Status: Wrote the first 3 chapters, I dunno how many chapters I'm going to do. I need to figure out where I want the story to go. Grrrrr !

The Love of Heart

The Very Beginning

It was a pretty quiet night all except for a noise in the other room. Kathy wasn't sure if it was laughing or crying so she went into her room to check it out. Kathy slowly pushed on the door.
"You okay in here Mickey ?"

Kathy shares a room with her sister, Michaela, and she's kind of a slob. Their room is never clean because Kathy refuses to pick up Mickey's crap. As Kathy walks in she steps over piles of clothes and the occasional empty paper plate. She looks around in disgust then forces a smile just to make sure her sister is okay.

Mickey gasps for air from laughing so hard, her laugh is so funny ! It's quite loud and spreads like a wildfire. "Yeah, my friend is just being stupid."
Kathy had a habit of talking to her sister's friends. The only bad thing about it is every friend she talked to became obsessed with her. Yeah, she enjoyed the extra attention but she felt bad because they stop talking to Mickey to spend more time with her.

"Can I talk to him before your laugh scares him ?" she exclaimed teasingly.
She replied as soon as she could breathe again "Yeah, yeah. Whatever, b*tch" she replied smartly.

Kathy kindly took the phone from her sister and put on her silly voice. Whenever she first meets someone she has this voice she does. It's kind of like a not-so-smart, drunk hick. It's actually pretty funny.
"Hey, y'all ! Whut's yer name ?"
The guys on the other line had the cutest giggle, and she was surprised at the butterflies in her belly. It was kinda sweet and playful with a hint of idiocy. Then he shocked her with his own fake, country accent.

"Well, my name here is Billy Joe Bob !"
She giggled and smiled with a smile she had never used before. Then she cut the accent, to be slightly serious.
"Okay, now what's your real name" she said, obviously holding back her laughs.
"I'm Radja, and what's your name ?"
"Kathy. Hmm, Radja. What a strange name. Where'd you get it from ?"
"My mom, of course !"
"You know what I meant, smart ash."
Her snide remark sparked an interest and another one of his cute laughs.
"Maybe you should give Mick back the phone, here's my number."
♠ ♠ ♠
This is just the beginning, just the first night. I think Kathy was starting to crush(: