Status: Wrote the first 3 chapters, I dunno how many chapters I'm going to do. I need to figure out where I want the story to go. Grrrrr !

The Love of Heart

The Love Birds

Radja was such an Oreo, black on the outside white on the inside. Not racist, just true. He was mixed, his mother was also mixed (black and white) and his real father was black. He had very short hair, he had just turned14, he was light skinned and had the biggest light brown eyes. Those gems could just stare into your soul if they wanted to. He had a smile brighter than the sun itself. His 6 pack was also a plus.. (: He was so caring, he always worried about everyone and would treat a stranger like his best friend. Overall, he was perfect.

Radja was a cute little black boy who never admitted to being black. Every time someone would call him black he'd throw a fake hissy fit. To him, black people were so obnoxious. Not all of them of course, he always told people about how he'd hated black people but he was never serious. He just didn't have many black friends because he would only talk to people with the best of personalities. He didn't like how black people were, and I quote "loud and stupid".

He was such a joker. Almost everything out of this mouth was either sarcastic, stupid or funny. He say random stuff at just the right moment to make you laugh. It's usually not even what he says but the way he says it. It's ridiculous that every time he says "Penis" someone laughs like crazy. He is just that kind of person, he can make you laugh when you don't even want to smile.

Radja was definitely a people person. He would talk to anyone and made friends with everyone he met. He never judged unless he was making harmless puns about his friends. Anytime someone needed something they always went to him, he knew exactly how to help in any situation. He knew a little about everything from personal experiences.

He was a very happy kid considering the tough life he had.. Radja's grew up in a the tiny town of Gretna, Virgina and never knew anything but that. He made friends left and right but that wasn't his whole story. His family was big and kind of messed up. When he was young his father beat his mother.. His father left when he was about 5, Radja never remembered anything about his real dad. His mom eventually got a boyfriend and married him. For all of his life he knew his step-dad as his real dad (he knew it wasn't his birth dad, though). Radja knows everything about his real dad but he hates his guts.

The first time Radja's dad tried to talk to him was when he was 11. The only reason Radja agreed to see him is because he was curious. He wanted to meet the man who was so weak that he had to beat a woman. He knew his dad was a douche bag but he was so interested in meeting his real father, wouldn't you be, too ? Well, that didn't go to well. the whole time Radja kept picturing this man hitting his mother. He was very protective of his mom, she was his everything (no matter how much they fought).
His family was big, confusing and unsporting of everything he did. So, that didn't help much in his life.

Radja wants to be a Navy Seal.. He is currently in JROTC and working his way on up to the top. He wants to go into the Army as soon as he turns 18. None of his friends are happy about this but they support him out of love. He spend most of his time working out and running in the woods.

He's quite a simple guy, but all people have their back stories.

And that's just Radja ! Now, there's Kathy..

Kathy was a city girl who wanted to impress everyone. She was a crazy one. She was know as the "Inside out Oreo" In other words, she was white but acted like she was black. She was sooo ghetto. But, she was happy. She was always laughing and hanging with all of her friends. She was tall for her age, she always looked 2-3 years old than she really was. Kathy had bright blue eyes and long, wavy, dirty blonde hair. She was a little overweight but never cared back then, she was only 12 and her looks didn't phase her at all, she was too young to care about anything but having fun.

Kathy lived in Winter Haven, Florida. She loved to walk and listen to music and sing. She always played a bit of guitar but she gave up (for stupid reasons she doesn't tell anyone about).

There isn't much to say about Kathy, she was simple. She always hung out with her friends, she was a great student, she was always happy. There was never a moment when she wasn't herself, or laughing. She was a freakin' giggle monster. She was obsessed with laughter, it was her favorite thing to do.

She was a wacko kid with big dreams. She knew exactly what she wanted, too.
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Just a little about the two, I kind of got carried away with describing Radja, but there isn't much to say about Kathy.