I'm Falling Down, Fall With Me?

I'm Nothing. Just Bleeding.

Mia’s P.O.V

Death is like a closed door; only the truly lost dare open it.

I gripped the cold rail tightly and swung my legs as they dangled loosely over the bridge. I glanced down at my ripped and faded black converses and the stretch of air between my feet and the sea.

This was it, if I jumped I died.

I smiled at how easy it was. A spray of cold sea air blew my hair into my face and in that moment I knew there was no better place to die, heaven was on earth, and I was staring right at it. The sea was a beautiful haven, the way it floated so delicately and peaceful, it reminded me of my old self... Before I had scars on my arm...Before I couldn’t sleep... Before the dark twisted thoughts... I couldn’t help but look down at the scars on my arms, I didn’t want to die looking at these reminders of my pain; I pulled my sleeve down over them and turned to face the sea again.I made a promise to myself that I wasn’t going to think about this before I die, I want to die peaceful and happy, so instead I turned my thoughts back to the sea and remembered the first time I had ever come here, with my dad. I felt hot tears run down my face.

Happy tears.

I must have been sitting up here for at least an hour now, waiting for the right moment. I looked up and watched the stars light up the darkness, everything was so much more beautiful at night but it was the day that scared me the most. They say you're life flashes before your eyes, I was glad it didn’t though. Why would I want to watch my life flash before my eyes, when I was dying so I could get away from it?

My heart started beating rapidly in my chest; I was excited; this was the end. The end of everything. I was ready to leave; I could finally escape from this life, from this prison in my head.

Frank's P.O.V

I gripped the steering wheel tightly as I mentally tried, and failed, to slow my heart beat down. I couldn't believe it was actually over. Jamia and Frank. That’s how it always was, Jamia and Frank, together forever.
We had gotten into yet another argument about my band, I was sick of fighting so I told her I didn't want to be with her anymore and I drove off. I feel like such a fucking prick but she’s just always so up in my face, it’s just too much sometimes, she told me to choose the band or her.

She didn't want to start a family with me knowing that I wouldn't be home all the time, I would be touring. But I needed this band; she never understood how much it meant to me. She was asking me to choose between her and music. Music was breathing to me, it was what I lived for, getting up on stage every night and playing my heart out was the reason I got out of bed every morning. If she loved me, why would she want to take that away from me?

I glanced down at my phone '11 missed calls'. I chucked it to the floor of my car so I didn't have to look at it, instead I concentrated on the road, I had no fucking idea where I was going, all I knew was that I was going somewhere.
I reached the bridge, and looked out to the side -wait. Was that a person on the railing? I stared intently on the black blur sitting up on the railing; that was definitely a person. They looked ready to jump. I slammed on the brakes and practically flung myself out the door.I didn't know what the fuck I was planning on doing, but I had to do something, Gerard my best mate went through all this, and he said that he just wanted to feel like somebody cared, cared if he didn’t wake up the next morning.

The person was a girl, I could only see the back of her but she had long black hair that was whipping around with the wind.

"Please- don't jump", I tried to keep the trembling out of my voice, but even I heard how scared it sounded.

She whipped around, tears were pouring from her eyes, and her mascara was running down her face, she was definitely pretty. Her eyes were big and blue, her lips full and pink, and not the normal 'hot' girl you normally see around Jersey, this girl was more Goth.

"Stay away-please, just- just get back in your car and pretend you never saw me" Like hell I'd do that. She tried to sound tough, but in my eyes it only made her sound more fragile. Her eyes were dark and pleading and reminded me of Gerard so much that I almost screamed his name.

"I can help you, please- just get down", I said softly walking slowly toward her, she turned around to face the sea again, I saw it happen before it did, she flung herself off just as I leapt forward and grabbed her around the waist. I pulled her towards me and over the railing so she was safe with both feet on the bridge. She started hitting me forcefully trying to get out of my grasp.

"Let me go -please!" She screamed, I tightened my grip around her, she was quite small and weak so her hits didn't hurt, I think it hurt her more than it hurt me.

"Stop it- I'm not gonna let you go, so don't even bother with this", I said more forcefully than I felt. She stopped hitting, and crumbled in my arms, her tears soaking my shirt. She was shaking from crying and shivering from the cold, I held her closer trying to warm her up.

"What the fucks wrong with me?" She whispered between heavy breaths. Even though I didn't know her, I did know one thing.

"Nothing’s wrong with you", I whispered back.

I come alive,
When I’m falling down.
I let myself go,
'Til I hit the ground.
When I’m there, at the edge,
In this moment I feel it I know.
Come alive when I’m falling down.
♠ ♠ ♠
First chapter, whaddya think?
Lyrics: The Used- I come alive
and the title: The Used- Kissing you goodbye