‹ Prequel: Miranda's Men
Status: In progress

The Boy Next Door

Red Solo Cup


I marched down the street confidently with my chestnut hair dancing behind me in the wind and with my best friend’s index finger crooked around mine. I was so glad to finally have Leslie by my side, when I needed her most. She looked over at me excitedly, both of us anticipating the night. She was even more stunning in person, especially with that rock on her finger, which managed to sparkle even under the dim streetlamps.

I had taken over an hour to get ready. I wore a skin-tight royal blue cami with dark skinny jeans and black suede wedges that would cut the height difference between Erik and I in half. I gazed at Leslie in her natural glow, wearing barely a swipe of mascara. It certainly worked for her. Maybe one day I'd try it, but not tonight.

As we approached a massive house that was surrounded by people and practically throbbing from the music, I knew we had come to the right place.

“Jesus. Haven’t been to a party like this since high school,” Taylor chirped, staring up in awe at the white Victorian home that towered before us.

“I haven’t been to a party like this ever,” Jenny chimed in response.

“Well then let’s not let a single moment go to waste, shall we?” I asked, cocking a brow. We started up the narrow stone path, and reached the gate where a tall muscular meathead with a shaved head stood menacingly. I dodged his gaze and managed to look around his monstrous figure, scanning the yard for Erik. He had said he’d meet me outside, and seeing as he was even taller than the brute that stood before me, he'd be easy to spot. Yet, he was nowhere to be found.

“Why he-LLO there ladies, what can I do for you?” he asked in a thick smoker’s voice.

“Just waiting for a friend. We have a free pass for four,” I responded firmly, giving him a knowing smile.

Skinhead gave me a derisive smile, beginning to chuckle. “You are a fine bunch of ladies, and I do mean fine,” he drawled, stroking his index finger along my forearm, ”but there are plenty of hotties here, and they all paid their dues. Twenty bucks each.”

I quickly brushed his sausage finger off my arm. I didn't want to play the Erik card, but since he was nowhere in sight, it became necessary. “Well we know Erik Gudbranson.”

This time, a full-blown laugh escaped Skinhead. “Of course you know Gudbranson. Everyone here knows him. You probably won’t get within ten feet of him tonight. Now twenty bucks each, or get the fuck off of my property.”

“Your property?”

“You got it. This is my house, my rules.”

“Well we don’t have any money, and we’re not leaving until you let us in,” I replied, crossing my arms.

He shook his head slowly. “No can do, sweetheart. Unless...you have another form of payment in mind,” he whispered in my ear, snaking his thick arm around my waist.

“Oh hell no,” I shouted, shoving him off me with excessive force. Just as I was about to tear him a new one, I felt a strong hand around my wrist, holding me back. And it wasn’t Skinhead’s.

“Let me go!” I screamed, glaring up at Erik.

“Stop. Just let me handle it,” he replied softly, whose voice served as a sharp contrast of the firm grip he had on my wrist, bruising it by the second.

“Erik! A-are you enjoying the party, bro?” Skinhead stuttered, straightening up and swallowing hard.

“I was,” Erik replied sternly, pressing his lips together and curling them in. I’d seen him make that face a lot; when he was deep thought, when he was listening intently, and now I knew, when he was angry. “Then I saw you hitting on Miranda.”

“Is she...is she your girl?” Skinhead asked. I held my breath, unable to move, my eyes darting back and forth between the two of them. Erik’s grip on my wrist had loosened, but only slightly. Leslie, Jenny and Taylor were behind me, equally silent and equally still. Suddenly, my arm went limp as Erik gently released my wrist, sliding his warm hand down and lacing his fingers through mine. “Yeah, she is.”

Behind me, Taylor let out a stifled squeal. If I had been able to move, I would have given her a glare from hell – but I was numb. All I could focus on was Erik’s rough hand and how much heat it bled. It made my mind wander, wondering how much heat the rest of his body gave off.

I was broken out of my stupor when I saw Skinhead’s face turn white as a ghost, and I bit my lip to hold back a laugh. “Dude, I am so, so sorry! I had no idea. I just thought that you were, I mean, that you didn’t...I am so sorry! Come on in ladies, let me get the five of you a beer. Bro!" Skinhead barked at a smaller, younger looking version of himself to take his spot as he marched through the crowd and towards the house.

