Status: Writing in progress.

My, Such a Sweet Thing


“...and you’ll be okay whist I’m gone?” Gerard looked at Alicia, biting his lower lip as he did so. She nodded in reply, a piece of hair falling in front of her eyes in the process.

“I’ll see you soon.” He gently brushed the hair from her face and tenderly kissed her forehead; he made sure that Alicia was all wrapped up and warm before he left their room and headed up the stairs – his room was in the basement- almost running into his younger brother in the process.

“Whoa!” The younger laughed. “Where are you going in such a hurry?”

“I need to head to school to pick up some stuff from Alicia’s locker for her....”
Gerard didn’t even have time to finish his sentence before his brother answered. “Is she okay? Why isn’t she at school?” A small frown adored Mikey’s face.

“She’ll be okay, just isn’t feeling too good right now.” Both brothers nodded to each other before exchanging farewells, Gerard walked to his car and started driving the short journey to Alicia’s school.

Meanwhile, back at the Way household Mikey slowly descended down the stairs – careful not to make too much noise- and into his brother’s bedroom to find Alicia on the bed covered in a blanket, a hot water bottle clutched close to her.
“....hey” It was almost a whisper; however a whisper it may have been but Alicia heard it.
Opening her eyes she glanced over to Mikey who was standing by the doorway, a small “hey” escaping her lips in reply.

Mikey took that as an ‘okay’ to go in as he slowly made his way over to the bed where the girl lay weakly. “How are you?” A frown once again adoring his face as he gently stroked the fertile’s silky hair.

“Y’know, could be better..... Fertile problems.” A soft laugh followed as she moved the hot water bottle closer to her stomach; shivering she wrapped the blanket tighter around herself.

“Come here.” He lay down – half propped up by the pillows – and slowly brought Alicia closer to him, her head on his chest as he held her close – trying to help her get warm. Silence filled the air. Alicia traced patterns on Mikey’s stomach with her fingertips while he stroked her hair. If a stranger were to see them, they’d have thought they were a couple. But unfortunately, they weren’t- much to Mikey’s dismay – and Alicia’s, although she tried to not admit it.

“Y’know.... I sometimes wish I were my brother.” Mikey sighed, bringing the fertile closer to him as he did so. “He just seems to be a perfect dom... He has the looks; he’s feared, he’s looked up to...Most of all, though....” He paused, closing his eyes as if doing so would wash away the fear – the fear of rejection. “...He’s been matched to the girl. The most beautiful girl in the world.” He gulped. “The girl... The girl whom I love.”

A soft gasp escaped the lips of the fertile in his arms, her eyes wide with surprise. She was speechless. Her fiancé’s brother has just admitted he loves her. What can she say to that?

Actions speak louder than words.

She didn’t even think, just listened to her heart. She slowly sat up, the blanket now wrapped loosely around her waist. Mikey’s heart was pounding, instantly he regretted his words as the girl moved out of his arms. However, he was now the one gasping – gasping as the fertile slowly pressed her soft lips to his.

It took a while for him to respond, but when he did he wrapped his arms around her waist and gently pulled her closer. Slightly deepening the kiss as her arms wrapped loosely around his neck, his tongue gently running over her lower lip – asking for permission to take it further. They both knew it was wrong, but neither broke the kiss. His tongue hesitantly explored the younger’s mouth, licking at certain parts that made her whimper softly – a noise he would never get tired of.

Alicia had waited so long for this. She knew it was wrong- she couldn’t stop thinking about how Gerard would react if he found out. Would he be angry? Would he be sad? She couldn’t help but consider giving into the nagging feeling in the back of her mind; however her heart would not let her.

The kiss slowly became more tender and loving. Mikey stroked at Alicia’s hips as their lips slowly broke apart, their eyes meeting for the first time. Both were blushing. Neither said a word.

The silence eventually had to be broken; tension was in the air.
“This is so wrong!” The fertile whispered, her lips ghosting over his.

Mikey nodded in agreement – it was wrong. “It doesn’t have to be wrong though... Nobody has to find out.” He slowly brushed her hair away from her eyes, gazing into them.

“I don’t want to hurt Gee.” Her voice was shaky. She couldn’t hurt Gee – not in a million years. “I care about him...” She sighed softly. “I just don’t /love/ him.”

“He will understand.” Mikey paused. “If he loves you, he will understand.” It was obvious to both of them that Alicia and Gerard’s love was mostly for show. Neither cared about each other anymore than what a brother and sister would. Except the only difference being that a brother a sister’s relationship wouldn’t be as ‘intimate’. Intimate excluding the ‘sex’ part. Both were virgins – saving themselves for the right time, with the right person. To anyone else the right person would obviously be seen as each other, except Gerard and Alicia just weren’t ready for that type of intimacy – and probably never would be.

“So no one can know?” Alicia looked at Mikey, biting her lip gently.

He nodded in reply. “No one can know....It won’t always be like this, I promise. As soon as you finish school, we’re out of here - running away together. Away from the people who will judge us for our forbidden love. To start a new life – together.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Some Mikey/Alicia fluff for you all:3

Thanks to:
Battery Imploder
For the kind comments(: