Status: Wrote the first 3 chapters, I dunno how many chapters I'm going to do. I need to figure out where I want the story to go. Grrrrr !

The Love of Heart

The First Real Talk

Kathy was nice to her sister, for once, and decided not to call him until tomorrow night. Mickey never really got much attention (not like Kathy did, either) so Kathy decided to let her be.

Before she went to bed she thought of this mysterious guy. Mickey had shown her a picture before but she knew nothing about him. She choose not to ask her sister because Mick could get really jealous. This guy sounded really interesting, though. Kathy wouldn't admit it to anyone but she was intrigued.

The next day Kathy got so frustrated, the day was going by so slow and he was the only thing on her mind. She'd never been so into a guy before and she barely knew Radja ! That's why she was so angry at herself, she didn't even know who this guy or anything about him. She didn't even know where he lived, knowing Mickey it was all the way across the world.

Mickey had always had a hard time talking to people in real life so when she was on the computer she'd make tons of friends. Most of her friends were online..

Finally 8 o'clock came around and Kathy called Radja. The phone rang three times and she got a knot in her stomach when he spoke..

"Hello ?"
"Hey." she said shyly.
"Country girl ?" he said with a laugh.
She sighed in relief, he fears immediately disappeared. "Hey there, y'all !"

He laughed and the sound shot through her and made her shiver. She got quiet for a minute, she had never felt this way before and she hated it. She wasn't exactly sure why her stomach was hurting but she ignored it as Radja started a conversation.

"So, Kathy, how are you ?"
"I'm great, Radja, how are you ?"

After they got small talk out of the way, they talked about everything from the moon to shoes. Kathy and Radja talked for four hours without even realizing it. She told him to hold on for a moment so she could go to the bathroom and she saw the clock on her way. They talked from 8 to about 12:30.

She walked back into the room, picked the phone back up.
"Heller ?"
"Hey there."
"Do you know what time it is ?"
"Yes ma'am, I do."
"Don't you have school tomorrow ?"
"I do, but I can stay on the phone."
Kathy laughed, "Go to bed."
"What if I don't want to ?" he said with a hint of flirtation in his voice.
"Well I said go, now go."
He laughed. "Fine, fine. I'll go to bed, but only if you let me call you tomorrow."
Kathy blushed, she was glad he couldn't see her. "Yeah, I'd like that."
He smiled like an idiot, also glad she wasn't there to see. "Alright, goodnight sweetie."

After Radja hung up Kathy laid back on her bed and stared at the ceiling, thinking back over everything. She smiled, put her phone on silent and went to bed thinking about this kid, she had a great night. She didn't even mind that she was going to bed tired in the morning.
♠ ♠ ♠
I didn't include all of the conversation because I don't remember most of it. But, you get the idea. They talked about everything you could think about. Both Kathy and Radja enjoyed the talk and they both started to crush. They didn't want to admit it, but it was happening and happening fast.