“We’re both going to have to pretend that I’m your ‘girl’ now, you know,” I murmured to Erik as we followed Skinhead through the crowd. I tried to release my hand from his, but he only curled his fingers tighter against my own.

“Why, you embarrassed to be seen with me?” he asked, a playful smile on his lips.

I gave him a sardonic smile back. “No. If anything, I thought you’d be embarrassed to be seen with me.”

His brow furrowed. “You kidding? Why?”

“Well, with the flocks of gorgeous girls here who you could have in your bed at the drop of a hat, why would you want some other girl hanging on your arm all night?”

“Come on, I thought you knew me better than that,” he replied, with a hint of disappointment in his voice. But when I looked up to meet his eyes, they were soft. He leaned in, his mouth millimeters from my ear. “Besides, you give all these girls a run for their money.”

My mouth dropped open and I gave him a cunning look. “With a line like that, how am I supposed to know any better than that?”

He laughed, releasing my hand from his and instead curling his arm around my side. Since he was still much taller than me, even in my wedges, I would have pictured it to be awkward. But it was perfect. His large hand fit perfectly in the curve of my waist, and his fingers settled on my hip.

While Skinhead was off pouring us some drinks, we approached Ryan and Greg. Since Ryan had been so uncontrollably drunk on our previous outing, I had never noticed how handsome he was. He wore a navy blue Henley that hugged his upper body, his jaw was strong and angled, and his short blonde hair that stood gently on end looked less as a result of product, and more as a result of bed-head. Greg’s A’s cap was backwards on his head, hanging on for dear life to his short dark hair. His black v-neck made his olive skin look even darker, and his green eyes met mine as we came towards them.

“Hey guys, just so you know we had to tell Chad that Miranda’s my girlfriend in order to get them all in, so play along.” Skinhead’s name was Chad. I nearly gagged. I would have assumed he was a douchebag by his name alone. Erik wrapped his arm tighter around me, and when I caught Greg’s gaze, he gave me a knowing smirk.

“Yeah, no problem.” Ryan stepped closer, and a wave of Abercrombie cologne washed over me. “So Miranda, who are your lovely friends?” he nearly shouted over the loud music.

“Oh! Of course, where are my manners? Guys, these are my best friends, Leslie, Taylor and Jenny,” I said cheerily, motioning to them one at a time. “Girls, this is Ryan, Greg, and you’ve met Erik.”

“Nice to meet you,” Greg said boyishly, despite his booming voice.

Feeling both Taylor and Jenny frantically tap my shoulder at the same time, I tossed my hair back. “Alright boyfriend, how about the three of you go find Chad and figure out what the hell is taking him so long? We're parched!”

Erik bowed. "Your wish is my command, sweetheart," he added with a wink.

I giggled and the three boys took off towards the keg. Taylor quickly leaned in to the group. “So can we please discuss how lucky you are to have a guy like that with his arm around you?”

“Please, it’s all an act.”

“I don’t know...that asshole bouncer guy was nowhere to be found, and Erik still had his arm around you like he was never letting go.”

I shrugged. So Erik had a couple of beers in him, and maybe he was getting into the charade, but I didn’t want to read in to the situation whatsoever. As the saying went, assuming makes an ass out of you and me. I quickly changed the subject, clearing my throat. “So what do you think of Greg and Ryan?”

“They seem really nice...” Jenny began.

“And hot,” Taylor interrupted matter-of-factly, resting an arm on Leslie’s shoulder. “Shotgun Ryan!” she exclaimed, shooting the hand she had rested on Leslie's shoulder up in the air.

“Fine with me, I think Greg is cuter anyways,” Jenny replied spiritedly, sticking her tongue out at Taylor, who ran a hand through her long pin-straight blonde hair.

“Yeah, Greg’s a babe, but he seems kind of quiet. Ryan was putting on the moves before he’d even blinked, and I like a guy who takes charge.” She winked, and just as she turned around, Ryan placed a solo cup full to the brim in her hand. She gave him a devilish smile, and he put an arm around her, the two beginning a private conversation.

As the others began to chat, Erik handed me a drink. He gulped down half of his cup immediately, leaning on me like a crutch when he came up for air. “Jesus, how many have you had?”

