Status: in progress



The breeze from rushing people blew through Amelia’s auburn hair as she struggled to put it into a braid. Her green orbs studied her surroundings which consisted of animated advertisements and tall buildings. Only then had she realized just how alone she was. Her fiancé left her, her best friend and her were no longer on speaking terms for reasons unknown. Her scholarship for college had just been revoked due to a misunderstanding and no one would even try to listen to her reasoning about it. Amelia didn’t know what to do anymore.

When Amelia arrived to her building, she reached into her purse and pulled out her keys. She gave a small smile to the doorman. At least I’m not the only person who knows what it feels like to be alone, she thought. She never really gave much thought into other peoples’ loneliness until now. It must be pretty lonely just standing there all day only getting occasional smiles from strangers.

As soon as she got to her door, she unlocked it and walked in smoothly. She threw her keys into a key bowl and hung her coat up on the coat rack beside it. Amelia heard small giggles and moans from the den. She walked further down the hallway to find her now ex fiancé on the sofa kissing another girl’s neck. Amelia let out a small gasp and the woman looked up. She pushed the man off of her and he looked at Amelia and raised his eyebrows.

“What are you doing here?” He asked. Amelia couldn’t believe how she could be so ignorant. How could she forget that this was his apartment? But the shock was still there and she could feel her chest aching.

“I-I’m sorry,” she stammered, “I’ll just, um, put the key in the bowl and, um, get my stuff.”

Amelia had never felt so bad in her entire life. She was on the verge of tears as she walked into her bedroom, well I guess her old bedroom, to find her things already removed and in suitcases on the bed. She sighed and grabbed as many as she could and ran out of the room.

“Here, let me help you,” the deep voice rang through her ears as some of the weight was lifted off of her back.

“Get away from me!” She tried to say, but it just came out as a hoarse whisper. Without thinking, she dropped everything and pushed him out of her way. She mentally slapped herself for being so dramatic. He insisted and eventually she gave up. Amelia felt no embarrassment to have acted that way in front of the woman he left her for. She probably thought that insanity and excessive crying was why he left. At that moment, anger and heartbreak were all that Amelia could feel.

After all of her things were in the back of a cab, Amelia watched the love of her life walk back into her old building. The feelings were so strong between them and Amelia couldn’t put her finger on why he left her. But all she knew is that she wanted him back so bad, she’d do practically anything.
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My first story on here. I'd appreciate constructive criticism, but please don't get too harsh. Please tell me if I made any mistakes. I'm writing the next chapter now, so if you want me to put it up, tell me!
Much love, Aurie xx