Sequel: The Patriots
Status: Not a priority at the moment, but if more people read I will update more frequently.

Savior of the Saints

Chapter 5

It didn't really surprise Travis how easily he entered the building. He'd escaped this place several times, and he had more friends then enemies here so he was unconcerned about being turned over to the officers. He should have been. There was a nice price on his head, as well as a bargaining chip for anyone in this place. As guards asked questions, Travis nodded with a polite smile, speaking in a thick Southern accent that he only used when he needed to mask his identity. The leader of the Patriots didn't have a Southern accent.

Finally, after a pat down and an ID check-of course, he gave a false name- Travis was finally allowed to enter the prison. An old friend had been here; in fact, Travis had been reunited with the man here, the same man who set Travis on this path that he now traveled on. Noah, that had been his name.

Travis immediately located the twins. They had loud mouths that Travis had heard upon entrance to the cafeteria, but a few subtle questions to some of the inmates told him exactly where their cells were-the prison was keeping them separated-and a rough outline of their schedule. Travis could easily speak to them whenever he wished with that information.

The brothers were sitting together, arguing with a few Mexicans about God knew what. Travis smirked and walked into the cafeteria. Every table he passed fell quiet, watching him. Every guard watched him with hands on their batons. Some days, Travis suspected he wasn't arrested anymore because the government got sick of replacing whatever his team destroyed to get him out. Last time, it had been an entire prison sewer system and four huge chunks of walls. Seven other prisoners had escaped but to Travis's knowledge only two had actually gotten away.

Travis sat down across from the brothers, who looked up in interest.

"Ye ain't supposed ta be in this section," Murphy said, examining the red-head. Travis smiled sweetly and looked over at Connor, who tensed.

"I know. I wanted to speak to you two. God help whoever tries to shank me." Travis smirked at the brothers. Citizens weren't allowed in the cafeteria. They could only be in the visitation area, for obvious reasons.

"Why are ye here?" Connor asked, glancing at his brother.Murphy stood up, ready for a fight. Something wasn't right with this man and both the Irishmen knew it.

"I belong here," Travis raised his arms and smiled. "Good memories here. I killed a man just over there." Travis gestured to a corner of the cafeteria. "Gutted him with a spoon for raping and beating his ex-girlfriend. I'm not a bad man...but this is where we belong, you and I. Isn't that what the government tells people?"

Before anything else could be said, Lyssa stormed into the room, Eunice Bloom close behind.
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Don't really like this but oh well.