Sequel: The Patriots
Status: Not a priority at the moment, but if more people read I will update more frequently.

Savior of the Saints

Chapter 4

Smecker sat on the bed of the hotel room, watching the TV. Smoke rose from a building, a business corporation rumored to deal shady deals for the government. Rumors were all they were, since nothing could be proven. He dialed the hotel phone and after a moment, a voice answered.

"Hello?" Lyssa asked.

"Are you watching?" Smecker stood and looked out the window. He couldn't see any smoke from his vantage point.

"Yea. I'm at the Hoag. The whole jail's talking. They say it's Anderson and his group." Lyssa said softly.

"What do you think?" Smecker started to put on his coat, holding the phone on his shoulder.

"I know it's him. The boys are safe here, he wouldn't risk coming to a prison. He would never get in. He certainly wouldn't get out." Lyssa told Smecker.

"They said Alcatraz was inescapable, and three people got out of there." Smecker reminded her.

Lyssa sighed. "If they come, I'll be waiting. God help them if they do, Smecker." Lyssa growled and hung up.

Smecker shook his head and left. Lyssa doubted the Patriots, just as many people doubted her ability.Doubt, in this situation, would get people killed.
Travis smiled, watching the building go up in flames. He trembled as the shock wave hit him and people began screaming. Sherri had set the charge and left. Then, Nicholai had detonated it, almost 6 hours after Sherri left. Yuri had come out of the building when it exploded. None of them could be traced back to the others, and that was how Travis wished to keep it. Travis got off his bike and pulled off his helmet, asking a nearby officer, "What the fuck happened? Is everyone alright?" There was concern in the Southern man's voice. Honestly he couldn't careless about who died in that building.

"We're still getting bodies out. Had to have been a computer bomb or something like that, probably left in a conference room." The officer said.

Actually, it was five sets of C4, one set left in each of the men's bathrooms on the first five floors. Travis shook his head. "The world has gone crazy," he said. Travis turned to leave, satisfied with their work.

"Sir? You look awful familiar..." The officer said, examining his face. Travis smiled.

"I get that a lot." He got on his bike and turned on his headset. "Fleur, this is Wanderer. I'm heading to the jail to get me some Irish meat." He hissed.

Sherri laughed softly. "Watch out, I doubt they'll be in the mood to mess with you. They are both dangerous."

"You doubt me, Fleur. I've got a silver tongue. Ask Jericho." Travis smirked.

Yuri's voice cut into the conversation. "I don't wanna hear about what you and Jericho did last night, ya fucking fag." Yuri snapped.

Travis laughed. "Call me that to my face. And it wasn't last night. It was the night before." Travis revved up his bike and raced away from the building, Yuri cursing at him in Russian. Travis wanted to meet these boys. Noah had been a close friend, actually. He was anxious to meet the twins and extend his hand in friendship. Travis just hoped Lyssa wasn't there when he arrived.
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