He shrugged nonchalantly. “I lost count.”

“What happened to keeping your beer gut under control?” I asked amusedly, patting his stomach. As I expected, it was slightly bloated, but practically a cinderblock.

“I’ll just work it off at the gym tomorrow.”

“At this rate I doubt you’ll want to be anywhere near a gym tomorrow.”

He cocked a brow. “Challenge accepted! You and me. Gym. Tomorrow. I expect your A-game, missy, because I’ll be bringing mine.”

I shook my head, holding back a giggle. “No way.”

He smirked, moving his arm from my waist to around my shoulder. “Wow, I had you all wrong, Randa. Thought you were always up for a challenge.”

I paused, biting my lip and gazing up at him through my lashes. “I pick my battles. But for some reason I always seem to pick the ones that involve you.” He craned his neck, his brows rising. He was intrigued. His smile rose slowly and he held my gaze.

When Chad broke through the crowd and came into view, he released my shoulder and took my hand gently, stroking my hand with his thumb. I tried to ignore the numbness that was taking over my body by focusing on the conversation between Greg and Leslie.

“So you could have gotten deported? That’s crazy.” Greg took a swig of his beer, and our eyes met for what seemed like the hundredth time that night.

“Yeah I know, happy to finally be living there legally!” Leslie replied with a giggle.

“Well you look like an illegal immigrant to me. I think you need to prove you’re a real American now,” Ryan added.

Leslie relished the moment, lifting her solo cup. “Well, cheers then! Cheers to beer, and fast food, and an economy in the crapper!”

The group laughed, and we all raised our cups simultaneously. “Cheers!” we all chimed simultaneously, taking a drink.

* * *

Late night had turned to early morning, and the place was even more packed than before. We had relocated to the backyard for fresh air, the odd raindrop landing on our noses. Ryan and Taylor were nestled together on the edge of a picnic table, whispering to each other. Greg and Jenny were standing together and talking casually, while Leslie showed off her engagement ring to a throng of girls, they faces close to her hand in admiration. Erik had made small talk with practically every guest the whole night, but he made a point of never letting me leave his side. Whenever he introduced me, he never introduced me as his friend, or his girlfriend, for that matter. I was always just, 'Miranda'. I'd received a few confused looks, and a few sharp ones from my female counterparts, but I had brushed them all off.

We'd made a total of six trips to the keg, and I was as good as drunk. Erik had sometimes downed one cup before I'd even filled up my own, and he'd consumed a number before I'd even got there. Despite everything, he was gone, but coherent. “Time for a refill. Come with me,” Erik whispered into my ear, that entire side of my body tingling. I nodded dumbly, and Erik guided me into the house.

As Erik slapped hands with partygoer after partygoer, and I received even more dirty looks from the females scattered across the crowded Victorian, I constantly reminded myself of who was holding my hand. I reminded myself of who was whispering in my ear, who was stroking my waist. It’s just Erik. It’s just Erik. No one had ever made me numb or made me tremble like Erik had, from only a touch or a whisper. Not Dave, not Grey, not anyone. What was wrong with me? I was the one who made guys weak, not the other way around. And it was over a guy I’d blown snot bubbles with as a kid.

We reached the keg, and Erik took my cup and filled it first. I surveyed the crowd, who started roaring when Red Solo Cup came over the speakers. I smiled and watched as a group of girls in front of me starting reciting the words of the first verse off by heart, and I was struck with a wave of nausea when I saw who was standing directly behind them.

Now a red solo cup is the best receptacle
For barbecues, tailgates, fairs and festivals...

Right in my line of sight, standing around with four of his friends I had met several times before, was Grey.

And you, sir, do not have a pair of testicles
If you prefer drinking from glass...

“Omigod,” I exhaled, ducking my head, unsure of what to do.

“What? What is it?”

I subtly motioned over to Grey, who was clearly scoping out the crowd with his buds, trying to find his prize of the night. I tried not to imagine him already trying to hook up after only being broken up for 48 hours. When Erik spotted him, his jaw tightened, and his lips curled inward. After staring over at Grey for a few moments, his eyes lit up, and a sly smile crept over his face. Erik took both our drinks and placed them on the table. His face had softened. “Kiss me.”

