse.

"Lady Amaya?" Someone asked, pushing open the door.

"Ah, Sakura. Good morning." She smiled. She could tell by Sakura's expression there was still a bruise beneath Amaya's eye.

"Kakashi-sensei is here to see you." Sakura informed her.

Amaya looked surprised. "I thought he was out on a mission."

"He was, but everyone was called back to hear your debriefing." Sakura explained.

Amaya sighed. "Lovely. I love dealing with stupid people."

"Lady Amaya?" Sakura asked.

"Hm?" Amaya stopped on the stairs.

"Did you find him?"

Amaya looked down. "No. But he's only been gone a few days. I told Kakashi I'd find him, and that's what I intend to do."

Sakura nodded. "Thank you."

"I'm not just doing it for you, kid." Amaya walked downstairs, leaving Sakura alone.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is set in an alternate reality after the events of the Mist. Events of the Mist arc remain the same, but other events have changed. Just so everyone knows HE is not Kakashi, but shall be revealed at a later chapter.