Status: Complete

Nobody Said It Was Easy

I'm Sorry

The crew of the spaceship woke up early as they really did not sleep at all last night. Jack addressed his colleagues in his office before 9/11; he wanted to prepare them for what is going to come in a few hours. Jack knew he still had more he wanted to say to them,

"We all will be saving millions of lives today, not just on Earth. But on Koyi's planet Ryloth and even on the Milky Way, where Min was born.

"We all will be able to live peacefully back with our family and friends at home. I just wanted you all to know that before we go into this."

"My mom and dad will be so proud, even though they will not believe any of this when I go back home. Since none of this will had happened in the future," Koyi told all of them.

"I just hope I don't get screwed because of this. What if this causes me to never be born?" Min asked as she looked around at everyone.

"You will be alright Min. Maybe in the future I will come see you," Jax smiled at her.

"I would like that Jax."

"Okay, everyone. The first spaceship hits one of the twin towers at 8:46 AM exactly," Jack explained. "And right now it is 7:30 AM. So we have one hour and 16 minutes to go."

"Can I say something?" Sona asked.

"Yes. What is it Sona?" Jack asked her.

"I just wanted to say that I love you all. Even you Min and yes you, Zeke."

"You too Sona," Zeke said.

"Yeah," Min agreed.

"I love you Sona," Koyi smiled, giving her a hug.

"And I love you the most," Jack told her, he was the next one to hug her. He whispered into her ear, "Thank you for coming today, we really needed your help."

"You're welcome, Jack."

"Okay, everyone we are going to take our positions now just in case," Jack told them.

Jack watched as Sona and Koyi went their separate ways, while Jax gave Min a quick kiss on her cheek. Jack and Zeke were the only ones still left in his office; he wanted to give him a proper goodbye. Jack knew that this moment would probably be the last he would see of Zeke.

"Jack I know. I know that this will be the last time I see you."

"Zeke, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I know you deserved to know from me, not from anybody else. I'm doing it for all of us, not just for me. You might not understand, but I have to go through with this."

"I understand Jack. It's just hard because you're the first person I ever loved. And after all of this you'll be dead and I'll be alive. I'm not ready for this, even though I promised," Zeke explained as tears ran down his face. He knew this had to be done, but he was scared of what might happen to Jack.