I stifled a laugh. “You’re drunker than I thought.”

Red solo cup, I fill you up...

I turned back towards the group, but he grabbed my hand. “Seriously! Kiss me.” He stepped closer, and I stepped back. “It’ll piss him the hell off, seeing you here. With me.”

“Oh, cause you’re the hottest guy here, right?”

He rolled his eyes. “Not what I meant.”

I couldn’t control my smile, pressing my fingers to my lips, trying to physically wipe it away. “No! I won’t.”

"Then why are you smiling?”

“No!” I said more firmly, my smile gone.

"Give me one good reason why not." Yeah, Miranda, why not?? It'd only been what I was waiting to do for the past few days. Only there were too many people there, and he was too drunk to realize the consequences. There was also that factor, that he was too drunk. I was too drunk. But when had that ever stopped me? Why did it matter now? Suddenly, as he gently removed my fingers from my lips, taking both of my hands in his, he was steadier than a brick wall. He leaned closer, and I felt my breath stand still in my chest. “Don’t hesitate. He’ll know." I stared up at him, his brown eyes practically swimming. His face had gotten even closer. "Do it before he looks. He’ll definitely see us, we’re right near him.” He brought one of his hands to my cheek, letting it graze my jaw and finally settle on the back of my neck. His fingertips gently touched my hairline. “Do it,” he whispered, his hot breath tickling my face. I shuddered, and he smirked triumphantly.

I love you red solo cup, I lift you up...

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Grey finish off his beer. He'd be headed to the keg any second. And Erik was right. I knew for a fact that Grey knew who Erik was, and based on his reaction towards Greg when nothing had even happened between us, seeing me making out with Erik Gudbranson would make him explode. My insides stirred like a blender, begging for me to do it before they all turned to mush. I quickly composed myself, sighing and rolling my eyes. I placed my hands on his shoulders, rolled onto the tips of my toes, and gave him a lingering peck. “There. Happy?”

The corner of his mouth twitched into a smile, and he shook his head. “No, not like that.” I looked over at Grey, who was frozen in place, his gaze fixed on me. Erik turned my head back towards him, and now my body was entirely pressed against him. Every place his skin came into contact with mine, I could practically feel the electricity surging through me. With his index finger on my jaw, he tilted my chin up towards him. “Like this.”

And then he kissed me.

The moment our lips met, the sparks of electricity ignited into a full-blown flame. Before I could stop it, I elicited a moan. His lips moved perfectly in sync with mine, like we’d been doing it together for years. It would have easily fooled Grey, but I wasn't even thinking about him. I wasn't thinking about my friends, or Erik's friends, who were outside, unaware of the entire charade. I wasn't thinking about anything. I was only aware of Erik, bringing my hand to the back of his neck, pulling him closer, while his arms wrapped around the circumference of my body. When his lips parted, and I parted mine in response, I expected his tongue to push against my own. But it didn’t. Even in his drunken state, he wasn’t crossing the boundaries of our little game and doing anything more than he needed to. Just as an inch of skin exposed itself between my jeans and the black lace of my top, I felt Erik’s fingers against my bare hips, wrapping around my belt loops. I quickly broke away from him, completely breathless. “God, I need that drink,” I managed to exhale in one quick, outward breath.

His laugh was full and happy, and I turned my head to the table and leaned back to grab my cup while he place two quick kisses on my jaw and neck. When I handed him his cup, he screeched “LET'S HAVE A PARTY!” along with Toby Keith and the rest of the room, his fist in the air. I giggled and caught his gaze, which had suddenly fallen as his eyes traveled along my face. I froze, my cup-in-hand pausing mid-air. He bit his lip, and just as he began to lean closer, I was knocked sideways.

Beside me, two bodies were tangled in each other. Fists were flying. The room erupted in shouting and screaming. The keg had tumbled off the table and punctured, spraying across the room. Beer was everywhere. It was a complete mob scene. I tasted blood. Before I could process what was going on, Leslie had grabbed my arm, tugging me away from it all. She was shouting something to me, but my ears were deafened. My body stumbled and collided with several other ones on the way out. Outside, the cool summer breeze tickled my skin. It was the last thing I remembered before I hit the ground.