Sequel: The Patriots
Status: Not a priority at the moment, but if more people read I will update more frequently.

Savior of the Saints

Chapter 1

Paul Smecker walks into the law office of Ryals, Ivy, Thomas and Zana late, almost 10 PM. It's raining outside and he is soaked to the bone. Three other people are in the lobby, but he ignores them. Instead he goes to the bubbly African American girl at the reception counter.

"Monique," Paul says cheerfully, "Is Lyssa in?"

"Paul!" Monique gasps lightly, popping her bubblegum.

"Shh. Is she here?" Smecker repeats.

"No. She went for a run. Wh-what are you-You died! I-" Monique stammers.

"In the rain?" Smecker asks, looking outside.

"You know Miss Lyssa," Monique says as an explanation.

"Yea," Smecker shakes his head. "I will come back. Don't tell her I was here, please." Smecker says and leaves the office, venturing back out into the pouring rain.

20 minutes later he returns with Eunice and Duffy.

"She really this good?" Duffy asks Smecker, sounding doubtful.

"She is." Smecker nods as they walk past Monique and get on the elevator. Classical music is playing and Smecker smiles. The door opens onto the fifth floor.

"Smecker…no offense, but does she even remember what happened?" Eunice asks, raising an eyebrow.

The office was neat and tidy, with two big picture windows behind the desk, which is covered in files and papers. Bookcases filled with hundreds of books line the wall. Behind the desk sits a young woman with her short blond hair in a bun and a lollipop in her mouth. She wears a skirt over leggings, a tank top, and combat boots. She has streaks of blue in her hair and is 25 at the oldest.

She looks up and gasps. "Paul! You're…" She stands up, confused.

"I will explain later. I have a task for you. This is Eunice Bloom and Detective Duffy. Duffy, Eunice, this is Lyssa Ivy. She worked with me for awhile and she's a brilliant girl," Smecker introduces.

"Yea?" Lyssa leans back. "I'd love to help, but…" She gestures to all the papers.

"This is a case you'll enjoy," Smecker sets another file on her desk. Lyssa glances through the file, swirling the lollipop in her mouth.

"The MacManus boys…" She whispers, touching a picture. "Pro bono?" She looks up at Smecker.

"Please?" Smecker asks. "Pretty please?"

Lyssa stands up and takes his hands. Together, they begin moving like they are orchestrating a band. They seem to be dancing to music only they can hear. Lyssa twirls so her back is pressed against Smecker's chest.

"The case of the century." Smecker purrs in her ear.

"Save the Saints." Lyssa smiles. They continue their dance, leaving the other two to stare like the two have gone crazy, which is not entirely impossible.

"Your PR will double," Smecker says, sounding like a incubus tempting a devote Catholic virgin.

"More cases," Lyssa nods, thinking of what this case would bring to her.

"More fame," Smecker whispers.

"Save the Saints!" Lyssa raises her arms, imaging the slogan on billboards. "I will do it," She says, spinning to face Smecker. She nods one last time, twirling her lollipop with her tongue.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is my only Boondock Saints fan fic, set post All Saint's Day. I haven't seen the movie yet, so if there are any inconsistencies with the story in regards to the second movie please let me know and I will revise it.