Sunshine When She's Gone

Stolen Pt. 1

Stolen Pt. 1
I lost everything I loved. No. Not lost. They stole what I loved from me. My family, my clothes, my books, my ride, my friends... My girl. They took me away from all of that. Those were all the things I could ever need in life. I wasn't poor, I wasn't rich, but my life wasn't all to good either. I just wanted to be left alone. For everything to be normal. Instead, I got the exact opppsite. Every little thing changed. I used to have all I could ever possibly want...

And now all of it's just...



Squinting, I looked up at the sun. My shirt was in my right hand, and I used it to wipe the sweat from my forehead before I turned around and all the guys were looking at me. There were four of us. Nick, Jose, and Sam were "the guys".

Jose was a tan 16 year old, with dark hair and dark eyes. He was about 5'6 and had a slight hispanic accent. His hair was long, and curled inward at the ends if he just left it and it just laid there. Jose tends to change his style now and then, but his personality stays the same. No matter what. He's real funny and likes to go to all the diners and resturants with his his dad, to look at the holographs of old cars on the walls. When he goes out, he's dressed in leather. I don't like it... but that's just how Jose is. Today, his hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and oil was on his face. He was wearing a white short sleeve shirt, brown at some places because of dirt, and blue jeans with black kicks.

Sam was black and wore glasses. His eyes looked almost black behind them. His glasses were black and the lens's were small rectangles. Well that's how they were most of the time. His glasses had a button on the side of it to change what his glasses looked like but he rarely ever used it. He liked to keep things simple. To be honest, he looked kind of nerdy. But nobody messed with him because they knew he could probably kick their ass. He was about 5'8 and had real huge muscles that showed through his long-sleeve shirt and skinny black jeans. On his feet were blue kicks, that looked just like Jose's. Nick stood across the room, looking at him.

Nick was the youngest of all us. He was 15 and was still taller than Jose and Sam. He had dark blonde hair that was usually short and laid neatly on his head, but since he was sweaty, his hair was just messy... His pale skin was a little pink from sunburn and all he was wearing was basketball shorts, running shoes, and his favorite old band shirt he had, that read, "Three Days Grace". It was his great grandfather's shirt and he gave it to his son, and so on.

"You okay man?" Jose asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I replied.

"Sam asked you a question." Nick said, running his fingers through his sweat drenched hair.

"Oh... sorry." I turned to look at Sam and he threw a wrench into the tool box next to the car I was working on.

"I was asking if you heard 'bout that retarted vaccine we all gotta take." he said, rubbing his hands on a towel.

"Yeah, got a notice on my companion." I pulled the companion out of my pocket and a holograph of a young woman with blonde hair in a dress appeared.

"Yes, Mr.Conley?" she said.

"Can you show the guys the notice from last week about the vaccine?" I replied.

"Of course," she smiled and then was replaced with a square holograph full of writing about the RLS Vaccine.

"Dude, like, people are getting hella sick! It's crazy!" said Nick, then catched the towel that Sam threw him, and wiped his hands.

"Nick," I said, "Nobody says 'dude' anymore.That was like in twenty ten. Stop living thirty years in the past and for the love of god, will you throw away that frickin shirt." I pointed to his band shirt.

"No! Why should I? There's nothing wrong with it!" he replied, outraged that anyone would ever think about telling him to throw away his favorite shirt.

I sighed. "The 'T' has faded off the 'Three' in 'Three Days Grace'."

He mumbled a "whatever". And went back to looking at the car that he was working on.

"Hey guys, it's gettin' really hot. Wanna close the shop for the rest of the day, and just head out for ice cream?" I asked them.

They all laughed and nodded in agreement. I just smiled and walked out, as they followed.

On the way to the ice-cream shop, we were just basically afraid of melting. And that was our biggest problem at the moment. Something bad happening, wasn't even on our minds... Nothing could go wrong. We're just going to get ice-cream. Well we were wrong. So wrong... Because right when I thought everything was going great...

That's when we heard the scream.
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And this was by me. ;) Hope you enjoyed it. Please comment and subscribe. <3

With much love,