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A New Kind of Lethargic

Chapter One: The Beast And The Harlot

Rain+me+an over two hundred dollar just fixed Ipod=a pissed off wet cat demon on her period.
That was how I felt as I ran on the side of the streets of Walker , trying not to fall in a ditch and mess up my khahki uniform pants. Mom would kill and have my brother hide my body if I destroyed yet another pair of fifty dollar pants.
My best friend Morgan's Pod was in my hand, seeing as I jsut picked it up from the repair shop and I was on my way to give it to her. I was also spending the weekend with her so we could wach Adult Swim anime the following morning.
All I knew was that Morgan owed me her life for making me run around Walker in the rain. For most of you who don't know about my town, there are no sidewalks ,so, this little stunt was VERY dangerous.
My fancy footworking was hardly a match for the conniving mud and I could tell I was losing the fight ,judging by the mud on my pants that went to my knees.
', Dammit! Moms' gonna kill me dead! Thanks ,Morgan, you better bring my dead corpse back from the grave,' I mentally shook my fist in the air to emphasize my point.
I stopped my feet when I got in front of Harris's Grocery so could get some air and possibly a bag of cheetos. I felt as if I needed a reward.
I huffed and placed my dainty teenaged hands on my knees as I entered my faorite mom and pop store. I couldn't remember the last time I ran so far, apple repair was a good mile away from Morgan's house. Ahhh, the things I do for my friends....
I heard chuckling from the counter and lifted my upperbody up to eye shane , my crush and the bag boy of Hariss's, with chick venom.
",What ,are you running from your mom again?" He asked with a grin.
I pouted at him and said ", No, as a matter of fact, I'm doing a favor for Morgan," My face fell ",Wich I now regret."
Shane chuckled as his attention turned back to the small t.v. Harris kept on the counter above the register.
His face turned from light and fun to serious. ", You know that 'L' guy, right?" He asked.
Of couse I had heard of him. He was my hero. I nodded. ", What about him?"
He pointed to the news. ", He's solved another one. Honestly, I don't know how this guy does it. It's like he knows everything," He said with a hint of envy.
I smiled. ", A real life Sherlock Holmes. I think he's awesome," I then ran off to get my chips and back. It was a small store.
Shane rang it up and bagged it for me. ", So, what are you and Morgan getting into this weekend?" he asked as I paid.
I shrugged. ",Anime and studying I guess. The usual," I grabbed the plastic bag and crumpled up the recipt.
Shane shook his brunnette head at me. ",You guys are so predictable,"
I put on a face of mock outrage. ",And here I thought I kept ya on your toes.." I said. ",Wellp, I gotta go, before Morgan comes hunting for her Ipod. Bye, Shane," I called turning on my heels and running back into the rain.
I barely saw him give a short wave with a goofy grin on his pretty face. I swear if my dad wouldn't have gutted him like a pig, I would've asked him out. But, I don't, ya know. For his safety....
I continued my walk to Morgan's eating cheetos as I went. They were all gone by the time I got to my friends' house, wich made her whine as I walked inside and answered her question about getting one.
I tossed the orange bag in the garbage and followed Morgan to her room sucking on my fingers as I went.
Once in the room, I tossed the Ipod on her quilted bed and took off my wet clothes.
Morgan saw this and put a hand over her glasses. ", Dude, I could live my whole life without seeing that," She complained.
I giggled as I pulled out an old digimon shirt and short shorts I had stashed in her closet.
Morgan plugged her Ipod into her Ihome and played some good ole Avenged Sevenfold as I plopped down on her bed and cuddled a pikachu plushie.
", Thanks again for picking up my Ipod," Morgan said as she pulled out a copy of Bleach manga.
I groaned 'Your welcome' from my spot on the brunnette's bed. I soon fell asleep with my head stuffed in pikachu's neck. Green Day's Boulevard of broken dreams lulled me into my dreams of being a super detective/lawyer fighting crime alongside L.
In my dream, L had really big musccles and Shane's swooshy hair and face. At the begining of the dream, two bank robbers were trying to rob a lil old lady and I just couldn't leave her like that. I pulled out an amped up sling shot and began firing paperbalss at the crooks. The lil old lady ran of shouting thank you but I jsut kept beating up the bad guys with paper.
Eventually, the robbers passed out in exaustion and I tied them up for the police. Instead of the police, L showed up and saw what I did.
With both hands on his supersuit (we were both wearing one) he asked if I wanted to be his sidekick in the battle against treachory. I said yes and from that day forth, we saved the world from evil and lived happily ever after, The End!
I woke up from that dream giggling from my own random dreams. My phone was going off with my mom's ringtone, and I laughed as I picked it up.
Morgan looked at me with questioning eyes. I looked back at her. ",Don't ask," I giggled as I flipped the phone open and pressed talk.
",Hello, Mom? What's up?"I asked.
",Reina, Honey, I need you to come home," She said ,her voice shaking.
,"Mom, what's wrong?" I said instantly worried.
", Your dad's home," She said.
Woohoo! Daddy's home! Presents!! But, why isn't mom happy?
She took a second to soak in my confusion and answered my unasked question. ",We're moving, sweetie,"
I could feel my whole world shatter.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, I believe this is slightly better than the prologue...
Read Comment and subscribe... next chapter has a little plot but its not like real plot if ya get me. the chapter after that will be plot though...but i wont post until I get three pity comments flames are welcome.. I use the to roast marshmallows for L.
Oh yeah any1 like the dream? m high on lil debbie cakes so yeah...