Status: definitely active!

Run Away


I finished packing my stuff, looking around my room incase I left something out. After I checked one last time, I zipped up my duffel bag, slinging it over my shoulder.

This was it, Arizona was now going to be in the past. Just a memory that I was trying so hard to forget; I stepped out of my room, looking one last time at the empty space, before shutting the light off and closing the door.

As I made my way downstairs, I met eyes with my crying mother. She tried convincing me not to go, I told her it was for the best, I had to chase my dreams before it was too late. She cried harder once I said that, but I simply turned away, so I didn't change my mind.

There was a knock on the door, I set my bags down next to the couch, slowly making my way to the awaiting person on the other side. Twisting the knob, I pulled the frame open. He stared at me, a hurt look flashing across his beautiful face.

"You're really leaving?" He asked in a small voice, running his fingers through his hair. I looked passed him, not meeting his pained gaze. I couldn't bear looking at him, knowing that I was going to leave and never come back. I knew I was breaking his heart, he'd most likely never forgive me, but I couldn't say no to an opportunity like this.

"Yeah, Sam, I am." I replied, chewing on my lip. He made a sound, grabbing my small hands in his. I knew he was going to try and make me stay. But I wouldn't let him do that.

"Come on, Annie. You can't just leave everything behind. I gave you everything, and you're just going to throw it away? Am I not good enough? I can try to get better, I'll do anything, just please don't go-" I cut him off before he could finish.

"Samuel, I want to do something for myself, I'm sick of pleasing everyone so that in the end, I'm not happy. I'm chasing my dreams, I want to try something new. No one can stop me, I'm sorry. I'll always love you, but this is my choice. I chose it, and I'm not backing down." He sighed, dropping his hands.

I didn't give him a chance to answer, because I grabbed my bags and walked out of the house, leaving my hometown behind me.
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Short, but it's just the intro c:
Oh and, just because she's adorable:
barbara being cute