Status: completed!

I'm Just a Kid That Tried Too Hard

All Those Big Dreams and Big Words

“GIRL, that was not Tyler Seguin I saw out your window!?!” Ariel asks me as I plop down onto the couch. I shrug. My head generally hurts from what had just happened. “I want you all to myself.” Had he really said that? He hardly knows me! The sweetness of his words still made my heart melt. I had always wanted someone to say something like that to me.

She saw how tired I was and threw a blanket over us, with her laying one way and myself laying the other on the couch. “Whoever he was, he was a cutie. Is he someone I get to meet or…?” This is how Ariel is. She will push until you cave. It helps though. She makes me spell things out so I can understand what’s happening, and so can she.

“His name is Brad.” I pause, “He’s a Bruin too. I met him when Bergeron drove me home that night.” Ariel squeals and smiles at me, “Girl, that’s cute!! TWO BOYS? What happened to the ‘Oh no I don’t want to get involved with anyone’ vibe?”

“I hardly spoke to them! I didn’t provoke them or anything! UGHE , I wish I hadn’t found his wallet.” I bury myself under the blanket, desperately thinking that I can just pretend I didn’t have to deal with people. My words weren’t really true. The fact that I have gotten to meet arguably the strongest line from my favorite team is still really cool.

It hits me then. These are fucking professional athletes. They make a ridiculous sum of money a year. Why am I not fazed by this? Shouldn’t I be flattered by the interest? These realizations make me burrow deeper into the blanket. My solitude doesn’t last long because Ariel rips the blanket away.

“Not this time sweetheart. You and I are going to figure this out before 10:30, because after that we need to sleep so we can be alive for class tomorrow morning. Deal?” She’s standing over me, wrapped in my blanket. I sigh and sit up and tell her everything.
“…neither of them probably like me anyways and are just having some fun with some random girl. Look! It’s 10:28, we can go to sleep now.” She sat across from me at my breakfast bar, “Devin, that didn’t sound like you were being used. Still, I guess let it sit for awhile. Don’t try to talk to them or anything. So, yes, I guess we can go to bed.”


“So, there’s a girl.” Tyler says to Brad, who has been more chipper than usual. That had to be the reason why. Brad smirks at his friend and looks him fully in the eyes, “Yeah, yours.” Tyler’s puzzled by this. What girl? He doesn’t have a girlfriend. Even as a joke, he’s still referring to someone. Then he realizes that Brad means Devin.

“Hah, if you are, all the power to you. She’s cute and all, but we all knew that the moment she stepped into the car that she was yours.” Tyler sits up and stretches to grab Patrice’s attention, “Isn’t that right Bergy? About Devin and Marchy?” Brad spun around to see his other friend nodding. “If you hadn’t have met her in my car, I would’ve introduced you at the next home game.”

His friends are insane. There’s no way they could’ve pegged Devin as his type. She was shy and more conservative than him. He liked blondes, and she was brunette. She was short and petite and curvy. She was the opposite of everything he considered his type. His subconscious reminds him though, ‘You still like her though.’ So really, his friends had him pegged.

He laughs at his friends, who seem to know him pretty damn well. Brad turns back around and puts some headphones in. When they landed, he would call her.


“..ok, thank you. I understand it much better now. I’ll see you Wednesday.” I say to my professor after he walked me through a particularly tough chemistry equation once more. He smiled kindly, as older people often do. I took that as my queue to leave and hustled out.
I try to power walk to this little coffee stand while holding my bag and books. Of course, my phone starts blaring my Blink-182 ringtone. I dump everything onto an empty little table surrounding the stand, and answer it right before it clicks over to voicemail. “Hello?” I say, half out of breathe.

“Hey Devin! Oh, uh, are you alright?” Brad’s voice responds on the other line. He can obviously hear my breathing. I collapse into a chair, “Yeah I’m a good. Just running around my campus like a moron. How are you?” He laughs, “I’m alright. I’m excited about the game tonight.” I continued to ask him about the game and such. After a tiny pause, he clears his throat, “So, I was thinking, when I get back, if you wanted to hang out again.”

I smiled. An actual date? I nodded before for realizing that he obviously can’t see me. “Yeah, I think that would be nice.” I swear I can hear him breathe out with relief. “Cool, cool. I get back in a couple days. I’ll text you when I land.” There’s a note of finality in his voice that hints that this conversation is over for the moment. I can hear people in the background telling him to “get off the fucking phone”.

I laugh at that, “Sounds like a plan. Good luck tonight too Brad. Bye!” I hang up the phone without waiting for a response. I have the biggest smile on my face when I get up to order my coffee. Maybe a guy in my life wouldn’t be so bad.
After winning both games on the road, Brad finally is on a plane back to Boston. He’s again sitting with Seguin, in high hopes. He had someone waiting for him when he got home. It’s a nice feeling really. If you have never experienced such a feeling, I am excited for the day you do.

Tyler nudged his friend, “Can I ask what you told her to make her go for you and not me?” There’s a teasing tone to his voice but underneath, Tyler is generally curious. Brad smirked at his younger friend, “I told her that I was stealing her from you. I also might’ve told her at the bar that night that the next time she went out she’d be my date and not yours. What can I say, I’m a dick.”

Tyler nods at his friend while flat out laughing, “You're a dick! What if she was the one?!” That gets the team around them laughing. Milan Lucic, who’s behind the two, sticks his head over the seats. “Segs, I think you mean that this chick is taking away the one for you. You’re bromance is OVER!”
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So, I'm not one of those people who make people comment for an update or whatever. I'm not even going to beg every chapter. Still, it would be nice to know if you guys are digging this...
Anyways, here's some more even though we just lost. (just insert a big sigh here)
I hope you like it :)