Status: Done.

Fantasy World


Steven kicked his dirty clothes towards the corner of his room as he held his phone to his ear. "So she left Dave for Jake?" he asked in confusion. 

Maci laughed. "No, she left Jake for Dave, but kept 'hanging out' with him and then left both of them for some guy named Chad that has a BMW," she explained. 

Steven sighed. "I don't get women. Count me out. I'll grow old with a house full of cats named Mittens," he decided. 

Maci giggled. "I thought your were allergic to cats," she pointed out. 

Steven smiled. "Yeah, whatever. I'll get some kind of shot or something."

Maci laughed. "How is it going with Steph there?"

"Not had. I think she was hoping to spend the night with our parents and you, but she understands. She's also eating my ice cream," he grumbled. 

"Aw, poor baby," Maci said teasingly. 

"You're baby Steven, not me!" he reminded her. 

Maci smiled to herself as she continued to press keys on her calculator. "Oh, my bad. Poor Papa Tampa!"

Steven groaned loudly. "How is it he's not here anymore and that video is still being held over my head?" he questioned. 

Maci smiled. "Facebook is a big help."

"You shouldn't be on Facebook, miss! You have finals to study for!" he scolded. 

Maci snorted. "I've decided I'm not going to get my diploma. I'm going to drop out and become a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader," she announced. 

Steven grimaced. "Yeah, I don't think so. I'm not okay with guys looking at you the way they look at those girls."

"Aw, is Steven getting protective?" she asked with a wide smile. She leaned back in her seat to listen to his response. 

"Duh," he scoffed. "Told you I liked you a lot," he reminded her. Maci grinned to herself, twisting her desk chair side to side. 

Stephanie burst into his room. "Who you talking to?" she asked with a smirk. 

Steven looked at her over his shoulder. "No one. What are you up to?" he asked. 

She shrugged innocently as she slowly walked towards him. "Nothing. Just bored since Maci is locked in her room studying for her last finals tomorrow," she answered. Her eyes locked onto the phone. "Talking to your girlfriend?" she asked, drawing out her words. 

His eyes went wide. "No-"

Stephanie snatched his phone and held it to her ear, running into the living room. "Hi, Steven's girlfriend. It's his little sister," she said. Steven ran after her, his heart pounding. 

Stephanie frowned suddenly and held the phone away from her ear. He watched in slow motion as her eyes read the screen. "She hung up." Just as he was about to grab the phone, realization sparked in her eyes. She spoke staring at his phone. "Please tell me your girlfriend was using Maci's phone..."

Steven panicked. "Uh, yeah. Her phone died so she borrowed Maci's. They're roommates," he lied. 

Stephanie gave him an odd look. "So that's how Mace knows her? I thought she just went to the same school!" she exclaimed. She handed the phone back. 

Steven rubbed the back of his neck as he slid the phone safely into his pocket. "Yeah..."

Stephanie gave him an odd look before flopping down onto his couch. "So, what are we going to do tonight while the parentals are gone?" she asked. 

Steven shrugged. "I don't know. I need to go do my laundry," he admitted. 

Stephanie groaned. "Your little sister just gets back into town and you're going to go do laundry at Steve's house?" she whined. 

Steven frowned. "Downie's gone... He got traded," he mumbled. 

"Oh... Sorry," she mumbled back. 

He shrugged. "Oh well. We can go get some pizza?" he offered. 

She grinned. "Let's go!"