There Is Hope yet for Love

Given a Reason to Smile

She sat in the comfortable lounge chair against the wall surrounded by a group of other college students her age. She had been in and out of their conversation, but for long periods of time she went back on her computer and surfed the net, making circles around the three popular sites she liked. She was bored. But this wasn’t being bored. With a mind like hers, how could she ever be bored?

Her eyes were half open and full of lament—never feeling anything but this even sadness until something made her happy, or until she was occupied with something else. Being mad was even different from the state she was in.

One of the boys who was engaged in the conversation took time to notice the girl with her eyes lit smoky-slate by the bright white screen of her computer. While his other friends were occupied in their own conversation, this boy decided to say something to this lamenting girl droaning at her computer.

“Why don’t you smile?” he asked, making a smile himself.

The girl looked up from her computer and half smirked. Today wasn’t a day she felt like smiling. “Give me a reason to smile and I will.” She said.

“So seem like such a nice person.” He said.

The girl raised an eyebrow, “Is that a fat joke?” she smiled evilly.

The boy arched his eyebrows, raising one higher than the other. “No? Why would I make a fat joke?” he asked.

“Because, you know, the stereotype?? Fat people are jolly???” she said.

The boy kept the same confused look. “I’ve never heard of that.” he said.

“Hmm…” she said. She looked back down at her computer for a moment and thought about what she was going to say before she actually said it. “What makes you think I’m a nice person?” she asked.
“Well… you don’t look mean.” He said. Even though it was a stupid answer, what he said was serious.

“What does a mean person look like?” she asked, an eyebrow raised, and her voice low from the feeling she had been in since the beginning.

The boy shrugged. “I don’t know.” He said.

The girl half smiled.

The boy could tell she liked what he said. “You seem to be an interesting person.” He said.
The girl opened her mouth to speak, the boy interrupted, “Interesting, but I don’t know how.” He said.

“Hmm…” she said again.

“I’d like to get to know you.” He said. “See how interesting you really are.” A wild look appeared on his face.

The girl smiled, but not showing any teeth.

The boy smiled back. “See, you have a beautiful smile!!” he exclaimed.

It made the girl smile even more, with teeth this time, and she blushed. She laughed. “I don’t like to smile when someone’s making me.” She said.

The boy continued to smile. “Well, you said give you a reason to smile.” He said.