Status: Harry Potter fanfiction. First chappie out May 1st 2012.

Of All the Stars in the Sky

Prelude - Flash Forward

“You don't know what I've done!” he yelled, pointing his wand straight at me. “You'll never understand anything, Astoria!” The battle raged around us, but it was like we were the only two people in the world, on the ledge of death.

“Maybe if you let me,” I said softly. “Malfoy—Draco, you don't want to do this.” I didn't lower my own wand though. “Draco,” I said after a while of silence. “Please, you don't want this,” I pleaded.

“Lower your wand,” he said blandly. When I didn't he said, “see? You don't trust me at all.”

I had to do this. I knew I did. It was his fault that they were dead. I couldn't deny it anymore. It was his fault. Maybe not directly, but indirectly, it was his fault. I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment and pretended that none of this was real. I pretended that I wasn't feeling anything. I shoved all of my emotions away except for the pain of everyone's death. It was over. One thought was clear to me.

I had to kill him.

“I'm sorry Draco,” I whispered as I opened my eyes. Tears were streaming down my face. I recalled my first kiss. That kiss that ended so horribly but felt so wonderful. That kiss that was wrong in every single way.

Now I was going to fix those wrongs. I had to kill Draco Malfoy.

“No,” he said, his eyes filling with fear. “Astoria, you love me,” he said, attempting to sound brave but failing miserably.

“No,” I said. “It doesn't matter what I feel for you. I can shut off my emotions just like you can. I'm going to end this. Harry Potter will rid the world of Voldemort and end his reign. I will rid the world of you and end your reign. It's over Draco,” I said.

“You don't want this Astoria,” he pleaded. Now he was begging me. Huh. How...ironic. “You love me Astoria. You love me. You can't shut down your emotions.”

“There's one thing true,” I said, “about Slytherins.” I closed my eyes again and opened them. More tears were flowing down my cheeks but I ignored them. “I may have emotions. Maybe I can't block them entirely... But I can ignore them. Love doesn't conquer all and this is an example.”

Draco looked behind, as if waiting for Goyle and Crabbe to back him up. They were obviously not there. He looked back at me, his eyes searching mine for any kind of hesitation.

I loved him, yes. But when it came down to killing him...he deserved it. It was his fault. He...deserved this. He was a coward, yes... But it had to end.

“You have to mean it to cast it,” he said solemnly, seeming to give up. I didn't forget he still had his wand up, but at that moment, I didn't care.

“I do mean it,” I hissed. “ deserve it...”

“Astoria—” No amount of pleading could save him now. When I decided on something, it would come true and I would act on it. My hand shook, but my aim was true.

Avada Kedavra!
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First chapter out May 1st! Roughly around 3 to 4pm Eastern time.

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