A Kidnapping

the kidnapping

My screams just fall on deaf ears. The pain i feel is unbearable. Why is this happening to me? I'm only sixteen! I'm too young to die! I have my whole life ahead of me, still so much i want to do. Mother? Father? Can you hear my cries for help? I'm so scared. I feel cold. It's so dark where i am. Where am i anyways? How did i get chained up here? I cant see anything, it's so dark. The smell of death and decay fill my nostrils, causing me to gag. Something's dripping, i hear something skittering on the ground. Why haven't my eyes adjusted to this darkness yet? Something's stabbing at my wrists, I think it's barbed wire. Who ties someone up with barbed wire? It hurts so much! Hana! I was supposed to meet Hana at the park today! Oh, she's going to be so mad at me when (if) I get out of here!
Is that voices i hear? Three men, or maybe it is two. It's hard to tell since the dripping is getting louder. Ugh, the sound is getting annoying. Is this that chinese water torture I learned about in history? I can see why it worked! The voices are getting louder, getting closer. Definitely two men. I still cant figure out what they're saying. I hope I don't get raped by these men! Oh come on Shay! Don't start crying now! That turns rapists on! Tears, i order you to stop flowing this instant! Sigh, it's no use. Tear ducts never listen. Oh, a light! It's getting brighter!
Loud screams pierce the air as the light reveals Shay's surroundings. Her eyes are betraying her, causing her to burn the images into her mind. The corpses of her parents hang before her, fresh blood still dripping onto the floor, answering Shay's previous questions. Shay screams as she is forced to look into her Mother's eyeless face, blood running down from the empty sockets. Her clothes have been torn off, scratches, and almost writing like symbols carved into the flesh. Her father is still clothed, but his mouth has been wired shut. Half of his face has been skinned, one eye hanging by a thread, moving as the draft from an opening door moves through the room. Shay hears footsteps to her right, slowly turns her head. She barely has enough time to scream before she is quickly silenced. Above her, the world moves on, as if nothing has happened.