A Glimpse of Terror

A Glimpse of Terror

Standing between a wall and two computers stood a girl. Above her was a monitor displaying the drive-thru from the outside camera. The girl was leaning against the wall with both of her hands resting behind her back, waiting for the few minutes to pass so she could go home, when she saw a man wearing baggy clothes walking through the drive-thru. She didn’t think much of it. It wasn’t anything new, especially at this time of night. Once in a while, people would walk through the drive-thru lanes.
The girl pushed herself off the wall and looked at the two monitors in front of her. Ones she had memorized by looking at it for so long each day she came into work for the last couple years. It was like her fingers knew were to go, almost like your fingers on a computer keyboard. She was just about to turn around when the same guy from the camera monitor came up to the window. The girl gasped, her heart felt like it stopped for a moment. The man banged on the window. “I want my food!!” he demanded—he had an insane look about his face. The lobby had closed about an hour before he came by, so if you didn’t have a car, you weren’t getting any food.
“Sorry, sir, but you have to have a motorized vehicle to order something in the drive-thru.” She said—her heart still throbbing from the sudden excitement. Once the man left, she was defiantly going to tell a manager.
The man reached to his waist.
Knowing all too soon after seeing a glimpse of light come from the inside of his raggedy old green jacket, and after seeing way too many action movies, the girl ducked just in time before a crash through the windows and bullets flying over her head. The excess glass fell on her shoulders, back, and hands. She knew she had to get out of there quick, before the man came through the window with the gun and tried to shoot at her again, and not miss this time. Keeping low, the girl half crawled out of range. She ran towards the front of the store. The managers’ interests already peaked.
“Oh my God, are you okay?” the older, thin manager asked.
The younger male manager stood there with an empty bag in his hand and his mouth open. “What happened?” he asked.
The girl gasped for breath as she tried to explain, still shocked about what just happened and still in fear that the man might come through the window. She was also worried about the other crew member in the crew room.
“Some guy!” the girl exclaimed, “He just shot at me!!”
The older girl manager marched back to the window and peaked past the wall. She could see the shattered glass, but no one was outside the window. She stepped out from the wall and peaked out the window. “HA! The basterd just ran off!”
Mean while, the male manager was calling the police.
The older girl manager walked the crew member out of the crew room and had her sit in the manager’s office to finish her break.
For about an hour or so later the store was buzzing and full of excitement. A few policemen where there, questioning the girl and checking out the damage.
It was getting late. The girl had an agenda for the next day and really wanted to get back home. One of the policemen and a manager escorted her out the doors. She got in her truck and started it. She backed up and started to pull out of the parking lot when she saw some movement out the corner of her eye. The same man popped out from the side of the building and ran her way shooting. The girl ducked below the windshield, which had now been shattered. The policemen ran out of the building with their guns held in the air.
Even though the girl could not see, she had an idea of where the shooter was in the parking lot. She headed right for him, more shots followed. Then all the sudden, THUMP! She felt her truck suddenly stop and roll back. She knew what she did. She waited until the police surrounded the truck and had the man in custody. After that she turned off the truck and got out to see the damage. She nervously rubbed her forehead. She couldn’t believe what happened. She couldn’t believe what she just did. And she couldn’t believe what her parents were going to say about the truck. There were gun shots in the hood and a shattered windshield, not to mention the dented bumper.
“Are you okay, mam?” the officer asked.
The girl gulped, feeling a little shook up about everything. “I’m alive.” She replied. She walked around the truck. “Well… I bumped her… I mean him…” she said as she looked at the bumper. She cracked a smile at her own joke, and then called her parents to tell them what happened and to have them pick her up.
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This was an idea I got when I was working one day. I wrote it out and posted it for my creative writing class. Tell me what you think!