Status: Comments would be lovely :)

The Green Door

So you're a girl?

“So you’re like a girl.” The boy said looking at me as if I had 5 heads.
I looked down and around and my body and gasped.
“Oh my gosh my life’s been a lie! I never knew!”

Suddenly another boy emerged by the green door laughing.

“Dude. You are a girl.” He said. I just shrugged my eyebrows. Obviously. “You know when we wrote the ad for a roommate we kinda were looking for a dude.”

I gave them a disgruntled look. “You probably should’ve specified that.”

He scratched his head looking sheepish.” Yea I guess we should’ve. I guess you can come in tough, for an interview.”

I stepped through and was surrounded by what a typical boys’ apartment would look like just less messy. They probably cleaned up to make the place more appealing. It still kind of smelt like a gym, just not as bad.

“So my name’s Andy and the idiot you were talking to before is Jared.” He said pointing to Jared.

“Hey! I am no idiot!” Jared yelled back. He was shorter than me but much shorter than Andy who was a tower compared to both of us, and I was certainly not short.

I chuckled. They seemed fun. However, I wondered where the third roomie was. Just as I thought that, a door opened and a guy wearing only a towel emerged. My eyes widened.

There was water dripping off his toned chest. My eyes widened even more once I realized I had been staring. He seemed to realize I was standing there at the same time.
“Holy sh…! What the...” he began to curse but then was interrupted by Jared yelling “Potatoes!”

“Sup” I said give an awkward small wave.

“Uhh hey. Yea I’m gonna go get dressed.” He said striding over to his room. I tried not to stare but I was really hard to look away. He was gorgeous. Completely toned.

“Well now that that’s over, why don’t you just sit down over here.” Jared said leading me over to the worn out couch. It looked like something from my grandmother’s house.

Jared and Andy sat down on the adjunct couch.

“So we were kinda looking for another guy to live here but I guess we could have a girl roomie.”

After a few minutes of interviewing they got to the most obvious question, yet the one I dreaded to answer the most.

“Why are you looking for a place to live.” Andy asked.

I bit my lip.

“Well it’s about time I finally left home.” I lied. More like I needed to leave home.

“You seem ok enough.” Andy said “The only thing I can really see going wrong is you falling in love with one of us manly men” he joked.

“Oh trust me that won’t happen” I laughed. Just then I heard the door opening as the other guy stepped out, fully dressed this time. We both awkwardly just smiled at each other.
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New story. What do you guys think so far?